Letters from Uniform Girls 14
Dear Sirs,
I have noticed a tendency in your magazines, in particular Uniform Girls, to single out nurses as potential victims of corporal punishment. I think this is morally deplorable. Nurses in this country are shamefully exploited and overworked as a result of spending cuts in the Health Service. Their pay is little more than pitiful and can hardly be said to reflect any appreciation of the dedication expected of them — yet they work on with remarkable goodwill. It hardly seems right that their unselfish efforts to relieve the pain and suffering of others should be rewarded by articles and photographs that invite us to delight in the infliction of pain and suffering on nurses.
However, they make very
effective wanking fodder, so, morally deplorable as it is, I hope you will
continue to exploit them and encourage us to use nurses as targets for our
Can I make a submission to your By Request feature? Can we have a nurse in blue-striped uniform and cap, all the accessories (scissors, belt, nurse’s watch etc), without stockings and suspenders, being made to suffer indignities? None of the nurses I have undressed have worn stockings, so as you have catered for the lingerie brigade in all your previous nursing features, can I have plain cotton knickers? And sensible shoes are of course the only ones appropriate. By preference I’d like your most heavily-bottomed model.
I’d like a series of pictures
in which it is suggested that she is deliberately being made to look ridiculous
by a number of men. Why not stick her up in a tree like the nun a while back? I
would especially like to see her obliged to partake in activities which leave
her uniform thoroughly messed-up. Perhaps she could be sent on an assault
course, finally ending up in a muddy pool, bedraggled and pathetic. I also
enjoyed a letter in one of your magazines describing a ballet dancer being
pelted with fruit and covered in baked-beans. I always enjoy slapstick
involving girls (provided they don’t have silly smiles on their faces) and I’d
love to see a nurse being splattered with messy food.
student of physiology, Cambridge
Oh, well — maybe we can do
something for you Mr Cambridge. Perhaps the Uniform magazine after next.
Dear Sirs,
Your magazines are going from
strength to strength! Congratulations on the larger, improved, Uniform
Girls. I presume that the thinner magazines are going to be phased out now,
and personally I welcome that as I couldn’t keep up with the frequency of
publication of your four mags — neither could my bank balance — and I had to
miss a lot of goodies. Now I should be able to buy every issue.
I was late to cotton on
to Uniform Girls as I had assumed from the title that it was
to be a fetish magazine. What a pleasant surprise to find it full of punishment
and humiliation for girls! You do such a professional job on them by comparison
with other magazines, and may I thank you on behalf of your countless delighted
readers for the attention you pay to our requests. We asked for more
humiliation and you’ve not let us down. I can remember a few years ago a rival
magazine addressing itself to the question of humiliation in the following
terms: ‘We do not believe that humiliation should form part of any punishment
for girls. The effects of a spanking or caning soon fade and are forgotten,
whereas humiliation can often lead to considerable resentment!’ And this was a
statement of editorial policy! Never mind what it does to the girls, the right
treatment produced a rock-hard erection in seconds and you can’t argue with a
stiff cock. Indeed, is there any more sensual pleasure than that of carefully
crushing the self-confidence of a self-opinionated young woman?
I think you could almost claim
to have started a whole new genre of magazines in response to our requests, for
you have gone beyond mere spanking to explore the countless ways in which
vulnerable girls can be exploited and made to suffer for our sexual entertainment.
A letter some time ago proposed the idea of a reluctant performer and
went on to describe a delicious scene in which a ballet student was forced to
dance in front of an abusive male audience. You responded with the
wonderful Reluctant Majorette in Uniform
Girls — a breathtaking piece of fiction with some equally enticing
photographs. I loved the insistence by Babs’ guardian that she should keep a
forced smile on her face while going through her routines, even though she was
crying her eyes out. I do regret that this didn’t come out in the pictures.
However, full marks for the final photographic sequence where Babs is made to
perform on that grimy, sordid lavatory! Why not make her use the lavatory brush
as a baton?
Another photo sequence I
enjoyed was of the big-breasted
girl being ducked in her bath [Bathtime]. The
idea of the story was good, but it is a pity that it had such a soft ending.
Let’s have more stories in which girls’ phobias are exploited. I thought the
pictures at the end when she was very bedraggled were smashing.
I’d also like to say how much
the series Actually Spanked was appreciated. Good of you to
publish a full-page facial portrait of Debbie in the last sequence. The policy
you should be adopting in my opinion is to guarantee anonymity to the advocates
and perpetrators of CP, while giving the maximum publicity to the victims. I’m
pleased to say that this seems to be your approach.
More than one correspondent has
asked for readers to send in photos of girls for you to publish — I do hope
they will. One thing I would like you to do would be to send your most
convincing models out into the street. You’ve done some al fresco work, but so
far nothing with the public looking on. The girls could be encouraged to bend
over to tie laces in a crowded street, while you catch the expressions of the
men eying them up and the middle-aged harridans looking on with disapproval.
Have them climb a wall with lots of knicker-showing to all and sundry:- how
about a very subdued girl carrying a paper-wrapped cane along Oxford Street
while some grim-visaged gentleman walks sternly behind her.
And may I request a little more
racial variety, especially West Indian and Asian girls — both ethnic groups can
be seen sporting remarkable bottoms beneath their skirts in our cities. I long
to see them unveiled.
Lastly, my choice of a celebrity for punishment. It would be the 1984 ‘Young Musician of the Year’ Emma someone-or-other. 19-year-old Emma would be told that she is to give a recital in front of an invited audience. I would greet her at the hall before the concert and show her to her dressing room. After much careful preening she would emerge in a long, elegant, purple velvet dress. Just before the recital is due to start I tell her that there are a couple of gentlemen who wish to have a word with her. They draw her aside, and although I can’t hear their conversation I know that basically they will be telling Emma that if she does what she is told it may be unpleasant for her — but if she refuses it will be even worse.
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Emma Johnson |
Eventually a very shaken Emma
comes back to the stage entrance. It’s time for the fun to begin. The curtains
open and I literally push the trembling girl onto the stage. Her accompanist
shakes her hand and the applause gives way to an expectant hush.
The introduction is sounded and
Emma begins to play — though her breath control in particular leaves much to be
desired as she is so nervous. However, nothing happens until the difficult
first movement is over.
Then a voice is heard hissing
from the wings. Emma shakes her head in disbelief, then reluctantly puts down
her clarinet and reaches both hands behind her neck. Applause breaks out as
Emma removes her beautiful gown. It lies in a purple pool beside her as, no
longer the elegant lady, she picks up the clarinet and nods to the accompanist
to resume. In plain Marks and Spencer bra and pants she plays the next
The male audience is now
restless, but they are rewarded at the next break when, in response to
off-stage commands, Emma unclips the bra and slips it off, to lie on top of the
dress. Her tits are not over-large, but young and perky. She covers them with a
forearm until she has retrieved her clarinet, then the concert continues with
Emma adopting a rather cramped posture intended to hide her nipples.
However, after a few bars the
pianist stops and Emma again glances into the wings. ‘No, no,’ she whines,
walking towards her tormentors in an appeal for mercy. She is soon driven back.
Yes, the pants are coming down, and there is a bushy tangle which really gets
the music lovers going. Emma is now weeping and her playing is appalling,
breaking down in splutters as she tries to continue. All eyes are on her pubic
hair. Once again the pianist stops playing and this time drags his stool into
the centre of the stage. Emma is commanded to kneel on it. This she does,
facing the audience with a forearm across her breasts and the other hand fanned
to cover her pussy. However, she is told to turn around and face the rear of
the stage.
Slowly, tearfully, she complies
and a hand sneaking back to hide her bottom-crack is slapped away. Emma’s
chubby bare bottom is greeted enthusiastically by the audience, but an even
bigger cheer goes up when the accompanist produces a birch which has been
soaking in a bucket of brine behind the piano.
At the sight of this Emma tries
to escape, but she is immediately restrained and held over the stool while the
pianist birches her. Screams echo round the hall in counterpoint with the swish
of the rod and the SWACK of the twigs against pneumatic
girl-flesh. The audience watches entranced as the tender young bottom goes from
white to red, flecked with purple ‘ticks’ left by the birch-buds.
When Emma has been thoroughly
birched, her accompanist produces a pot of vaseline from his pocket. Emma
squeals gaspingly as it is rubbed into her throbbing bottom, then a dab is
rubbed into each blushing nipple.
The final humiliation for Emma
is when she is required to complete her recital naked, with burning, scalding
tears running down her face, while she steadily rotates to give the audience
good views of her tits and pussy and flaming bottom. When she takes her bows it
is to the rear of the stage so the crowd can jeer at her throbbing bare bum!
Yours faithfully,
Thank you for this most
interesting letter, P.R., and thank you too for those other, equally
interesting paragraphs which discretion obliges us to leave out.
This is P.L., he of the
famous questionnaire in Whispers
4. I felt I had to write to thank your wonderful readers for their
magnificent response. Indeed, I’m truly sorry that I wasn’t able to reply
earlier, but I have unfortunately been in a Blushes-free zone for
the past few months.
I’m delighted and encouraged to
see so many of your readers taking such a tough line with girls. Several
readers asked me to describe my own ideas more fully, and I feel it is the
least I can do. In response to Question 1, I can hardly better earlier correspondents,
though I would like to make a special plea for severity regarding improper
dress in a public place. It is regrettable that we have no effective laws
against this sort of crime — anyone who has wandered through central London on
a hot day knows how girls like to flaunt their bodies these days. They wouldn’t
get away with it in some African countries, I can assure you. Where there is a
strong Muslim heritage there are often strict regulations regarding female
dress. Furthermore, when there is a military takeover, as periodically occurs
in parts of West Africa, the soldiers often take it into their own hands to
beat girls whose skirts are thought to be too short — even though there are no
laws as such on the matter! Good for them, I say.
Question 2: The use of corporal
punishment should be restricted to males; college principals, for example,
laying down limits from which they themselves are exempt. Thus, providing they
do not exceed the maximum number of strokes on one girl by one responsible man
in one day, the lecturers can whack away to their hearts’ content without fear
of disapproval.
Question 3: ‘Appropriate’
punishment for all these offences would depend largely on my feelings towards
the girl concerned. If she was very good-looking, or a girl I’d been itching to
get my hands on for some time, she could well find herself being awarded a
dozen with the cane on her bare bottom for dropping a pencil or yawning.
Question 4: As the above will
make clear, I am far more interested in her physical attributes than the nature
of the offence. Ideally a girl should be made to accept the authority of the
male establishment regardless of whether her treatment tallies with her own
ideas of ‘fairness’. Other’s objections to corporal punishment should be
ignored — they are wrong in their opinions and we are right. By all means whip
a girl if she deserves it!
Question 5: There is an
appropriate punishment for every part of a girl’s body, though the bottom and
thighs will always be favourite. As many readers have pointed out, there is a
whole world of ways in which to deal with big breasts. I was also much amused
by a report in one of your earlier issues about a reform school where laxatives
were given as a punishment. In general, I’d suggest hands, bottom (bare if
desired) and thighs for punishment, although circumstances could alter this.
Question 6: Corporal punishment
should be the normal punishment for all offences committed by girls.
Question 7: Punishments should
be recorded and the records made available to the public. Libraries should
carry records of every punishment carried out on a girl, with a facial
photograph alongside details of the punishment and her reaction to it. Some might
like to go further and photograph the girl’s bottom before and after
punishment. Local papers should carry the names of all girls punished each
Question 8: a) Colleges etc
should be issued with canes and tawses. Principals would have in addition
birches. b) Penal institutions could use whichever implements they wished —
indeed, there should be constant research into developing more efficient devices
for punishing girls in prison. c) Private citizens in charge of girls who are
old enough would be able to buy straps, canes and paddles on the open market.
d) The police would have canes and birches waiting for female offenders at
every police station.
Question 9: Humiliation is a
very desirable part of the discipline of girls! Indeed while present conditions
prevail and those responsible are prevented from giving adequately painful
punishments it must be the only way they can really get through to the girls.
Humiliation can make the difference between a temporarily painful bottom and a
searing trauma of truly reformatory effectiveness! I must thank K.V. Roberts
for his tale of eighteen-year-old Ruth whose tawsing was taped and played back
to visitors while she was in the room. I do so agree with Roger S of Hounslow
that girls’ demands for privacy should be ignored. It is a very good idea to
discuss their bodies while others are present and guests should be encouraged
to find fault.
Question 10: I was initially
disappointed by the response to this question; the idea was to encourage your
readers to focus their malicious minds on genuine unsuspecting young ladies of
their acquaintance. We all dream of beating the bottoms of girls we meet in
daily life (some of the little madams I have to work with would be prime
candidates for a good caning), and it amused me to think of your readers
setting down on paper exactly what they would like to do to them given
unrestricted access. Now I’ve been rewarded by two splendid letters, one from
J.S. in Blushes 22 setting
out in minute detail how he would go about reducing ‘Miranda’ to a state of
abject misery by denying her everything she most enjoys, and a second letter
from P.A. of West London accompanied by
photographs of his big-bottomed ‘Jennifer’. I would have liked fuller detail
from P.A. about how he would deal with her, but he has actually bettered my
original idea by suggesting that readers send in pictures of their adoptees.
Then we can not only drool over the original fantasy, but use the girl for our
own purposes! Imagine submitting a photo of your young secretary and being able
a month later to read a clutch of caning fantasies about her from the Blushes readers!
Like P.A., I would ask J.S. to let us see his Miranda if possible. As for
Jennifer, with a bum like that she would hardly know where she was if I had
charge of her! My God, what wouldn’t I give to spend an evening laying into
those luscious cheeks with three feet of quality rattan! I will send you a
report on my own adoptee in the near future, but I am at present trying to get
hold of a photograph.
Question 11: Confidential
advice on contraceptives should not be available to women under 30. At any age
up to that they would have to be accompanied by a male over 21 who would have
the right to decide what method was best for them. This should stop girls from
fooling around with callow youths.
Question12: I totally agree
with Roger S that a combination of tight and uncomfortable gym pants, with
humiliatingly brief and ‘pretty’ party dresses for special occasions, is
absolutely ideal. When not gainfully employed at some Further Education establishment
or in a job, a girl’s time should be divided between housework, punishment,
ballet or gymnastics and sleep.
Question 13: Celebrities for punishment — for sprinter Heather Oakes a thorough beating with a thin and whippy school cane on her bare brown bottom, followed by light flicks of the cane on the backs of her thighs.
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Heather Oakes |
Breakfast Time girl Debbie Greenwood should be sent away to an institution in which stringent physical methods will be used to rid her of her accent. I would also insist that her hair be cropped to mere stubble.
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Debbie Greenwood |
For the ghastly Floella Benjamin a draconian birching in front of her keenest enemies. Monaco’s princesses Caroline and Stephanie to be flogged with a hide whip in the public square.
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Princesses Caroline & Stephanie |
Actress Lesley Dunlop for a session nude in a pony cart, the riding crop to be used liberally across her fat bottom.
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Leslie Dunlop |
The BBC’s newest presenter of nature programmes, Peaches Golding, to be caned on the thighs and bottom by two gentlemen while she does her best to read an autocue. Dynamic Tina Turner must also come in for some thigh caning in addition to lashings of the martinet across her rump. Finally, TV presenter Sue Cook for caning and ‘tit dipping’ as described by one of your readers.
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Sue Cook |
Finally, I must in fairness
answer the specific questions put to me by Roger S of Hounslow. Masturbation
should not be allowed in single or married girls of any age. It is probably
best prevented by putting a girl’s hands in mittens before she goes to bed.
Personally I like a girl to have pubic hair, but if it is preferred otherwise
it is not her word that should count. Shaving can be carried out by any
interested male party. Bathing should be supervised and anyone who cares to may
I would like to close for now —
another letter will follow — by thanking you for printing my original
questionnaire on the same spread as a photo of hapless typist Carol’s bare
bottom. What a super bare arse, and how distressed she would be if she knew it
had stimulated the marvellous letters in response to my questions. Now,
gentlemen, let’s hear from you about your adopted girls, with photos wherever
possible. Let me repeat Question 10: Choose any attractive girl of your
acquaintance and imagine that you are granted custody over her without fear of
interference from social workers or other do-gooders. How would you approach
the prospect of disciplining her?’
Come along, gentlemen. Harden
your hearts. They deserve it!
P.L. of
the Questionnaire
Sue Cook for 'tit dipping'? Really? I was never aware she was especially big in that department. Even if she was, I can't help thinking there were plenty more busty young lovelies at the time far more deserving of such treatment.
ReplyDeleteEncouraging to re-read the inimitable P.L. again. He is so straight to the point! Sue Cook? ‘caning and tit-dipping’. Next.
ReplyDeleteI have configured a re-working of his famous Question Ten. Rather than having custody and doing what I like with an acquaintance I know, I have her put through her CP paces by authority figures.
(You will note I don’t use P.L’s epithet ‘attractive’ as girls who think they are pretty just get even more stuck-up if you butter them up by saying it. The ones who think they are pretty all deserve especial hostility)
Anyway back to the girl. She is a brunette who knows how to get what she wants by deploying a radiant smile. M is also an entitled user and abuser of the highest order. Living in a council flat she expects everything to be done for, and terms it ‘disgusting’ when the council doesn’t deliver her white goods on the day she tells them to. M also feigns various conditions to get Universal Credit, and blames everyone else for her woes. So I give her something to be self-pitying about. I tell the authorities and she is rightly nicked for benefit fraud. I convince them to threaten her with a choice between corporal punishment and prison proceedings. Appalled, she chooses the former. Unbeknownst to her I watch from behind a one-way glass screen at the local DWP building as they deal with her. She has a huge tantrum and they have all on to remove her clothes so her thatch and little tits are fully exposed. She is in tears even before they cane her bare bottom and thighs. She has to keep her hands on her head so they can get at her tits. Then she is subjected to ‘the other’.
Later she confides in me what has happened, still unaware I was there. I fake consolation and tell her she made the right choice. I convince her she will just have to go along with whatever they tell her.
Question Ten from P.L. is a very interesting question.