A delightful story with captioned illustrations from Uniform Girls 1. This post has been keenly anticipated since a photo was trailed in the Comments to St Probyn’s Penitentiary . Nurse Mandy Ross (known to her fellow Trainee Nurses as ‘Randy’) sat bowed over her small table-desk at the end of Ward D. Green-shaded lamp-light fell softly on the papers and lists before her. Gosh, how confusing it all was! Though you would never believe it, there was always so much going on. Patients had to be attended to at certain times, pills had to be handed out, injections given, and one could not afford to make mistakes about such things. Mandy was almost beginning to regret that she had joined. Still, there was a compassionate side to her, so what she was training to do was immensely satisfying. Far better than being in some awful typing pool or pressing idiot buttons on a computer. Luckily for Mandy Ross she didn’t have to work. Daddy, who was an underwriter at Lloyds, gave her a quite generou