Letters from Blushes 23

Dear Sir,

I refer to your excellent Issue 22, and in particular to a letter from one ‘J.S’, headed Congratulations, which has sparked off my interest enormously! What a splendid idea, that readers should ‘adopt’ a suitably youthful and attractive teenager of their acquaintance and then report to other readers on their plans for dealing with her in loco parentis, as it were!

And what a fellow this J.S. is! I can just imagine him chatting amiably with his ‘sweet, sizably-bottomed’ Miranda, playing the kindly neighbour or whatever he is, and all the while picturing that pretty face distorted with crying and wet with tears, that bottom squirming across his lap and, ‘in respect of food and board,’ the delightful Miranda spreadeagled across her bed making the payments that J. S. said he would expect her to make, ‘when he felt like it.’ You can’t trust anyone, can you!

The one omission from J.S.’s letter was a photograph of Miranda. What a pity he couldn’t have sneaked a snap of her, or perhaps even have asked her for one. For myself, I have been inspired by your correspondent to find an ‘adoptee’ of my own, and I have managed to take a couple of pictures too!

I shall call her ‘Jennifer’, and I can tell you that she is seventeen and at college, like Miranda. She lives close to my business premises, and I have known her and her family, on nodding terms, for many years. The photos enclosed were taken during the recent spell of sunny weather, whilst Jennifer washed her father’s car on the hard-standing next to my office. I took them through the lavatory window, as a matter of fact, without being spotted.

Jennifer doesn’t usually oblige by wearing shorts, but fortune favoured my efforts; instead of the usual jeans, I chanced upon her with those most appetising shorts covering hardly more than half her bum once she had stooped to the bucket a few times. How I’d like to put a cane across that lovely big bottom!

As for J.S’s views on how to treat an ‘adopted’ teenage girl, I couldn’t agree with him more. I was left wondering how he would have Miranda dress for bed — I’d give Jennifer nothing but the top half of a pair of my pyjamas — and I wondered too where she would sleep. I would give her her own room, but I would keep the key and would lock her in overnight. A cane and a strap would hang behind the door, so that she would have no opportunity to forget what the consequence of misbehaving would be. and she would be sent to fetch these implements whenever I wanted to put one or other of them across her bum.

May we hope for other photos of readers’ ‘adopted’ girls, and to hear more from others whose opinions tally with those of J.S. and myself. Indeed, may we hope for a ‘retrospective’ photo of Miranda, J.S., so that we can see the girl of whom you wrote in your first letter?

P. A. [West London]

Dear Editor,

As an avid reader of your excellent Blushes from the very first copy to date I write to congratulate you on a publication which I find head and shoulders, or should it be ‘Bum and Thigh’ in advance of the competition. I expect that many others of your readers will agree with me that the latest copy to hand Blushes 22 is one of the finest numbers to date.

Your very first illustration on page 3 surely encapsulates the dreams of all true C.P. enthusiasts. How, dear sir, did your artist produce that black and white effect? A line drawing, or was it the negative taken from a photograph?

On balance I reckon that it was a photograph of the young charmer from life. What artist but a genius would think to show that cotton thread running so enticingly from the edge of the girl’s knickers to the undercrease of her bottom?

All the accessories: the hair ribbon and the school tie add to the atmosphere of what is in my opinion a very exciting picture.

Blushes 22 also comes up trumps with a friend from earlier issues. How delightful to see one of your very top models in circulation again.

I refer of course to the young lady in the yarn Some Like it Hot, pages 14 onwards. Surely they will remember her as the WRAC officer up for punishment parade in Uniform Girls No 4? [I can’t see anything relevant in Uniform Girls 4 that he could be referring to. I think he may mean Civil Liberties in Uniform Girls 3, although I think that’s a different model.] Your current collection of studies, pages 14/16 what with her freckled face, bee stung lips, and incredible boobs (she is superb!) is in truth a collector’s gem.

Your letter pages, or as you are wont to call them, Feedback go from strength to strength. I fully endorse J.B.’s comments about hazing a girl’s tootsies. Knowing your publications and the way they respond to your readers’ requests I am sure that you will be able to persuade the delicious Sandra to give us a glimpse of her piggies under siege. Not too hard mind you but if her tootsies sting just a little, I am sure that I will not be the only one to volunteer to kiss them better.

Finally hearty congratulations on the return of your artist’s impressions exemplified in Home Sweet Home on page 50.

How refreshing to see more work from the artist [Alan Bell, I think we now know/presume] who helped to make the early issues of ‘Blushes’ so memorable. Remember the delicious Babs and her wicked Uncle Basil and what he did to her in the cellar in Blushes Issue No 1?

In my opinion a good line drawing of a C.P. scene will beat all but the finest of photographic studies any time. I find that your drawing of the toothsome Pauline had nuances of detail on which one can feast one’s eyes and feed ones fantasies. Why has half the divan bed on which the victim gets her no doubt well-deserved cum-uppance been half cut away? What is concealed in that cardboard box atop of the wardrobe. Does the nosey Mr Brown in the house opposite get a mind-goggling glimpse of young Pauline’s bare bum from the vantage point of his upstairs window?

I may have picked out only a handful of the goodies in Blushes 22. I am certain that many of your other readers will have found that their enthusiasm overfloweth.

Please keep up the good work.

Yours, P.C. [Sussex]

Dear Sir,

I regularly read all your publications, I believe you set a very high standard which other C.P. magazines just cannot match.

Overall your photographs and stories manage to please everyone, as the old saying goes — ‘you can please some of the people some of the time, and most of the people most of the time, but not all the people all of the time.’

Two articles that have appeared in your most recent issues, I found most pleasurable and would like to see expanded on.

Firstly in Blushes 16 in the Letters section there was a most delightful photograph supplied by B.S. of Herts, of his neighbour’s teenage daughter, showing us her pert bottom clad in only skimpy red knickers. Perhaps other readers could send in photographs of their daughters, step-daughters, nieces, wards etc, either in punishment poses or perhaps dressed in their school uniforms, girl guide or majorette outfits or pyjamas.

Secondly, the story in Whispers 3 entitled The Scarecrow was, for me, a wonderfully wicked piece of fiction. The model in the accompanying photos was very pretty, with such a look of innocence and hurt. My request is that you use the same model in a set of photos that would go something along these lines.

The girl, wearing her majorette outfit, is seen being caned by her mother in front of relatives such as grandfather, aunt, uncle and a male cousin of the same age. Halfway through the caning she is made to take off her outfit, leaving her wearing only a vest and white ankle socks. This of course makes her extremely embarrassed. The caning continues with her bent forward touching her toes, legs slightly apart, her bottom facing the onlookers. Afterwards she is instructed to remove her vest and stand with hands on head, and her back to the relatives, then she is ordered to face them keeping her hands on her head. With a look of mortified humiliation on her pretty face.

I hope this request meets with your approval, and indeed the other idea.

Yours faithfully,


P.S. If you are looking for anyone to play the male cousin in my scenario, I am more than willing.

Thanks for the idea, K.L., hope you like the story Grangemoor Routines which your letter inspired.

Addendum: many thanks to Darcy for coverting the negative drawing above to its original form — see below:

Darcy has also done a colourised version:


  1. That negative photograph (if that's what it is) shown above is a strangely alluring and tantalising one. I agree with P.C. of Sussex, it does very much capture the excitement of the subject matter, perhaps all the more so due to the unusual way that the image is presented. Nevertheless, I cannot help wondering if the ordinary photograph concerned was ever published or, better still, the photoset from which it is taken? Did the girl herself ever appear in any other published photographs?

  2. I could never decide whether the girl in The Scarecrow is pretty as the writer here concludes. She looks a lot prettier with her knickers off and upended for the cane in the Whacked Out part of the story. The one where she’s tipped on her back with her legs up in the air. On the old double bed which looks set to be squeaking under her.

  3. One thing I always found arousing about the scarecrow girl was her look of vulnerability and scared resignation. It was easy to imagine her mewling under the weight of her groaning guardian as she received her post-caning aftercare.

    I remember converting that negative picture to positive when it was discussed in some long gone forum or group. It’s a drawing, most likely by Alan Bell. There are a number of online converters which can be used if you save the picture from this blog.

    1. Thanks for the tip. I've now converted the image. It looks familiar but that may just be because of the familiarity of the negative. Nice picture, but for some reason I feel that the negative has more power, especially placed as the contents page frontispiece as it is in the original magazine.

  4. Isn't the Scarecrow girl one of the stars of the 'Reform School Discipline' film?

    1. She is indeed. I always prefer the other girl: the way Alan Bell reduces her to tears with a big bulky strap to the backs of her legs, for stepping out of her square during a spanking.

  5. I confess that the episode of Bungo Braithwaite's smacked-bottom game of hide-and-seek with Annabel, the scarecrow girl, has been one of my go-to favourite reads ever since it was published, not least because of the allure of the photoset model matched to the story. I also return often to the same girl's pairing, as Suzie, with the plummy old schoolmaster in Part 1 of 'Reform School Discipline'. Uncle George sums up her appeal perfectly. Indeed I can imagine that aforesaid Part 1 roue applying to Suzie, post-caning, exactly the sort of after-care to which Uncle George so arousingly alludes.

    1. Yes, I've often thought that even my favourite spanking films, and especially those featuring disciplinarians of more senior years dealing with pretty young nubiles, might have been improved by a touch of the rod of flesh, alongside that of rattan. The film to which you refer being a perfect case in point. Indeed, that aspect which is quite often present in spanking fiction, especially of the Blushes variety, seems to be mostly absent in the movies. The emphasis tends to be on the chastisement, with any lecherous intent on the part of the disciplinarian(s) left to be assumed rather than made explicit. But wouldn't it have been nice, to give one Blushes-style instance, if girls in these films had occasionally been made to stand naked and rigidly to attention (or at least made to try to do so on pain of a caning) whilst their tits were mauled and their pussies toyed with? Or maybe, on occasion, a fellow was shown to be taking his ultimate pleasure with a girl, flesh to flesh, in just the way Uncle George describes? Wouldn't have to be anything too 'hardcore', of course, just enough so the viewer is left in no doubt whatsoever as to what is taking place, again in that good old Blushes-style. Yes, the rod of flesh, even as a metaphor for all sexual interest, is just as important as the rod of rattan when it comes to training a girl, in my view.

    2. New Moral Order’s musings on administration of the rod of flesh as a finale to favourite videos brings to mind the Blushes video ‘Big Girls Do Cry’. The original version, which I owned on tape in pre-internet days, concluded with the slender, pouting niece astride a recumbent Alan Bell, reluctantly raising herself up and down apparently impaled upon the rod in question. Simulated I suppose but a delightful scene which, sadly, was deleted from subsequent releases.

  6. Ooh, that colourised version of the previously negative picture above is superb. Thank you, Darcy.

  7. Yes indeed, thanks to Darcy for supplying the positive image and excellent colourised version. I note that the letter writer, P.C., concluded that the negative was from a photograph because “ What artist but a genius would think to show that cotton thread running so enticingly from the edge of the girl’s knickers to the undercrease of her bottom?” Take a bow, Alan Bell!

  8. Yes, top work Darcy

  9. Darcy restoring an Alan Bell drawing and colourising it... that's a terrific addendum! The girl is a more realistic creation than is typical in Bell's sketches, which makes me wonder whether he based this piece on one of his Blushes models. To my eye there's one model it resembles, a blonde with a similar face, but I don't have to hand a reference to a particular issue which would ID her.


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