Civil Liberties

From Uniform Girls 3

‘Do you have any idea how much fuel a fifty ton tank uses on a twenty mile cross country journey? Eh, do you?’

She hadn’t, she said, and her tits pressed wilfully against her jacket and made the buttons pull.

‘Let alone an entire battalion, sent off on a wild-goose chase across Salisbury Plain —’

She’d said she was sorry, she mumbled resentfully, and her bottom plumped out her skirt, and he paced around his civil servant’s office, around her, and then he sat down in case she should notice how much the thought of spanking her had aroused him.

‘Wilful neglected duty,’ he said. ‘An ability to communicate simple messages accurately, I should have thought, is hardly too much to expect of someone in the Royal Corps of Signals.’

Her pretty face pinkened with embarrassment; she almost pouted, too, which made him want to spank her the more.

‘Were it not for the fact that your uncle is colonel of the regiment involved in this cock-up, I wouldn’t have been surprised if you’d been thrown out on your ear.’

Her lip trembled; he realised that she was about to cry.

‘As it is, Colonel Matthewson has asked me to deal with you, and to keep the business hushed up as far as possible.’

She whispered ‘Thank you, sir,’ and wouldn’t meet his eyes, and it was then he knew that she knew —

‘The Colonel has given me to understand that you respond well to more direct disciplinary methods — that a smacked bottom works wonders, those were his words. Is that so? Hmm?’

She nodded; her hands went of their own accord to the buttons of her uniform jacket — plainly she had been told what to expect.

Standing on the far side of the desk, with her skirt hoisted up in the shy way that a schoolgirl might have done it — in the same way that she had most likely done when she’d been a schoolgirl. The plump, succulent pout of her pubic mound invited the eye at once —

Pacing his office again he couldn’t help but look at the chubby, impudent out-thrust of her knickered bottom; the spanking he meant to give her would turn those half-bare bum-cheeks a warm, throbbing crimson —

She was as brave as she could be, but the stingy splatt of his plastic ruler undermined her determination not to let him make her blubber.

Once she’d begun to weep she seemed to lose the spirit of defiance altogether, simply crying the more pathetically when he ordered her into the most humiliating position he could think of on the spur of the moment —

He spanked her with deliberate methodicity, slowly and regularly, delighting in the squirminess of her bottom and the half-hearted kicking of her legs. Tears fell sideways from her frightened eyes and her moist mouth looked more inviting by the moment.

Hushed-up as the whole thing was supposed to be, it occurred to him that if one thing was going to be kept quiet, then whatever else might happen would also have to be kept secret. That being so — he gave her a last smarting spank with the ruler and then moved round to the end of the desk.

She looked at him tearfully, mouth pink and moist and half-open as she gasped for breath. She gulped a little as he showed her what he had in mind. But she was in no position to say no — she would just have to swallow her pride —


  1. This is without doubt the best spanking blog on the Internet today. It brings back so many good memories of the classic spanking magazines from the 80s and 90s. This is a cracking story because not only does it deal with the corporal punishment but invariably, the other physical contact that takes places between young women and the men who spank them.

  2. Yes she’s rightly upended in a vulnerable and accessible position, and when pushed onto her back, made to get her bare bottom up clear of the desk. She ought to hold this on her own; a girl should be made to work at it when she’s being dealt with. The required position in this regard is that of the blonde in Mr Murgatroyd’s Ladies in Supplement 9 where she has to double up so her toes reach the surface behind her head. Also with that blonde she is being hit with a good thick bulky hard-edged strap; the novelty item plastic ruler we see above is hardly likely to have the desired effect; and the girl above is irritating as she seems to be let of far too lightly once she has got herself into her embarrassing position.


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