
Showing posts with the label Justice

Orphaned Alan Bell Artwork 4

No less than four of Uncle George’s discoveries this week. To quote George himself: "These four, all from one edition, suggest to me an elderly chap enjoying his domestic guardianship of two nubile teens." Or (my suggestion) could this be the Rev Tristram Smithers with two of his Young Adventurers? Either way, it’s crying out for a story to explain what’s going on if anyone feels like getting creative… First up, The Punishment Begins : Secondly Sometimes More Intense Than Others : Thirdly Those Faithful Footsteps on the Stairs :   Finally After a Bath and Off to Bed : Some thorough drying with talc and towel before the hiker's friend, vasaline (sic), comes into use …

Orphaned Alan Bell Artwork 3

Two more Alan Bell drawings unearthed by Uncle George. A couple of school-related ones from a single Justice magazine. This one is titled Teacher’s First Lesson : This pair of miscreants have had to report to the gymnasium for the first lesson of the day. The first exercise is to do a handstand and then be caned bare bottom in that position. One girl has already completed the exercise and is now perched on the wall-bars as her friend gets the same treatment. The second one is titled Night Duty : This one reminds me of Rosemead School for Girls . Perhaps the horrible Third Form boys raided the dorm earlier… “They would run through the dorm throwing water on the girls in their beds, and flicking them with ‘rats tails’ made out of towels, and then disappear. The Duty Master would come to investigate the disturbance and, as often as not, the girls would be punished for making a noise after Lights Out.” In any event, having sev...

Orphaned Alan Bell Artwork 2

Two more Alan Bell drawings unearthed by Uncle George. A couple of church-related ones from a single Justice magazine. The first one is titled Four-Star Treatment : An intriguing set up in a vestry/ringing chamber with four young ladies (choirgirls?), three in stockings and one in socks, very clearly under the control of a portly, balding older man (the choirmaster, vicar or verger?) wearing some sort of bib or tabard. One girl has already been neatly folded into a loop in a bell-rope, knickers down, with a cane dangling from the end of the rope. From the stripes on her bottom, it looks like it has already been used. The man, meanwhile, is busy getting a second blushing girl into a similar position. Her surplice with a frilled ruff is the clearest sign that these may be choirgirls. In the background, the other two girls appear to have already been dealt with. Their surplices are hanging on pegs, their knickers are down and their...

Orphaned Alan Bell Artwork 1

Following my post of some Alan Bell drawings from Justice 32 , Uncle George has kindly sent me some scans of additional orphaned Alan Bell works from Justice and other mags that weren’t previously on my radar. These three came from the same magazine. Firstly, a couple of linked subtitled drawings under the heading A Nurses “Tail” : With young doctors it’s usually a spanking With the older, more experienced consultants it’s likely to be a tawse belt or cane Then a standalone subtitled schoolgirl drawing from later in the magazine: The area of the punishment must always be closely inspected to ensure it has had the desired effect!! Many thanks to Uncle George for bringing these delightful drawings to our attention. More to follow over the next few weeks.

Artwork — Justice 32

Continuing on the theme of orphaned artwork not connected to a specific story or comic strip, here are three fabulous drawings by the illustrator for early Blushes (I think maybe Alan Bell), which were featured in issue 32 of Justice magazine. Each of them tells a story in itself. Firstly, here is Prefects Report (the Volunteer) , updated Jan-25 thanks to a better version kindly sent by Uncle George: What is going on here? The headmaster stands, hands on hips holding a cane, surrounded by a group of girls — three senior-looking ones (prefects?) one of whom is holding a report, and seven younger plump-bottomed girls in vest and pants, one of whom has her hand up to volunteer. What is she volunteering for? Is this a group punishment and she has offered to go first, or is she volunteering to offer up the name of the culprit the Head is looking for (possibly the girl on her left, hence her alarmed look)? Are those punishment marks a...