
Showing posts with the label Janus

The Cold Cruel World

Story by R.T. Mason from Janus 48 The infernal jangling of the alarm abruptly shocked her from sleep. That diabolical, inhuman, nerve-jarring jangling that she had always hated. But today it was ten times worse. Before, in all those years of marriage, it had been for Mark. Alison could at least put her head under the bedclothes and ignore it for half an hour longer. But not any more. Mark wasn’t here any longer and Alison was alone in the big double bed. The nerve-wracking racket meant that today, she, Alison Clements, had to get up and face the cold, unfriendly world. She and Mark had finally decided that the only answer was a separation, at least a temporary one, because their relationship had simply been going from bad to worse. Constant arguments, frequently about nothing, or alternatively those long stony silences. Mark had suggested they split up and Alison had agreed it was a good idea. And somehow they had agreed to do

Everyone Wants to Smack My Bottom

A photo-story from Janus 133, although the photos come at the end… Natalie was a bit nervous. For six months after leaving school with only one GCSE to her credit, she had managed comprehensively to fail every job interview she had attended. She was still unemployed and desperately wanted to impress. The man in the grey suit was a very stern-looking man and Natalie was sure he wouldn’t want to employ someone who had treated academic improvement with such disdain. Well, she probably would have been sure if she had known what disdain meant. There was only one thing for it, she had to smile prettily and look innocent. She had already learnt that it was something most men responded too. ‘Well, Natalie,’ he said, ‘why do you think you haven’t been able to get a job since leaving school then?’ She shuffled her feet, ‘Er, well…’ she started hesitantly, ‘I suppose it’s because I… um, have always been a bit of a naughty girl… but… bu