Letters from Blushes 22

Some Like It Hot

Dear Sir,

I have just finished reading Blushes 19 and must congratulate you — it is excellent. I particularly enjoyed the Girls Training Scheme stories — poor Julie was really put through it — plenty of embarrassment for that young lady! She really had some tits on her — a pity we didn’t see more of them — let’s see ‘em bouncing next time! I really do wish you would devote more attention to the girls’ tits, photographically and descriptively — can’t we have more breast abusement — tit strapping etc. — you really could go to town on humiliating girls by dealing with their tits.

I have written before on the subject of tit and pussy punishment and whilst I do think that your magazines certainly are very good, judging by the letters published recently I really do think you ought to introduce variation i.e. severity, more novel forms of humiliation and the punishment of breast and pussies.

There is clearly a demand for the above as demonstrated by numerous letters such as the one from L.M. published in Uniform Girls No 9 which I found extremely enjoyable. His idea of immersing girls’ tits in hot and cold water is a beauty! Wouldn’t that just make ‘em yelp! On this theme I have concocted a scenario which I am sure L.M. and countless other readers will enjoy.

Imagine if you will a Girls Discipline Centre where girls can be sent and kept indefinitely. The establishment is staffed entirely by men and visited by men including the men who put the girls into the centre. It is also common for girls to be kidnapped and taken to the centre — poor things. If you can now picture a large room with a long table at one end and a similar table at the opposite end of the room. Seated behind each of the tables are six portly gentlemen all of them balding or grey, most of them wearing glasses — not exactly an attractive sight especially to a young girl of 19! Quite obviously no teenage girl would ever dream of standing nude in front of such a man let alone 12 of them! But in actual fact that is just what 3 lovely beauties are doing! — not by choice, that is quite clear from the expressions on their pretty blushing faces, but they are in this establishment for discipline and that is what they are going to get! And plenty of it!!! The three girls are aged 18 or 19, two have long blonde hair and one equally long dark hair. As we already know the girls are completely nude apart from extremely high heeled white shoes. At one end of the room there is in fact a row of pegs and hung on these pegs are three white bras and three matching pairs of extremely tiny knickers.

Obviously the three girls have had to take off their bras and knickers in front of all those grinning lecherous old men. Their pubic hair has clearly been clipped since it is very short and their plump young mounds are clearly visible. In fact one of the blondes has been shaved completely and her mound is looking very smooth and pouting — the little girl look! None of them can hardly be described as little girls however since they all have big firm heavy tits, rosy nippled and thrusting forward like melons.

No wonder then that the three girls are blushing furiously all the way down to their titties, an absolute picture of embarrassment and subjection. They are standing against the wall running between the two tables and they have been standing there, heads bowed with shame and almost fainting with embarrassment for the past ten minutes whilst a cruel-looking elderly gentleman has been describing to the 12 seated men what is about to happen to the girls. The girls have their hands on their heads their tits sticking out trembling and jiggling softly with their soles and their mounds fully displayed and quivering. As the commentary proceeds amidst the laughter and sneering of the male audience who are drinking in and gloating over the girls’ nudity, the girls’ faces become redder and their tits begin to glow pink with their blushes. They begin trembling as they hear the man in charge describing what he is going to do to them in front of all those laughing men!

In fact what is going to happen is a game called Tit Dipping! Very briefly, the girls are going to have their breasts immersed into glass containers holding hot and ice-cold water!…

Edited (Sorry).

Laughing, the man in charge grabs the girl’s breasts and bounce them up and down. ‘Ha! Ha! Ha! You can’t beat a good Tit Dipping eh girlie! Ha! Ha! Ha!’ Then he begins strapping her bottom again making the girl dance and wiggle. She really does do a jig as she is strapped on the spot and her bottom and tits wobble and bounce.

‘Right! Back to the other side my girl!!’ and the man gives her a series of hefty slaps across her tits! ‘Ha ! Ha! I’ll make em bounce girlie!!!’ The man continues smacking her bouncing breasts all the way across the room.

And so the scenarios continue, each girl being treated to ten Tit Dippings and finally they are spanked by every man in the room and the session is finished with each girl receiving a really good tit slapping.

Next on the agenda is a milking session! Yes, milking! But I think I have gone on for long enough so I’ll leave the next session for another time.

Thanks to Blushes for the great work and for publishing my letters. Hopefully one day we will begin to see ideas such as mine and similar ones from other readers portrayed in your magazines. That should give your girls something to think about! You have certainly made a start with the GTS story. That girl is a stunner and the basic idea is good. An excellent choice of clothing — I loved the stockings and that bottom framed by the white suspenders and the punishment dress i.e. the negligee — lets have some more of the same!


A little behind

Dear Sirs,

I find myself less able to get to London these days so I am a little behind in my reading of the Blushes magazines. Furthermore, when I do get to town I find I have to stagger back with a sheaf of magazines and a lightened wallet. However, some things make it all worthwhile — and one such thing is the letter from Mrs M.W. in Blushes 20.

For the benefit of readers who don’t have a copy to hand, may I remind you that it was the letter from the black lady who was foster parent to young Betty. Mrs M.W., you have brought a ray of sunshine into my world and I thank you most sincerely. Short as it was, every detail of your letter indicates that you are doing exactly what the Bettys of this world need to have done to them, and long may you thrive on it! The picture you conjure up of yourself stripped down to bra and knickers, going at the naked youngster with the plaited dog-whip as she squirms, secured to the whipping stool — that picture has kept up my spirits and more besides in the past few weeks!

I am sure you will realise, Mrs M.W., from the letters pages of Blushes that there are many of us in whom the teenage girls of today rouse up strong feelings. Unfortunately, few of us have ever had the opportunity to put our principles into practice and we thus have to live out our earnest intentions through the fiction of magazines. How marvellous it into hear of someone who is actually giving the full Blushes treatment to a real bare female bum! The world suddenly seems a better place for your letter.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy your task so much. In fact, it is a shame in a sense that many highly punishable teenage girls live out their ripest years in the homes of their relations who cannot attend to their bottoms with the passion of a non-relation! Still, you have reminded us that there are cases when circumstances land a girl with just the right sort of guardianship, and you Mrs M W are a shining example to all who have custody of nubile young ladies. Perhaps one day there will be a Blushes adoption agency to see that the right girls end up in the right sort of homes!

In the meantime carry on the good work. ‘The louder she yells the harder I whip her backside,’ you say, and may Betty yell louder and louder say I! The harder you hit her the louder she will yell, of course, so there really is no salvation for this hapless girl, is there!

Please write again soon with further details. Is Betty black? What does she look like? Could we have a photo? Mrs M.W., I admire you, I envy you and I salute you! How I would love to be a guest in your home!

With best wishes,

G. F.

Shorts and Sharp!

Dear Sir,

I very much enjoyed the cover picture of Blushes 20: the girl in white shorts. I was highly charged with expectancy as the girl lay over the table with her hands held together behind her back above her waist. The girl waits submissively — while the master beyond takes his time writing up the record book with details of her naughtiness and the number of times he intends to cut his cane into her snug little bottom!

I note that her shorts — although white — have the welted seams and patch pockets of jeans and I am reminded of a tale I once read of a little art school student being cane-whipped in a prison. Sweet sixteen she was in that fantasy and her jeans were faded, old and grubby — and so tight that, even before bending her, the officer was able to identify, through the stuff of her arse pocket, the imprint of 25 pence ‘that was her fare back to Wimbledon’. They bent her and thrashed her without removing the coins to encourage the whippers to cut in low.

In your picture the girl is no doubt positioned, with her legs straight out behind and only her toes on the floor, with a view to encouraging those same low strokes — below the pockets and cutting into the soft under-bottom. The man beyond turns and looks at the said under-bottom while contemplating a number. She is after all seventeen! Number and type of strokes? The punishment book questions. Seventeen: senior cane he inscribes as his answer.

And, while on the subject of arse-pockets on jeans, I like to think, Mr Editor, that you may one day illustrate their absence! Get your sauciest model to come in her oldest most threadbare and faded Levis. Make her strip first and then ‘prepare’ herself by unpicking the stitches and removing the back pockets before putting on her jeans again as her only garment. Punishment breeches! Show her finally bent with the unfaded blue marks where the protective pockets were: marks that now act as targets for the tip of the cane. Beyond in the half-light (for which your photographer is becoming famous) I see in my mind’s eye a man choosing a cane and I cannot help but think that he, as well, believes that jeans with pockets removed are hugely suggestive of severity.

G.P. (Hants)



You’ve now achieved the state where I look forward eagerly to every new issue of each of your magazines. I wish my pocket would allow me to purchase each one —instead I have to browse intensely and make a selection — but how nice to be in the situation where there is a superfluity of spanking material on the market. For the past ten years there hasn’t usually been anything like enough.

Yes, ten years ago I used to be tense with anticipation when the date drew close for the next edition of Another Magazine. There were disappointments very often, but always something to get the hormones coursing. Since then it’s been a case of a desultory glance to see if any of the amateurish productions on offer have by accident allowed any genuinely spicy material to get through.

I was going to deny you some of the credit for improving the situation by saying that it’s the letters I like best, and that you aren’t really responsible for them. However, presumably all those boring magazines get letters like yours and decide that we ought to be protected from such licentious stuff. Or else your correspondents never bothered to write to the other magazines because they were so obviously afraid of anything that might be considered cruel, lecherous or otherwise enjoyable.

A long letter in a recent Supplement under the heading One Man’s Meat has already been endorsed by other readers, and for me it marked the coming of age of the modern C.P. press. The biggest thrill your magazine can give me is to show that others feel the same way as me towards teenage girls, and in the case of this letter that is spot-on. Nobody reading it could mistake the sentiment for a desire to make masochists happy, a heightened affection for the female bottom, a hankering for the rituals of the author’s childhood punishments or uniform fetishism — yet these are the sort of things we have been fobbed off with in the past in order to make it all seem acceptable. The writer takes the theme that there are ways to ‘punish’ girls other than those that centre on the paraphernalia of the schoolroom, and thus gives full flight to the simple principle that dominating, hurting and abusing teenage girls can be a powerful source of gratification for the male. For once it is possible to see the wood through the trees.

Don’t misunderstand me; I’m as convinced as anyone that our primary task is to see that school corridors echo to the pistol crack of malacca against the bottoms, thighs, and hands of crisply-uniformed girls. But it is the effect all this has on the girls that turns me on — the pain caused by the cane, the shame of presenting the bottom, the resentment caused by the imposition of uniform and discipline — not the beauty of the nude female form, the scent of the cane or the rustle of gymslips.

What information I can gather indicates that there isn’t much C.P. practised on schoolgirls these days, and that caning is soon to be phased out as an inevitable result of decisions passed by some faceless European court. However, I’d be grateful for some solid facts. Do you have any details at the Blushes office? Or do your readers have the statistics? The contention of STOPP some six years ago was that a quarter of a million beatings were carried out in Britain every year —can we have slipped back so far from this reassuring figure?

I note that STOPP are intending to recruit members from outside the teaching profession in future, so perhaps we could plant a Blushes mole to glean information.

While we wait for the return of strict institutional discipline for girls, responsibility for their punishment must pass to the private sector. If your correspondents are anything to go by the little poppets are in for traumas galore!

In his famous questionnaire, P.L. asks us (Question 10) to imagine we are granted custody of a real teenage girl of our acquaintance, and to report how we would deal with her. I’ve chosen a very sweet girl whom I have known for a couple of years now. She thinks I’m a considerate, friendly sort of chap, but if I were in charge of her upbringing she’d soon revise her opinion of me.

Let’s just call her Miranda. Her parents have allowed her to attend a secretarial college now she is 18 and the first thing I would do would be to send her back to school. The school she used to attend does insist on uniform, so getting her back into it would soon dispel any illusions she may have nurtured of being ‘adult’. Miranda has been allowed to ride a motor scooter recently, and that would be sold off and replaced by the cheapest girl’s bike I could find.

She has a Saturday job, which although it is of a menial nature is too indicative of independence for my taste. When she is older the bread counter of Woollies will be a very suitable career for her, but not yet. She has ambitions to go on the stage — her parents are far too indulgent towards this childish whim, and I would immediately bar her from all the amateur dramatics she has been enjoying, make it clear to the school that she is to take no part in future productions, and cancel any expensive weekend course which her foolish family may have booked for her.

I would take all the decisions regarding her schooling without consulting her. Thus she can say goodbye to all the soppy artistic subjects she seems to favour and start getting a thorough grounding in maths and English grammar. She would also take suitably feminine subjects such as cookery and needlework.

At home her day would start at 6am when she would jog to the nearest village (in vest and navy knickers) to collect my paper. Once home she would take a cold bath before switching the hot water on for mine. I would take breakfast at 7.45 while she performed naked PE in front of me.

After school she would retain school uniform — in fact I see little point in wasting good money on alternative clothes for teenage girls; they can always sit in the nude while their uniform is in the wash or on the line. As soon as she got in she would have to start on the housework. I would expect Miranda to clean every room thoroughly every day.

After dinner would come the day’s punishment. I imagine that corporal punishment would be a regular daily occurrence, so it would be silly to make it too much of an unchanging ritual and thus risk getting bored with beating Miranda. She has a sizeable bottom even though she is very petite. Spanking it would be more in the nature of a pastime than a punishment, canes and straps being preferred for the latter. I would also invest in a martinet.

Frequently I would invite round friends from my circle of spanking enthusiasts. They would be present throughout Miranda’s punishments and encouraged to make remarks about her body, her punishment and her reaction to it. When several such guests were present I would go out of my way to humiliate her — we would play games with her such as ‘pass the girl.’ This is like pass the parcel except when you have unwrapped her the person on whose lap she arrives when the music stops can whack the hell out of her with a gym shoe — until the music starts again.

After being punished she would do her homework then go straight to bed. Weekends would be spent gardening and doing extra homework imposed by myself — plus, of course, extra punishment.

I would not charge Miranda for board and lodging but I would expect to fuck her when I felt like it.

Finally, my ten celebrities for corporal punishment; Annabel Croft, Shirley Strong, Pattie Boulaye, Jenny Agutter, Janet Ellis, Bonnie Langford, Letitia Dean, Tessa Sanderson, Chris Evert and Kate Bush.

J. S.

A corny idea

Dear Sir,

Congratulations on your excellent magazines. They are consistently good and have a style missing in others.

You may have seen that there has been a correspondence recently in one of your rival magazines about the beating of girl’s feet. That magazine seems reluctant to include the topic, so why not take advantage of the opportunity? It shows that there are others interested in these activities who are not at present being catered for. I am not suggesting you print prolonged vigorous whippings of the feet, or anything else over the top, but some carefully-placed strokes with a light cane applied to the insteps of some of your models could be very good for sales. I think it would make for additional interest, and, above all, add a little variety to all the bums, lovely as they are.

On this theme, you have in the past done By Request articles in Blushes Supplement. So my request relates to any of your marvellous models, but preferably to the absolutely gorgeous Sarah of Whispers 3. The request is, quite simply, please have her soles beaten. It makes no difference to me if she is face down on a bed with her feet over the end of it, on her back with her ankles resting on a piece of furniture or held by attendants, standing with one leg bent at the knee, offering the sole, having an ankle held in one hand while the other hand applies the cane, or even as she is doing a handstand as long as the cane makes a good crisp series of contacts with her soles.

I am certain there would be a very good response to this and that you would come to see that beaten feet are good for business, whatever the recipient might think at the time.


P.S. I shall pester you in the future if you do not respond favourably! Please remember I have your interests at heart as well as mine — only Sarah’s soles lose out on the deal!


To the Editor,

Within the short period of its inception Blushes and its sister publications have become the finest material available to the discerning corporal punishment devotee. So firstly might I offer you my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for all future plans. But might I add one small piece of criticism? In far too many of your otherwise superb photo spread the model’s knickers come down far too quickly. (By way of illustration, root out issue 2 of The Supplement. See how Jemima Whittaker’s lovely school knicks are never pictured when swapped tightly in place.) Is this not a great pity? Can I be on my own in wanting more shots of girl bottoms encased in taut pants? — More, in a word, of pictures like that on page 35 of Uniform Girls 1. All photo essays of schoolgirls undergoing chastisement should start off with underwear up, because that is how it happens in real life. Then, certainly, down they sail — because most genuine punishment should be delivered on the bare bottom.

I have fixed ideas on what would make for the perfect portrayal of a schoolgirl spanking. Twice in recent issues you have printed photos that were on the right lines. Might I refer you to Supplement 6, pages 4-7 [Doing the Course], and Uniform Girls 3, pages 11-14 [The Outfit]. On page 11 of Uniform Girls 3, the schoolgirl is wearing the correct kind of uniform; that is — a short pleated gym skirt in blue/black or bottle green. She has on a crisp white blouse; (out of sight is her tie.) On her feet are white socks and pumps — fine. And most importantly, her knickers are regulation type, in navy blue or bottle green. The miscreant is in the classic nursery spanking position — the most humiliating for the spankee, the most convenient for the spanker, and the most erotic for the voyeur. So this picture has most of the elements of a great portrayal of punishment.

However, my imagined ideal set of pictures would include shots of the naughty girl looking pale and scared, standing before her master, prior to being slapped. Then, as the sequence moves on, she bends over. The begowned master gets her in a satisfactory position. Show shots of her face, and wild long hair, down near the floor. Her bottom is still covered by her skirt, though it has ridden up a little. Now we can see all her thighs and her taut knickers are peeping out. Now her master lifts the skirt and spreads it on the proffered back. Only now has our scenario reached the stage shown on page 11. Two choices next, either the master begins to spank over the knicks, and then down they sail, or they come down right away. What is vital is that we see plenty of time to feast our eyes on the drum-tight school pants. Take pictures from various angles. Show the elastic tight around the waist and legs. Show the knap of the material. School knicks should always be old, well-worn, and washed-out. At the rounded apex of each buttock-cheek the material, due to years of contact with bus seats, class bench and gym floor, is thinner than elsewhere. And this particular area of the knicks has been made thin through repeated contact with her mother’s heavy hand!

All this detail appertains to the poetry of regulation underwear — and what a great set of pictures could be made. Only now are we ready to take down the knickers. A central part of any spanking is the baring of the naughty schoolgirl’s bottom — and the process should be shown in the pictures. The shot on pages 4-5 of Supplement 6 gets this right. See the agony of expectation on her face! Her most private parts are being exposed, and soon the slaps will fall! Paradoxically, she is desperate for it to start, for then, soon it will be over. The master should peel down the drum-taut pants slowly. The whole bottom is uncovered; the knicks are pushed down to the knees.

And now the spanking begins; as the heat builds, she begins to writhe. Her face contorts, her shoulders and head and hips buck and twist. Perhaps she reaches back with her hands, whereupon the wrists are seized and held in the small of her back. Probably she will tip sideways or forwards off the spankers knee as on pages 6-7 of Supplement 6. But no matter what her spasmic exertions, she is held down, and her bottom slapped until it is a beetroot red.

When the spanking is over, show shots of the schoolgirl in position, still now because she is exhausted. Then, at a word from her master, she levers her weary body up. Her hair is all awry. Her face is flushed and soaked in tears of shame, pain and relief. On being told to, she gently eases up the pants, until they once again cuddle her now blazing bottom. Show pictures of this process, because the pulling up of the knickers represents the fact that her punishment is over. Never leave her bent over the knee halfway between start and finish. The photo sequence shows her departing back, skirt still bunched around the waist, and her hands are clamped to the seat of her pants, as she attempts to sooth the fiery heat! The door of the study closes on the most soundly spanked girl in England.

So that is the perfect punishment. If you could include all, or some, of these ideas you would make one of your devoted customers even more fully satisfied than usual!

B. Grove

P.S. Do you believe in telepathy because I do now?! As soon as I finish my letter, I get a back number of Blushes 13, and the photo essay between pages 34-47 [Still Waters], is the nearest yet to my ideal. What a masterpiece!! The girl is beautiful. Her uniform is perfect. See the agony on her face on page 38. I can say without reservation that this is the best girl yet to have graced your pages. She seems to know exactly what is needed. Page 35 is great, with the shots of her getting into position, but do you agree with me that those delectable school pants should be shown off more? As with so many of your punished girls, we only get one shot of the pants when pulled up. For example, take the picture on the bottom right of page 35. How great this would be if the camera was positioned where the stool is, and the gym knicks were stretched across the girl’s bottom. I repeat, this is a fantastic series of photos; it only remains for you to include more shots of girls with their navy-blue’s pulled up, and your magazine will have elevated the art of corporal punishment photography’ to the highest level possible.

Yours in anticipation,


Idle Speculation

Dear Sir,

As a purchaser of Blushes since your beginning, may I suggest a new idea:

Another supplement called SPECIALITY: this devotes itself to one idea throughout the whole issue. Charlene in Supplement Thirteen is superb because she is voluptuous. The colour photograph of her laying back with her legs upwards is great. Time and again, there is a great bum and new setting that cries out for development. In the Charlene series of pictures, if you remove the hairbrush, it is purely an examination of her body. Yet it so much deserves elaboration. Your films wonderfully build up step by step; that is what would make for a photo-play. You have shown many times, such as with Sarah’s Problem, and a bathing idea, that the close examination of the spankee is indeed complimentary to spanking. Spanking does combine two basics: a deep appreciation of a developed woman’s bottom — and domination, meaning the possession of the woman as the master’s property. Each leads into the other — and internal examinations are very much part of man’s domination of woman. Recall the Contagious Diseases Act that allowed for any woman who looked like a prostitute to be examined by law.

So, Charlene can climb up onto a proper couch in a surgery with canes upon the wall, and paddles. The woman who is to be examined down there, under a bright lamp, and opened up with a speculum, goes through the same embarrassment as for a spanking. She blushes increasingly, tries to talk herself out of it, blushes still more as she slips her hands up to her panties to pull them down, looks for a chair on which to leave her knickers and has to find the correct position, as in spanking. Firstly, it is heels up to her bottom — and she does not know what to do with her face. A speculum is necessary. A spanking follows the first examination. A paddling follows the second stage of her legs pulled towards her face — rather, her knees. The third stage is over onto her knees, spread out, back in, face turned to the doctor-master. This third finding of ‘Disgusting’ deserves the cane on the bare bottom. It is essential to convey reality. I know of attractive women who lose all of their willpower in the doctor’s surgery where the doctor is dominating and will not take ‘No’ for an answer. (The B.M.A. and the G.M.C. do not send out inspectors).

Issue number two can be Six of the Best (or Twelve) just as if they are the best, step by step — with the classic position, please, that we see so rarely, of touching the toes. It is, of course, better when she is up on a foot-high block for a full exposure of her whole, full, bared bottom. True acting — to make one feel that it is happening, such as with a pause each time to allow for twisting, wriggling, pleading, rubbing, before she reassumes the correct position of toes-touching, through each stroke, with all of her range of facial expressions, with a nice, long conversation between them, before and afterwards and a real effort at crying, would make for a SPECIALITY NUMBER TWO and establish a great value.

Number Three could be TWO BOTTOMS as it surely appeals to all of us to have two bared bottoms continually compared, contrasted and judged, as two slaves; then repeat that through every stage of spanking and caning. I sometimes think that the greatest thrill of all is examining in length two bare bottoms side-by-side. Number Four could be in a gym with three girls going up and down and around and around, whilst the master of fitness strolls around with a slipper. A little table and cane are in the background.

So could we have a new photo-play series of SPECIALITY, please, with a believable story building moment by moment, often as in slow motion, with the acting that we see and hear on your films, with the focus on their bare bottom pushed outwards to us and on their pretty faces as they go ‘Ooo’ and ‘Owww’ and ‘Ooch.’ Perhaps, it could be possible to show both juxtaposed at the moment of impact. You could even show the master enjoying her bare arse.

A. Saxon

Horsing about!

Dear Sir,

Some time ago I came across a rather ingenious and effective CP aid, devised and constructed by a devotee of firm discipline. It would not be too easy to describe it verbally, neither am I able to provide a drawing, but perhaps one of your staff artists could produce something from the enclosed model (it is about one eighth of full size).

Basically the contrivance is rather like the conventional ‘horse’. The young lady — in this case it is the gentleman’s somewhat unruly niece — had to mount the ‘saddle’ (indicated in red), facing direction ‘A’ (see sticker at end); this spread her bare bottom most satisfactorily (in fact she was always completely nude for her punishments).

The knees and lower legs rested in the two channels formed by attachments ‘B’; this, among other benefits, afforded excellent control.

Normally anyone on this ‘horse’ would just place the hands on the front end of the ‘saddle’, but this would result in a rather unattractive hunched posture. In order to remedy this my acquaintance found a rather ingenious solution.

The cross bar ‘C’, you will note, carries a stout transverse dowel, a little thicker perhaps than a broom handle: the girl had to reach back and grasp it with both hands.

The result was that her head and shoulders were pulled well back; the posture produced a graceful hollow-back curve. And there was a ‘bonus’: leaning forward, with her shoulders well back, young Jane’s pretty breasts were nicely thrust forward. And the whole thing gave the appearance of a ship’s figurehead…

Uncle Dennis then proceeded to spank the ‘rider’s’ meaty rear most thoroughly. First, about half a dozen hearty smacks with an old tennis shoe on the left buttock, which imparted a healthy blush; then he walked around to her right and repeated the dose there, with similar effect.

Meanwhile I had been stationed somewhere near the front of the contraption, which afforded me a good view of Jane’s breasts jiggling with the reaction to each slap; a most entertaining spectacle. She cried a good deal, and a few teardrops hung from her pink nipples. An untidy state of affairs, which I put right by wiping them carefully now and then with my fingers and palms. At other times she would have protested vigorously, no doubt, but there and then the idea of a comparative stranger handling her naked breasts was obviously less alarming than the higher priority of an abominably stinging rear end.

Dennis inspected his handiwork and decided that Jane had not yet been sufficiently punished. She had been both disobedient as well as impertinent and needed to be taught a sharp lesson.

Dennis returned to his task — there were further explosive slaps, covering every inch of Jane’s well-presented bottom. After about two dozen further strokes of the tennis shoe on each buttock her seat was a most satisfactory sight: it was a uniform scarlet, yet without any ugly weals or other marks; just a throbbing mass of well-warmed bottom skin, covering a good deal of quivering puppy fat.

Eventually Jane was permitted to dismount. She dried her eyes and rubbed her bottom gingerly, but her punishment was not quite over. She was not permitted to dress; not just yet, anyway. Dennis observed that the carpet needed cleaning and would Jane please see to it.

I was a little puzzled by this, but the girl seemed to know what had to be done. She disappeared into the kitchen for a short while, her rear view on departing presenting an attractive contrast between her flaming bottom and her white knee-length stockings.

Jane soon returned, her young breasts jiggling with every step and carrying a brush and dust-pan. She then lowered herself to the floor, and on her hands and knees proceeded to brush the carpet. Whichever direction she was facing during her work she presented an attractive aspect: either her vigorously moving breasts, or her well-spanked glowing bottom.

I happened to have my camera with me on that occasion, although I had not anticipated using it when I visited; I had intended to take a snap or two at the riverside later. But this was too good to miss and I obtained a series of extremely good photos of this very pretty and shapely naked young lady with her healthy ‘part-colouring’… see enclosure.

Best wishes for continued success to you and your colleagues.



  1. With the newsagent’s top shelf thick with CP magazines at the time, the Blushes letters desk was obviously piled high with mail as their readers came up with all manner of ways in which the girls could be dealt with. Inside and out - J S being perhaps less subtle than the Blushes story writers when it came to his expressing the inclusion of ‘the other’. The correspondents could be very very specific and highly demanding of the Blushes wardrobe team: BG describing the precise condition and appearance of the regulation school knickers he requires a girl’s bottom to be in and out of!

  2. Well, well, well...the return of the great J.P.W. And writing in praise of fellow correspondent L.M. also, most specifically L.M.'s highly novel 'tit dipping' idea. Both writers' original letters, published in Uniform Girls 9, are firm favourites of mine, and I wrote to express my admiration when they were published on this blog recently, but I have never read this follow up from J.P.W. before.

    I am most gratified that J.P.W. envisages the tit dipping experiments happening within the precincts of some kind of disciplinary or reform establishment for girls as that is exactly where I would imagine them taking place. I am also enthralled by J.P.W.'s vision of the blushing anguish and humiliation suffered by the naked miscreants as their laughing and gloating middle aged and elderly male tormentors prepare to put them to the hot and cold tit test. A very good idea also that the gentlemen present are not just those in charge of the running of the institution but also the men responsible for putting them there, the magistrates who sentenced them perhaps, or maybe their trainers from the National Domestic Training scheme also – men such as Girl Training 1998's George Canford, Stanley Garding and Harold Filbert.

    On the subject of Girl Training 1998 I can't help but notice that J.P.W.'s letter is accompanied by images of the young lady whose pictures were some time later used to adorn the aforementioned story. And for me she has always been Girl Training 1998's Joanna, and with her big tits, lovely Joanna would have been an ideal candidate for the hot and cold tit treatment.

    As most reading this will know, Girl Training 1998 ends with George Canford abandoning Joanna near a ramshackle hut inhabited by some 'Class 5s' (gangs of sexually depraved desperadoes existing outside of mainstream society and the law). Or he was at least seriously contemplating such an act for his own devilry. Perhaps after being ravished by the Class 5s, Joanna might have been picked up by the police and brought back to George who then accuses her of absconding from her National Domestic Service placement – a very serious matter and one surely deserving of removal to a 'Reform and Rehabilitation' facility.

    So it is that George Canford and Stanley Garding (Joanna's previous trainer) are present alongside the magistrate friend who sentenced her, to gloatingly enjoy Joanna being subjected to a dipping. I must admit I never really imagined this being done more than once in one sitting as it were, but J.P.W. has each girl subjected to ten dippings! What a shame that Blushes censored J.P.W.'s text at what appears to be the section in which he presumably described the actual tit dipping.

    My idea is that though the canes etc. would be in quite liberal use across the buttocks of the selected detainees, the tits would be kept untouched prior to the dipping. Nothing would be allowed to adulterate the sensations caused by having one breast dipped in near scalding hot water and the other simultaneously in an ice bucket. I say 'near scalding' because I think the water could be piping hot enough to cause quite extreme discomfort but not to cause any lasting harm. I imagine it to be a rather wet and messy business with the girls struggling as their hanging tits are brought to the twin buckets. The burly facility guards, however, would have a tight hold over them and there would be no escape. Picture the look on each girl's face as they simultaneously experience near unbearable heat in one big tit and freezing icy cold in the other. And imagine the accompanying shrieks and howls also. This is something which would have to be filmed. The bizarre frustration of it all is that one would almost wish to experience what it is like one's self just out of curiosity for how it feels whilst at the same time being thankful that one cannot and will not do so. Perhaps each girl should subsequently be made to write a detailed essay on exactly how it felt for their tormentors' edification?

    1. Indeed. There is a simple reason why CP isn’t just knickers yanked down and bare bottoms dealt with. When a girl has her tits exposed and she doesn’t want to, it’s always humiliating. As Blushes letters point out: a girl always thinks her tits too big or too small, and it should be pointed out to her. The wretched bra has no place, as it allows her to present her tits just-so; propping them up if they’re floppy, or making them look bigger if they’re too small. A bra makes a girl think she’s in charge of her tits, and she’s lost without it. Putting a girl in position for her CP (inter alia) and upending her means her tits hang every which way and it shows them for the mis-shapes they usually are.

  3. Readers' letters like these provided images and insights which remain in the memory for decades. I'm not personally an enthusiast of breast punishments in fantasy musings, or beaten feet, nor do I like the water dipping themes - bottom and thighs are suffice for me - but J. S.'s details about 'pass the girl', as a party game to be enjoyed by lecherous old men, form an example of what does it for me: his letter is my favourite of the batch, on this and a number of other fronts.

    Marco, good to see you posting in this latest blog. (I think I remember you from an earlier blog.)

    1. Yes Colin Culver, that’s right. Good you’re posting here too.


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