Letters from Uniform Girls 12


Dear Sir,

I write to you having seen a question in an earlier issue on the subject of masturbation in girls. Some of your stories have dealt with a young lady being subjected to her punisher’s finger moving over or slipping into her very sensitive parts. She is made to wriggle on or against that finger until the inevitable happens. Wet and sticky, she feels further humiliation has been added to her punishment. Very occasionally, a girl has been in trouble for her own private activities. This has been the result of either her own solitary efforts or of undesirable copulation.

This letter is to suggest a number of ways by which a girl can be persuaded not to indulge herself singly or with others. Of course, a close watch must be kept on her at all times. Even the best taught young woman will be tempted once she has experienced the pleasure of a sexual climax. It is the job of those looking after her to ensure that the opportunity does not arise. Or alternatively that if the chance does occur, she does not succumb. Finally to punish if, in spite of everything, she does have the opportunity and seizes the chance to gratify her selfish desires.

First of all the matter of a girl’s pubic hair. This tends to give them the idea that they have reached maturity and that a bodily privacy is desirable. Ignore all such feelings and keep her shaved. Take no notice when she wails that other girls of her age can grow curls. They may laugh when they see her in the showers, perhaps at the tennis club. It does not matter. Ensure that her pubis is bare and smooth all the time. It is best if you do this for her yourself. You will inevitably see all that she has between her legs. In fact you will need to handle and touch every part. Offering herself in this fashion will teach her that opening her legs is not always the forerunner of pleasurable activity.

Secondly there is the problem of suitable clothing. The selection of clothes when out of the home is not too easy. Clearly she must be allowed garments that fit in with the rest of society. We do not want her to be the object of ridicule for everyone she meets. Do make sure that she is wearing sensible underclothing. Proper knickers and not a piece of lace that covers very little. I would also insist that she wore a vest and I would only allow a bra if her breasts were heavy enough to really need one.

Once indoors, the situation changes. Only the minimum of clothing is necessary. A lightweight blouse and a short skirt. Not a fashionable mini-skirt but a pleated school or games skirt. A tennis dress would be equally suitable. It should be quite short and only just cover her bottom and pubic area when standing up straight. This will always leave her thighs available to be smacked and will make her very careful how she moves and sits. There will not be enough to go round her bottom when she sits and she will be very conscious that at best there is only the seat of her knickers between the chair and her own seat. She will need very little underwear. At best only a pair of thin nylon knickers. No matter how big she is, a bra is totally unnecessary indoors. Whether knickers are permitted or not will depend entirely on her recent behaviour. Sitting and showing knickers will be bad enough for her. Without them, she will sit with her legs pressed very tightly together trying not to show anything of the area between her legs. Of course you can make rules about sitting that make it impossible for her to close her legs. That is your prerogative.

Do not hesitate to discuss her sexual activities with your friends and relatives. She will go very red as you tell the lady from next door about her dirty habits. How she cannot wait to get into bed so that she can play with herself. Or how you caught her with her boyfriend’s hand in her knickers. She has been banned from seeing him but still has to take the consequences. Doubtless you will be given many ideas for consideration in your battle to keep her under control. The person making the suggestions will be quite pleased if you decide to try them out in his or her presence.

Keep a close watch on her knickers. Make sure that they are always clean and dry. Let guests have a look or feel as you think fit. Send her to bed very early although you will need to check that she does not start misbehaving whilst on her own. Make her come downstairs after she has changed into her nightdress to say goodnight to everyone. Supervise her when she takes a bath. Ensure that all the little nooks and crannies are properly washed. If you have any doubt, insist on washing her yourself. There is nothing there that you have not seen many times before. You might even ask a guest for assistance in the matter. Remember to inspect her thoroughly after a bath. Girls to tend to skimp over important details.

The position that should be adopted for examination of the genital area is simple but very effective. The girl should be lying on her back on a table with legs up in the air. Her hands should be clasped round the back of her knees. Not only does this keep her legs in place, it also reduces the possibility of the young lady using her hands to interfere with your inspection. Again eyes and hands need to be used to assess the situation. If she is found to be wet or sticky you will know that her behaviour has not come up to the standard that you demand. I do not approve of corporal punishment being applied in this position. There is far too much risk of the instrument being used to apply correction accidentally catching tender areas never intended for such painful treatment. Her bottom is also far too tight and underlying tissues may easily be damaged. The backs of her thighs are in an ideal position for smacking, and I suggest that any physical punishment should be limited to that.

Moderate or severe corporal punishment should only be applied to a relaxed, curved bottom. In my opinion the ideal situation is with the culprit bending over the edge of a table. A bed can be used, but would seem to be a little low for the best opportunity. She may have a cushion under her hips to make her a little more comfortable. Punishment must be carefully and thoughtfully given. It must not be a quick few strokes of the cane and finished. I suggest a little comfort because she will be bent over the table for quite some time. Her bottom will sting atrociously when you have finished. There is no need for other aches and pains.

Have her in position long before the time you intend to use the cane. Dress raised and knickers down, if she is wearing them and legs stretched out straight behind her. Just the toes resting on the floor. Her hands should be in front of her clasping the far end of the table. There must be no significant movement or getting up until you give permission, which will not be until well after the last stroke. Make her wait before you begin. Twenty minutes or half an hour at least; she will spend the whole time conscious that she is once again in that awful position of offering her bottom for it to be caned. Wondering how much it will hurt this time and wishing that she had not been so stupid as to give you the opportunity.

You will need a relaxed and a steady rear end for each stroke you apply. Undoubtedly her rump will be well marked long before you finish. Take no notice of tears and pleas. In fact she ought to have been taught that only her gasps and sounds of crying are acceptable. Unless you wish her to count the strokes, her voice should not be heard. Take your time between each stroke; wait for the wriggling to cease, and when you are ready, let the cane whistle down once more on her trembling bottom.

There are two schools of thought on what should happen next. It is interesting to watch a girl capering around the room rubbing or holding the fire in her nether cheeks. However, I feel that discipline should come first and prefer that she should spend a further period in the same position and without being allowed to comfort herself in any way. There is the alternative of standing in the corner but I feel it is even better for her to remain in the punishment position.

In conclusion, may I point out one or two things. If carried out properly, this sort of treatment will rarely be needed. She will soon learn not to use her fingers to excite herself. It may be necessary to supervise her bathing and to insist on the special clothing, but any further action should not be necessary other than very rarely. It will also be realised that one cannot expect an undisciplined girl suddenly to accept all the things I have suggested. The proper situation is one in which the girl has been brought up to accept parental authority.



Dear Blushes,

I wrote to you about celebrity candidates for a spanking which you kindly published. There has since been a questionnaire compiled by a reader containing in item 13, a list of celebrity girls for spanking. I already — for those who missed it — listed in detail Selina Scott, Annabel Croft, Julia Somerville and Shirley Cheriton for a warmed bottom. I now suggest a few more deserving cases.

Channel 4’s Brookside provides one such instance in the lovely Amanda Burton who plays Heather Haversham in the show. Amanda always has a rather haughty manner which really needs to be brought down to earth.

Amanda Burton (1)

I would fancy being Amanda’s uncle who had invited her to my home in the country for a holiday. My report on the events of this holiday, which I would submit for Blushes for your readers delectation, would read something like this:

Amanda soon settled into the routine of the house but was late for dinner on the third day, so I jokingly threatened her with a smacked bottom if she was late again. Amanda replied, while blushing, that she hadn’t been spanked since she was sixteen, but didn’t seem to object to the suggestion.

I purposely waited until Amanda was wearing a floral cotton print dress with a loose shirt before inviting her into the attic to peruse my collection of books and paintings, which she was delighted to accept.

Little did Amanda suspect while I held the stepladder in position to the attic, insisting that she should go up first, thus allowing me a view of her upper legs as the hemline of her flared dress came above my head. I discovered that Amanda is not wearing tights but just a pink silk slip with matching french knickers under her dress.

I quickly followed Amanda into the attic to inform her she needed to be disciplined. There was a startled look on her face when Amanda asked what I meant by that. I told her a good spanking over my knee was the idea, and any future naughtiness would result in the same.

Amanda tried to protest her innocence but she soon realised her hopelessness when the entrance to the attic has been locked. She pleaded with me but I ordered her to fetch the hairbrush from the drawer of my desk.

I placed a chair in the centre of the attic and by the time Amanda reluctantly handed me the hairbrush she knew she had no option but to accept her first spanking for years.

Catching hold of Amanda’s arm. I gently positioned her across my knee so that her face was nine inches from the floor one side. Gathering Amanda’s dress and slip up over her waist, I revealed those splendid silk french knickers moulding themselves to the cheeks of her very pronounced bottom.

Amanda Burton is now a very demure young lady who is about to receive a hairbrush spanking. Well deserved in her case. So taking a hold of Amanda’s waist, I administer a dozen solid spanks to each cheek in turn over her knickers amid much threshing of legs and sobbing. I then discard the hairbrush and fondle Amanda’s bottom-cheeks through her knickers. Then I slide my hand inside the waistband and slowly draw them down her legs until falling to her ankles.

Amanda Burton (2)

There is already considerable heat generating from Amanda’s bottom, but with an appeal from her of ‘Please Uncle Andy, don’t spank me again, not on my bare bottom.’ I decide to ignore Amanda’s pleadings and deliver another twelve slow smacks by hand, making her really yell.

For Amanda Burton’s final humiliation, I instruct her to take her naughty self over to the corner of the room and stand there with her hands on her head for half an hour while I inspect her bottom.

I can now enjoy the sight, while sitting in my easy chair sipping a malt scotch, of poor Amanda’s scarlet, throbbing, well-spanked bottom. Standing there, she has her skirt and slip tucked into the waistbelt and her knickers around her ankles, occasionally hopping from foot to foot, crying uncontrollably, but unable to sooth away the sting.

So Amanda Burton, you naughty girl, here’s the person to give you the spanking you’ve been needing for years.

The other names that spring to mind include Joanna Van Gyseghem who plays Linda in Duty Free, also Nicola Bryant from Doctor Who fame. She loves to show off her shapely bottom inside those tight shorts. I think three strokes of the cane on each hand for these little madams, followed by a dozen on the bottom with a tawse.

Joanna Van Gyseghem

Readers in the T.V.S. region couldn’t fail to have noticed the local magazine programme’s hostess Fern Britton. This daughter of Tony Britton would soon receive a spanked bottom for every wrong doing. I think a nice cosy bare bottom. Fifty hand-spanks across my knee for Fern.

Fern Britton

Grange Hill contains several blossoming young ladies amongst the pupils. while my favourite teacher is Karen Lewis who plays Roz Partridge in the series. She is certainly good spanking material with a lovely cheeky bottom. Perhaps other readers could find further candidates from Grange Hill from the pupils and staff. Sorry to have rambled on a trifle.

Karen Lewis

Yours spankfully,

Andy T.


  1. Humiliation is by removing a girl’s thatch in the first letter. In 2024 it’s humiliating for a girl to be made to keep her bush on and full; so that’s what she needs to be made to do as part of her punishment. Anything and everything she doesn’t want to do is the rubric.

  2. DE has the right idea about keeping a girl under control. Punishment and humiliation together should always be the order of the day for girls of that certain age when they might indulge in sexual activity.

  3. Yes that’s why many Blushes stories depict these girls being sent away to a much older man so they can be properly taken in hand. A concerned mother prefers that, to her daughter hanging around the town shopping arcade checking her phone to see when some disreputable young boys can be met. Instead the girl is packed off to a country cottage with a respectable chap who can show her what’s what; manhandling her from the moment she arrives; getting her clothes off and sorting her out with cane and strap. It’s also squared with her mother that her daughter is fully at the host’s disposal: he’s in and out of the girl’s attic room, in and out of her squeaky old single bed and in and out of her. More often than not the story points out that the mother really just wants her girl out of the way all summer so she can herself indulge in sexual activity of her own.

    1. It's a nice and oft used spanking fiction trope but I nevertheless cannot help thinking that these selfish, libidinous mums should be caned naked alongside their daughters.

    2. Oh I agree entirely. Should be the first priority when mother comes to collect daughter. Deal with the pair of them at the first opportunity.

    3. (It should of course be added that due to their promiscuous natures daughter and mother in such cases are very likely to be circa age 16 + and 32 +. In many ways they are both as bad as each other, which is why hitting them alongside each

    4. other is appropriate. I suggest an arrangement like that for the two girls in Blushes 39. The mum is clearly the main culprit and reprobate here, so an extra hostility can be shown towards her. She can be singled out for extras at the end of the joint session; cane, strap or ‘other’ wise. I’m sure the daughter would like to see her self-centred mother getting her unwanted come-uppance and not getting her own way for once: what goes around comes around).

    5. I'm of the school that settles in spanking fiction for the trope of a mother's complicity with our elderly cottager/parson/retired headmaster - be this passive, principled, selfish or unwitting - without any desire to see her punished alongside her daughter. She may remember having been dealt with herself when she was her daughter's age but what happens with her nowadays, behind closed bedroom doors - and with whom - is something I'm happy to see left alone so that the focus remains on the helpless girl's anguish.


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