Analysed illustrations and a short story from Roué 9 The most ubiquitous inhabitants of spanking stories and spanking art concerned with domestic discipline are uncles. Uncles are the most flexible characters, and an uncle can be invented to fulfil any role, from that of surreptitious pincher of girl’s bottoms to ravisher of innocents and/or bastion of middle-class decency and disciplinarian bulwark against the temptations facing a young girl in the immodest world of today. Uncles tend, by and large, to be conservative, respectable and lecherous, a combination of attributes which allows them to preach against the undisciplined tendencies of a Modern Miss while simultaneously revelling in the taking down of her pants, and getting away with it meanwhile by harking back to ‘the old days’ and muttering things such as — ‘spare the rod’ — and, ‘it didn’t do me any harm’. Uncles, then, are indulged by those who might be in a position to criticise, while themselves being ideally s...