Orphaned Alan Bell Artwork 1

Following my post of some Alan Bell drawings from Justice 32, Uncle George has kindly sent me some scans of additional orphaned Alan Bell works from Justice and other mags that weren’t previously on my radar. These three came from the same magazine.

Firstly, a couple of linked subtitled drawings under the heading A Nurses “Tail”:

With young doctors it’s usually a spanking

With the older, more experienced consultants it’s likely to be a tawse belt or cane

Then a standalone subtitled schoolgirl drawing from later in the magazine:

The area of the punishment must always be closely inspected to ensure it has had the desired effect!!

Many thanks to Uncle George for bringing these delightful drawings to our attention. More to follow over the next few weeks.


  1. The third of these pieces is a favourite of mine. For me, the man with the trim schoolgirl dangling over his knee, her bum nestled between his thighs, rather resembles the chap in Blushes 1, someone who clearly also relishes administering spankings OTK (and the same fellow who deals with Cook and Simpson in the Roue video, 'Afternoon Detention'): https://room2dspanking. Tblogspot.com/2023/05/the-world-has-bad-day.html?m=1
    In the drawing, I like how he's placing one hand on the girl's pretty head, against the dishevelled blonde hair which is doubtless damp with the sweat of her ordeal. Her expression of woe as he ritualistically pulls down her panties is just right. We can see from the glow on her bottom that the smacking she's got so far, over her knickers, has been highly localised. Now that he's got her bum bare he might intensify his efforts.

    1. Yes it’s a nicely dismissive shoving of her head out of the way as part of fixing her in place to lay into her bare bottom. Seems she needs firmly locking in position for this next phase of hitting her. She’s no doubt been making a silly little fuss and is not taking her punishment nicely. One of those pesky wriggly ones. She’s probably been trying to twist round to see what’s next for her poor bottom. Face forward girl! It is so disrespectful the way some teenage girls misbehave when they’re being dealt with. So childish. And dim - it only earns a girl ‘extras’ before ‘the other’.


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