Letters from Uniform Girls 19

Dear Sir,

This is just a line to thank you for the continuing excellence of your magazines, Blushes and Uniform Girls.

You have done some features lately with the girls bent over their desks or beds with their legs wide open with good revealing photos of all their wonderful private bits showing very clearly while they were being caned — super poses!

Only please can we have pictures of your girls being caned like this while wearing black stockings and suspenders. You never seem to give us the exciting poses of ‘bent over legs wide open charms’ of the girls wearing black stockings and suspenders. Why not?

Please can we have a much much higher percentage (say 99%) of your models wearing black or dark brown nylon stockings. And why do you often forget to make the girls wearing stockings and suspenders take off their bras and display their boobs. All girls being disciplined should have to display their boobs. It’s not only more exciting to see but I’m sure it is an essential psychological part of such punishment.

Don’t think I’m grumbling too much. I’m very, very grateful for your magnificent magazines and the next issue is never out quick enough for me.

Thanks again,

D. Stone

Dear Sir,

I have recently read your issue No. 12 and was particularly interested to read the letter headed Fingers Out, signed D.E.. My interest was mainly in the writer’s suggestions regarding dress and humiliation for recalcitrant girls and young women. I disagree strongly with your correspondent. The idea of shaving a girl’s pubic area and of making her go without knickers of any description under so short a skirt does not accord with my ideas. A naughty girl’s bare bottom is made for punishment but she should be entitled to privacy in the pubic area.

In general though, I am in complete agreement with D.E. While at home the girl should have very strict rules imposed regarding dress. Her skirts and frocks should be really short, not more than about 1” below her bottom. Her knickers should be extremely brief with no elastic in the high cut legs. This ensures that they continually ride up over her bottom, however often she tries to adjust them, leaving most of it nice and bare for the punishing hand. Of course, all stockings, tights and jeans should be totally banned. Bare legs will help to bring an arrogant girl down to earth. A good tip, as far as her knickers are concerned, is to insist that she wears them back to front. This will provide ample covering for her pubes while affording very little protection for her bottom. She should undergo frequent inspections in order to ensure her regular compliance with this requirement. Severe punishment should be awarded for infractions of this rule. Also, be sure she always wears her knickers pulled right up to her waist. Should she try wearing them low on the hips, thus affording more cover for her bottom, she must be punished.

The girl should have her bottom smacked frequently and the knickers prescribed will ensure that plenty of bare bottom is available for this. However, it is a good idea, if you are administering a smacking in front of others, to involve the culprit in preparing and presenting herself for punishment. She should be made to tuck up her already skimpy knickers at the back to make her bottom as bare as possible and then to hold up her skirt so that the smacking may be properly witnessed. If the girl is to be caned or strapped however, then her bottom must be utterly and completely bare, with her knickers right down by her ankles, the classic punishment position for a naughty girl. Again it is important to make her perform the taking down of her knickers, knowing that everyone is gazing intently at the utter bareness of her bottom. I do agree with D.E. that, following a good, sound, wholesome caning, the girl must not be allowed to rub her bottom but must endure the stinging, smarting, burning pain for at least half an hour without comforting herself. I must reiterate that the cane should always be administered in front of as many witnesses as possible, including some of her friends, to ensure the girl’s utter shame and humiliation, which are essential for really effective punishment.

It is a good idea to keep a punishment book and to make the miscreant enter the number of strokes of the cane awarded for each transgression. She should be told to present the punishment book for inspection weekly, showing the total number of strokes outstanding. This should be checked for accuracy, any mistakes earning further strokes. After a caning, the number of strokes received should also be entered by the girl and the balance outstanding shown. It is as well always to leave a number of strokes outstanding so that the erring girl can be kept in constant apprehension of a caning. A special punishment tunic should be worn for a caning. This will be waist high. After the caning, she should step out of her knickers and put on special punishment knickers which leave her bottom looking absolutely bare. She should wear this punishment uniform until bedtime, knowing that all present can see the marks of the cane on her bare bottom. This enticing sight will doubtless earn her many smacks from the assembled company and she should eventually go up to bed with a very sore bottom indeed.

As I know from experience, the foregoing is a really effective way of dealing with a wilful, disobedient, insolent girl or young woman.

It certainly worked with my own daughter at the age of nineteen, and I will write about that on another occasion. Meanwhile, I offer my best wishes for your continued success.

Yours faithfully,

Alice G., Hants

P.S. My husband has asked me to say that the girl Judy, caned in your story for not trying hard enough at spelling, has one of the most tempting bottoms he has ever seen. He’s never seen one that looked so bare! It is as well that she isn’t under our care because he thinks her bottom is absolutely ideal for punishment, being fleshy but not fat, able to absorb punishment and in short, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off it!

Judy in Drastic Action

Q: What’s worse than travelling all the way to London only to find that there are no new Blushes magazines out?

A: Travelling all the way to London only to find that there are three new Blushes magazines out, none of which has anything to inspire me to buy it.

Maybe I am too harsh and eager in my criticism. Subtlety always was your policy, and one really has to read each of your stories carefully rather than browse. However, at six quid a shout I can’t afford too many disappointing purchases. When things are going well, I buy your magazines on trust, knowing that there is bound to be enough juicy stuff buried in all that print to satisfy me. Recently I have to say that I’ve had more than my share of let-downs. Last year I was consistently being surprised and delighted by your magazines. Now it seems every issue is dull and mild.

I wish I could see a good reason for the changes that have come about. There have been no schoolgirls for months, and you’ve added two years to the average age of your victims. Yet other magazines, even while being persecuted by threat of prosecution, have continued to give us sixteen-year-old schoolgirls all the time. Are you trying to woo the American market?

The stories seem to have lost their wicked frisson. I comfort myself with the thought that you went through a similarly joyless phase a while back, when the fiction became turgid and pretentious, full of those damnable paragraphs about the awakening of masochistic feelings in the victim whose suffering you had been trying to enjoy. These have been the bane of CP writing over the past twenty years.

Certain aspects of your photography have improved — the girls are less successful at hiding their orifices these days — but the strength of Blushes was in allowing us to think it was the girl next door who was having all these beastly things done to her. Nowadays the model usually starts the sequence in a state of exotic undress. Previously she was seen first as a nurse or a majorette or whatever, then transformed into a pathetic creature whose bottom became the focus of all our lustful intentions.

I hope it is worth my while writing to you. I’ve tried to work up an interest in your rival magazines, but they honestly can’t compare with Blushes running at full throttle. I find it difficult to believe that the editorial team who gave us those superb videos, who seemed to understand exactly what it was we liked about girls and what we wanted to see done to them, could be satisfied with the current product.

Well, I’ve had my moan. I do hope that you will be able to set things on course again soon. In the meantime I’l try to write the sort of letter I’d like to see in your magazine.

In the last issue I bought there was a letter from P.R. of Herts about two emotive subjects, breast punishment and humiliation. It was an enjoyable letter even though I would disagree with some of the things he says.

P.R. seems to be saying that because a girl’s breasts are sensitive they are unsuitable for punishment. I would have thought that this made them even more desirable targets. He confuses sensitivity to pain with vulnerability to damage. It might well be a good idea to choose straps and martinets rather than a cane, but P.R. is being far too cautious in advising against nipple tweaking! I’ve known girls with wonderfully firm breasts who have greatly enjoyed having their nipples tweaked, i.e. the physical sensation was purely sexual. The only discomfort came for one girl through half-a-night’s worth of tweaking nipples and grinding them against each other (she was a big girl) when they had become sore. I would add that this girl had no objection to any amount of rough man-handling of her tits, while other girls have been less appreciative of such treatment. I think a lot depends on the firmness of the breasts.

I know a submissive girl who finds nipple-tweaking painful but exciting. (You see, I like masochists as playmates, I just don’t want to read about them!) So P.R.’s opinion that breasts should receive no more than caresses is not one I have much time for.

However, I do agree that girls should be made to expose their tits for punishment witnesses to criticise. P.R. suggests that they should be derided for their size, also the size of nipples can be criticised. Girls’ breasts come in two sizes, too big and too small. There must be very few women in the world who are satisfied with the size of their tits. Thankfully, the male-dominated society in which we live does everything to encourage anxiety about bust size. Small-breasted women feel inadequate alongside page three lovelies, while there is a corresponding association between vulgarity and big tits. I’ve known large-breasted girls to long for a smaller chest, as they feel men regard them as a pair of tits rather than people. Also big knockers can be a source of considerable discom-fort in many situations.

The good thing about all this is that girls need reassurance about their figure. In a normal seduction situation one can offer this reassurance. In a punishment situation one should do the opposite and make the girl feel that her tits are a joke. The breasts could be measured individually and much made of the fact that one is bigger than the other. The same applies to nipple diameter. Make her feel abnormal. Various tests should be conducted to determine their weight, bounce-factor, stretchiness etc. She wants to hear that her breasts are normal and beautiful. Make her feel that they are ridiculous.

With small breasts one should heighten feelings of inadequacy and lack of femininity which will be present in the girl already, even if supressed. Big ones present endless possibilities for ridicule. Make her perform any exercise that will make them jerk, lurch and wobble.

Many years ago I was surprised to find an article in a straight ‘girlie’ magazine on punishment and humiliation techniques. It was both stimulating and amusing. A large part of it was concerned with the hypothetical situation of a girl over a whipping bench. There was then a multiple-choice questionnaire as to how you would deal with her.

One question drew attention to the girl’s large tits which were dangling helplessly through a suitable gap in the bench’s structure. The question asked what you would do with them:

a) Put your head between them and go B-R-B-R-B-R-B-R!?

b) Place a tray of spiders under them?

My choice was definitely (c)!

P.R., Huntingdon

We regret that details of P.R.’s choice of (c) has had to be left out, but readers will no doubt have their own ideas anyway.


  1. The letter from P.R. is one of my favourites in all Blushes. It is so insightful and spot-on about girls and their tits. He’s right that girls are paranoid about tit size. That’s why the bra industry plays on telling girls their tits need pushing up or pushing out or whatever else. Of course the wretched bra has no place in punishment. A girl will object to the cane or ‘the other’ but what she really can’t handle is having her tits insulted throughout.
    That's why one of my favourite stories is ‘Kept in Suspense’ in Blushes 15 (run elsewhere as ‘A Mere Plaything’). The girl puts up a real fight to keep hands of her bra and tits. It’s a losing battle of course, and her tits are outed: a right set of udders they are too)


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