Photo interview by Roy Tersley from Janus 157 / Februs 37 with Natalie, also sometimes known as Andrea Spinks, Nadia or Pixie. Natalie, can you tell me a little about yourself? I am 21 years old, just about to finish my degree, at South East London University. The past three years have gone past very quickly and I have over that time changed considerably. My first week at University I spent in my bedroom as I was scared and too shy to venture out. Also, I didn’t really like the look of the people around me, so I thought I would stay in my bedroom. Since then I have met a tremendously large number of people, done a lot of new things and changed a lot. Are you in a relationship at the moment? No. I started university in a four year relationship that lasted midway into my second year. It’s over now. I have had a boyfriend since and had experiences with guys and girls since I have been at university but I currently don’t have a ...