How I Discovered CP
An interview with Janus illustrator Paula Meadows, from Janus 29. There are some girls for whom the drama of discipline and corporal punishment is not a dread penalty but a reward — among the ripest fruits of a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. We men, the seekers of CP experiences, are in turn being sought, albeit more subtly as is the way of a woman, by females whose desire to receive correction is every bit as intense as our delight in administering punishment. It would be a fallacy to imagine otherwise. We at Janus have met many girls who frequently and regularly submit to CP from men, out of their own need for the pleasure which pain alone can bring. One of these young ladies is Paula Meadows, the feminine half of our team of Janus illustrators and the sole contributor of artwork to issues 14 - 23, and to this issue too. Apart from being an extremely talented illustrator and painter with a wonderful visual