
Showing posts from May, 2024

Customer Services

From Blushes 74. I love this model and it's a great story too. Good to see Boutts Bank making an appearance. I wonder if young Julie Williamson is still employed there. The girl is perhaps 18 or 19, tall and blonde, her honey-coloured hair in a thick plait. Her smart white patent leather high-heels stand precisely together on the deep carpet in front of the broad polished oak desk in this small but palatial office. Her navy suit, form-fitting, shows a full curvaceous figure beneath. She has big blue eyes and her ripe mouth has been pinkly lipsticked for this interview. Is it going all right? The big blue eyes nervously wonder. She has been sitting on the leather chair on the side of the desk but now has been asked to stand by the man seated at its other side. He is fiftyish, smooth-looking in his expensively sober suit and dark tie. His name is Anthony Bentish and he is manager of this bank, Boutts, an exclusive establishme

Burton Manor

Story from Janus 18 by R.T. Mason Is Burton Manor a pipe-dream? Or a look into the future? Or does it perhaps exist now — tucked anonymously away in some remote corner of the country and quietly going about its business behind those impressive iron gates? Well, can anyone say — for sure? The sleek black car comes to a halt, its way barred by the heavy ornate iron gates marking the end of this quiet tree-shrouded private road which a mile back turned off from the minor country road. The chauffeur gets out and goes to unlock the gates. Inside the car the lone passenger, a pretty young woman, looks out and sees on the left hand brick pillar of the gates a small unobtrusive sign:  Burton Manor Training Institute. Strictly No Admittance. The gates are unlocked and opened; the chauffeur drives through, locks them after him, then continues along what is now a gravel drive closely enclosed by thick high shrubs: laurels, rhododendrons. T