Teen Queen Trials

From Blushes 26, continued from Teen Queen But what exactly was the situation? With regard to the Bilton Bodstock Teen Queen Contest? What was the exact state of play? Mrs Melanie Simmonds was wondering and so was daughter Tracy. And so also no doubt were various other hopeful mothers and daughters. You knew of course that there had to be a public contest, the contestants parading on the stage in the town hall with everyone watching, and then the three judges making their considered and momentous decision. Oh yes, you knew that. But you also knew, if you knew anything, that that was not how it really worked. You knew that really the girl who won was the one who had most impressed the judges in private beforehand. Anyone who knew anything knew that that was how Beauty Contests were won. More to the point it was the one who had impressed the most important of the judges. Yes. And the most important in the Bilton Bodstock contest w...