Oh, Natalie!

From Janus 144

Just like a bad penny, young Natalie always seems to turn up within a short time of blotting her copybook. It is not so much another of those occurrences where she has put her foot in it, more a case of her bottom — and certain other body parts — getting in the way of her naive life. To be perfectly honest, Natalie’s life has become a bit of a mess, anyway.

We didn’t actually send for her, she came to see us. At such times the greatest difficulty is to keep a straight face and maintain a flawless sang-froid. Confronted by a diminutive and nubile little girl who appears to be all sweetness and innocence puts a great strain on even the hardest of confidants. There is always an inclination to ignore the girl’s regular misdemeanours and allow that naive prettiness to dictate actions and influence objectivity. It had to be guarded against.

So, what was the problem this time?

‘Well…’ Natalie began, somewhat hesitantly. ‘It’s my bottom. I know you men are always saying that I’m naughty and that I should have my bottom spanked, but my friend Sandra says that I’m too grown up to be punished like that… even when I am naughty!’

Her indignation was something new, not something we were expecting. An acceptable answer required a degree of thought. In the meantime, Natalie stood wide-eyed with expectancy.

‘Oh, and who is this friend, er… Sandra, wasn’t it?’

‘Oh, Sandra is my new best friend,’ said Natalie brightly. ‘She’s a proper model, you know. She’s helping me to become a model too, and… well, she’s already got me some work. Besides, I like posing with Sandra ‘cause she’s teaching me how to be good at that sort of thing…’

Now, that partially explained the various reports we’d received about Natalie engaging in lewd lesbian activities on one of those so-called, light-night adult TV channels.

‘By that, we presume you mean pornography when you say ‘that sort of thing’, eh Natalie?’

‘Oh no!’ Natalie responded indignantly. ‘I wouldn’t do anything like that… Sandra says that it is perfectly natural for girls to do it to each other, especially when they are friends. Anyway, men like watching two girls doing things, don’t they?’

It seemed to us that there was more to this than at first seemed apparent.

‘There may be something in what you say, Natalie, but that doesn’t mean it is right. Now, tell us… who does it to who? Do you perform cunnilingus on Sandra, or does she do it you?’

‘Oh, well…’ Natalie began, more than a little bemused, ‘what’s cunnilingus?’

We told her in words of one syllable. Predictably, the naughty little baggage giggled, shuffled her feet and blushed quite noticeably. She didn’t answer, of course, because she couldn’t. We pressed home the advantage.

‘Now, let’s get this straight, Natalie — apart from using your tongue on Sandra’s nether regions, when performing on camera, what other little acts of depravity are you two girls indulging in?’

‘Er, I don’t know what you mean,’ said Natalie, wide-eyed and defenceless. ‘We don’t do funny things like depra… deprav… or anything.’

‘Well, what do you do, then? And how often do you do it?’

Natalie thought for a moment. ‘Well…’ she began hesitantly, as if unsure how much she should tell us about these new demonstrations of feminine togetherness. ‘Er, quite often, I suppose. Sandra says that I can be a jolly good model if I really want to. Of course, I have quite a lot to learn and Sandra is really good at helping me… and we have lots of fun practising. She shows me the proper way to do all those things that the public want to see, you know… so that it will look good for the cameras. That’s why we did some work for those nice television people that Sandra knows. They said that I must be a really good actress because I looked as if I was enjoying it (she giggled). Well, I thought it was rather good fun.’

The picture was becoming a good deal clearer. ‘Presumably, there are no men involved in these private, or public performances, eh Natalie?’

‘Oh no, of course not!’ said Natalie, affronted by the suggestion. ‘Sandra says that you can’t trust men when there’s a pretty girl around. She thinks that a lot of you men have taken advantage of me by spanking my bottom when I’ve been naughty. Men are always doing things like that to pretty girls… it’s their way, you see.’

Pause for thought. Natalie was still standing as if waiting to be dismissed by her headmaster. She wasn’t exactly wringing her hands but every now and then she chewed her lip apprehensively.

‘So, you and Sandra think that we should stop spanking your extremely naughty little bottom, do you Natalie?’

She half nodded. ‘Well, yes, I… er, we do.’

Somehow, we just knew that there was more to it than that. Judging from our previous experiences in administering to those two extremely agreeable protuberances, Natalie didn’t exactly hate the attention accorded by a masculine hand, or cane. In fact, the so-called innocent had been infused with more than a little frisson. More than she now cared to remember, anyway.

We maintained a dignified silence, forcing Natalie to relieve her obvious discomfort by continuing: ‘Anyway,’ she said bravely, seeking to justify her “resolution”. ‘Sandra says that having my bottom spanked is a very personal thing and men shouldn’t be doing that to me. It is the sort of thing that only two really good friends should do. Besides, once I have taken my knickers off Sandra takes care to do it to me really nicely, you know. She only uses the cane if I have been a very bad girl. If it hurts and stings a lot, she always tries to make it better. She is ever-so considerate, you know… she rubs my bottom with these special herbs that have to be made wet once they are on. I really like that because she doesn’t bother to wet them with water. She says it is much better for both of us if she uses her tongue, and well… she licks my bottom all over.’

So, that was it. Natalie had fallen into the clutches of someone even more devious than her previous bottom spankers. A comparable strategy was called for.

‘Perhaps your friend Sandra has a point, Natalie. However, as both of you are now models, why don’t you get Sandra to give us a ring. I am sure we would be able to arrange a little scenario where you could work together and show us how just how well this new friendship benefits you. I am sure Sandra would enjoy the work.’

‘Oh yes,’ said Natalie, brightening considerably. Will she have to spank my bottom then?’

‘Of course, but in the name of art, and for the sake of the story-line, a certain amount of male participation may be necessary. Naturally, we could concentrate on the two friends’ aspect and make sure you both had an enjoyable modelling session. Why don’t you mention it to her?’

‘I will,’ enthused Natalie, looking much happier. ‘I think it is a really good idea.’


  1. Sadly, to the best of my knowledge, we never got to see a Janus photoset with Natalie, Sandra and some male participation, which is what this piece seems to promise. I wonder if something was planned. Still, this set here is very appealing.


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