
Showing posts with the label Uncle

Linda’s Column

From Blushes Supplement 4 Prompted by the  remark from G.P. (Hants) that one of the girls in a photo series in Blushes Supplement 2 looked ‘put-upon but plucky’, attributes which persuaded him that she ought to be ‘well whipped, eighteen strokes at least,’ and encouraged by comments about the same girl from other correspondents, we decided to approach Linda (the ‘put-upon’ girl in Blushes Supplement 2) with a proposition. Since she seemed to have made an impression on a number of readers, we said, would she consider entering into an arrangement whereby she would agree to be the photographic subject of situations we were asked to illustrate by individual readers ‘requesting’ certain themes which they would find particularly titillating? Linda, who is an unassuming girl and who can only be described as a professional model at all by virtue of the two or three assignments she has had with Blushes, was at first dubious and then d

Kikki Kikki

From Blushes Supplement 2 Kikki wasn’t her real name, yet it suited her dark, pretty looks, her slightly snub nose — spattered in summer with freckles — and the air of naive, fey wondering that came over her oval face often enough now, her lips parting as though she were about to speak but did not know what to say. Kikki had earned her name when she began to discover that it was not only her lips that were to remain parted sometimes. Being taken to a party that was all for ‘grown-ups’ as far as she was concerned — for everyone else there seemed to be at least forty — had started it. People had begun to dance and kiss at the same time, but Kikki wouldn’t dance and she didn’t know where to look. ‘It’s not your scene, is it?’ a voice had asked her, and Kikki had looked up to see one of the ladies’ husbands smiling down at her peering right into the neckline of her dress — the first low one she had worn. Not knowing how to reply,

A Justifiable Cause

Story from Whispers 5 ‘Your aunt has left this matter entirely in my hands, Elizabeth. I want you to understand that.’ She stood in the middle of the sitting-room, feeling quite desolate. So alone. Mrs Mason was not her aunt, nor was her husband her uncle. It was only custom over the years that had given them such nominations. Elizabeth knew she was alone. Her report lay on the table. An indictment… She knew she had not done well last term. But her mind had been so much on other things. She was sixteen now, growing up. Other girls at the school had parents. Love and attention. She was alone. That was very difficult to adjust to when one finally became aware of it. No family. Just a tiny individual in a vast world. An uncaring universe, indeed. ‘I… I have tried, Uncle,’ she found herself saying, ‘but… but I have not been… well… feeling at my best… this term…’ ‘Not at your best?’ Uncle Walter’s eyebrows went up in astoni