Story from Roué 23. Could this possibly be a sighting of Verushka Granchova who we saw in Under the Hammer in Janus, and Comrade Verushka , Isolation Wing and The Unseen Eye in Blushes Supplement? A room. A bed with a white coverlet turned neatly back, bed-linen crisp, pillow plump. Varnished floorboards, slippery under the rug, a blind at the window pulled partway down, institutional green. An institutional room. A photograph in a plain frame on a cabinet beside the bed, a girl smiling at the camera. Books on a desk, clothes in an open wardrobe, an upright wooden chair. A pair of knickers turned half inside-out, forsaken on the shiny floor. The door is ajar, and beyond is a corridor. Outside this room a girl leans her back and her bottom against the wall, long legs propping her at an angle, one knee slightly overlapping the other so that her air of waiting has a suggest...