Letters from Uniform Girls 10
Dear Blushes,
I have noticed in several of
your back numbers that some of the girls in your features have had their
bottoms warmed in front of a fire, before they are spanked, this may not be so
far-fetched as it seems.
About 20 years ago, I went out
with a super girl, she was about 16 at the time. Her father was a white
Jamaican, to put it mildly. From what I can gather he kept his three daughters’
bottoms hot nearly all the time!
He took an immediate dislike to
me, he forbade me to go out in the car with his daughter (I used to borrow my
father’s car). It was ok to walk in the park but cars were out! After a while
we ignored this rule, but we were seen one day by her younger brother. All hell
broke loose when we returned. Carmen, that was the girls name, was told
immediately to go to her bedroom and prepare for ‘you know what’. Her father at
that point grabbed me by the neck and kicked me out of the house.
I met Carmen several days
later, I asked what had happened after I had left. She found it difficult to
tell me, but after being very persistent she told me.
Apparently she had to go and
put her pyjamas on and then go downstairs to the living room and stand in front
of the fireplace (large purpose-built affair), she said the fire seemed extra
large that evening, it was certainly extra hot! She then removed her pyjama
bottoms, leant forward and placed her hands on the wall above the fire place.
This meant that her top rose up leaving her thighs and bare tummy exposed to
the violent heat of the fire. She had to stay in that position for several
minutes. Her father who was also some kind of religious nut, told her that the
fire would purge the sins from her belly. After running his hand over her tummy
and thighs he felt she was now hot enough to turn round and prepare her bottom
for its retributions. She had to bend over and touch her toes. Her father at
this point poked and prodded the fire which seemed to make it even hotter, on
her poor bottom. She stayed in this position warming her bottom for nearly ten
minutes, she told me she nearly passed out. Her father then took up a chair and
placed it sideways to the fire. Carmen then went over his knee for a prolonged
spanking, his arm firmly round her waist and the palm of his hand pressed
firmly into her hot bare belly.
She broke down and cried at
this point and it was difficult to get any more details from her, it was
impossible to go on seeing her under such pressure from her father. I often
wonder how she got on in life.
Coming back to the present day,
I have just come back from Austria on a skiing holiday. Whilst I was there,
three girls came into a mountain restaurant, they were frozen and immediately
went to the roaring fire in the middle of the room and offered their bottoms to
the heat; I, of course, watched in fascination!
How about with your
photographic skills getting a model to pose with ski boots on, actually wearing
skis, being made to bend forward and touch the end of her skis whilst having
her botty warmed in front of the open fire, then her uncle or guardian spanks
or canes her — Go on! It would be different!?
It is a bit long, keep up the
good work.
semi-revitalised — CP fan of long standing (Due to your publication of course!)
Dear Sir,
While greatly enjoying
reading Blushes with such lovely girls getting the spanking
they deserve. I have a few improvements which you could implement for our
I personally would like to see
the girls as secretaries, nurses or air hostesses with more attention to detail
in this dress. For instance, please could your models wear slips under their
skirts as a slip with a lace hem looks very sexy with a full skirt or a thin
summer dress. They sometimes could wear matching french knickers with of course
stockings and suspenders. The girl should be at first fully dressed and seen
looking crestfallen as she is being rebuked with perhaps a shot of her standing
there taken from the floor with a view up her skirt and also her face looking
down. Then placed firmly over the captain’s knee then skirt and slip pushed up
and then well spanked until she’s crying.
The shoes should be not scuffed
and in good order otherwise this loses the sex appeal of the girl if she’s
scruffily dressed.
I would love to see a photo set
using the girl Linda Parkins from Blushes 10.
Could I add my favourites to the celebrity spanking list. Surely Selina Scott must be high on every man’s list for a good spanking. I picture the scene on breakfast TV of Selina interviewing Oliver Reed on the subject of Corporal Punishment, when suddenly he catches hold of Selina’s arm and to her great surprise, draws her across his knee for a practical demonstration of how to spank a girl. Oliver then lifts Selina’s white full skirt and slip to find her wearing stockings and suspenders with little white silk panties which are taken down to her knees. Then Oliver Reed proceeds to give Selina the spanking of her life. Oliver proceeds to give her twenty stingers on her bare bottom. The camera zooms in for a close up of Selina’s bottom before she is allowed to get up from Oliver’s lap and with tears rolling down her cheeks Selina runs from the set.
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Selina Scott |
Another candidate for a spanking is Annabel Croft, the teenage British tennis hope. I love the thin material used for Annabel’s dresses and with a full skirt to them she always gives us a terrific view of her pantied bottom when she serves the ball. I wonder if it’s the threat of a spanking with a hairbrush across her coach’s knee that has brought improved results from Annabel. We can only dream.
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Annabel Croft |
Other girls that spring to mind in need of a smacked bottom include Glynis of Dempsey and Makepeace, ITN newsreader Anne Lucas and best of all there is Julia Somerville on BBC 9 o’clock news. What I wouldn’t give to slide Julia over my knee and with her legs floundering and her face blushing furiously. I slowly push her dress up over Julia’s lovely bottom to find her wearing pale green french knickers under a matching slip which are slowly removed down to her thighs. Then despite Julia’s pleading that she has to read the news in fifteen minutes, I carry out a spanking that she won’t forget in a hurry. In fact while reading the news, Julia is constantly squirming in her chair and forgetting her lines. Her tear-stained eyes give away the fact that she has been dealt with.
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Glynis Barber |
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Julia Somerville |
Finally, how about Shirley Cheriton who plays Debbie in EastEnders, it’s about time her boyfriend gave her the spanking she’s been asking for.
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Shirley Cheriton |
Perhaps some other readers have a few ideas for her. Thanks for a great magazine which is the best by far on the market.
A. T.
Dear Blushes,
I have never before written to a C.P. magazine but I feel I must add my praise to all the rest and heartily congratulate all those connected with the highly esteemed House of Blushes. ‘Sarah’ (Blushes Supplement 12, pages 26 to 32 [Parental Lamentation]) is in every way a most deserving candidate for the cane and judging by the pictures her stern disciplinarian did not spare her round, plump bottom.
I also extremely relished the sight of her being soundly spanked in Blushes 18 [Sarah’s Problem] although (here a slight criticism) I do wish you would have lingered a little longer on her ‘pantied’ bottom prior to those panties being taken down for the actual spanking. Blushes is all about humiliating girls and I am sure all girls would find it extremely embarrassing to have to display their panties to the readers eyes, let alone the spanking that follows.
For that reason one of my all time favourite sequences in Blushes simply has to be the shy little innocent in Blushes 13 (pages 18-33) made to raise her brief skirt, displaying little nylon panties snugly encasing a most spankable rear end. What makes it even better is you can see the blush of embarrassment on her pretty face. So please let’s have more ‘pantied’ bottom displays and gradual undressing to bum punishment.
The other thing I liked about
‘Sarah’ in Supplement 12 is, she was wearing black
stockings with her school uniform. I am in my late fifties and still
remember the days when schoolgirls really did wear St Trinian’s-style uniform.
Box pleated gym-slips, crisp and neat white blouses, black stockings and not
forgetting navy-blue knickers!!
Please could I request a
sequence of one, or two girls, dressed like that, photographed outside (preferably
a village or high street). Better still, have them drinking alcohol in the
‘local’, at high bar stools, displaying their stocking tops and suspenders.
‘Approached’ by a teacher, they are marched briskly back to school where they
are publicly spanked and then caned by the headmaster. Perhaps
for the caning they should be made to strip down to vest, knickers and
stockings. Then the headmaster slowly takes their knickers
By a public caning I mean in
front of two or three school governors. How about it then? I do hope you can
proceed some way along the above lines.
Talk of Sarah reminds me of
some interesting recent press cuttings. About a year ago, sixteen year old
Sarah Macormack, then a schoolgirl at an exclusive £1,000-a-year girls boarding
school ran away to Gretna Green with school handyman Paul, and they got
married. It was reported their illicit relationship blossomed over C.B. Radio
(one of my great interests). Sarah’s code name was Purple Heart, so named after
her school uniform of purple blazer, cardigan and skirt. More recent mention of
this couple in the press reports they have split up. The national press coyly
stated that one of the reasons being that Paul ‘spanked’ Sarah, and she
objected to being treated like a naughty child, although Paul maintained that
because she had been behaving like a child she deserved to be spanked like a
child. These fascinating revelations took place near Norwich.
Fortunately I was able to get
hold of a local East Anglian newspaper which reported the case in much greater
detail. It seems Paul had discovered that Sarah had been seen around with other
men and consequently Paul took quite drastic action (can readers of Blushes blame
him?). The local Gazette reported Sarah as saying that on one weekend Paul
confiscated her wardrobe of everyday clothes (tight jeans, skirts, see-through
blouses etc) and compelled her to wear her old purple school uniform. Sarah
reported it was ‘terribly humiliating’ to have to parade around their love nest
in her old school clothes and she was ‘absolutely horrified’ when he pulled her
down across his lap and spanked her ‘with his hand first, and then with one of
his bedroom slippers.’
‘He really laid into me, it
hurt like hell!’ The aggrieved Sarah told the reporter of the Gazette.
As to the vexed question of whether Paul spanked his ‘Gymslip Bride’ upon her
bare bottom, unfortunately we have no inkling, but from what Sarah said about
it ‘hurting like hell’, that must seem to be the case.
At all events Sarah did not
find the experience at all sexy since regrettably she has now left Paul,
presumably for a man who will not subject her to such painful indignities.
However, I am sure that all readers of Blushes will join with
me in heartily congratulating Paul for using the time-honoured
traditional method of keeping his wayward schoolgirl bride in order.
Maybe people all over the
country are starting to sit up and take note of Blushes’ prescribed
remedies for naughty girls! Maybe too when Sarah comes to her teenage senses
she’ll realise that there’s worse things at sea than a sore, red sit-upon, and
hopefully she’ll go back to that firm but loving spouse of hers.
We all look forward to the
latest bulletin in the ‘Paul and Sarah’ saga!!
devoted disciplinarian, Solihull, West Midlands.
P.S. Other features I have liked recently have been Short & Sharp page 22 Blushes 18, I love to see girls spanked in the open air and now Spring is here please lets have more! Perhaps a girl in a tight skirt being told to remove it and parade about in her stockings, suspenders and panties. Then spanked. I also liked the girl’s frilly panties on page 56 of same issue. More of that too please!! And while I remember it, I would even like to see a girl fully dressed in skirt or jeans being spanked over an older woman’s knee, or in a public park, much to the amusement of passers-by! Surely that would not be too much to ask!
Dear Editor,
First I would like to thank you — thank you for a few particularly beautiful examples of your publications. One example is Culprit for the Colonel in Blushes Uniform Girls No 7, pages 28-35. Here we have it all: Corporal Punishment at its best! C.P. in the most orderly and organized way, while being humiliating to the last extent and almost perfectly demonstrated on pages 33 and 34. In those pictures we do find everything I believe: The female body, more precise the female backside full on display — and what kind of a backside! Widely bulging, full and fleshy, round and soft and yielding — and very ready for the cane. And the humiliation: panties down (or better up in that most unladylike position) and the woman’s private parts peeping unashamedly out between those full female thighs — that’s wonderful, beautiful — really marvellous.
A very nice addition to that is
any tight and restraining sort of garment, for instance garters, suspenders,
rolled-down panties etc. all of which squeeze the naked female bum-flesh into
even more prominent and rounded shapes while at the same time give a true
indication of the softness which is a particular appealing quality of the
female bum.
Another very good example for orderly, precise punishment is given in Blushes Supplement No 11, pages 12-14 [The Crammer] and another example for correct humiliation is in the same issue on page 9 [Half-Past Seven]. That young lady should be really ashamed of herself!
So far my praises. Now, perhaps
one or two words of criticism. Why are there not more readers’ letters in all
of your publications, Blushes, Uniform Girls, Supplement, Whispers?
I think you must get lots of them — so why not put in more in each issue,
preferably those which tell us precisely and in all detail about everything in
connection with C.P., giving detailed opinions, impressions of those who
receive and who hand out C.P., opinions on any aspect of C.P and examples of
how to solve certain problems and what there are more things to tell. Why not
give a bit more space to your readers, a chance to express themselves, give
advice and ask for help, describe preferences and advantages, why not give them
a try, a better try?
Now to the last part of my
letter. May I offer you a suggestion for your By Request — pages.
It is, by the way, not pure imagination but more or less a true account of
those punishments my wife Annegret and I gave our daughter Susanne. The girl is
now twenty-seven, married and has made her parents already twice to
grandparents. But nevertheless it is not much more than seven years till she
was punished the last time, actually being already engaged. What happened then
and many times before I’ll try to describe in the following scenes.
1. Scene: She is again for it!
Mum and Dad are sitting in the
living room at the coffee-table, both with a glass of dry sherry, smoking and
discussing very seriously their daughter’s coming punishment. She has a strap
in her hands while he is playing with a very good-sized cane.
Susanne, their 18-year-old
daughter is standing next to the coffee-table clad in a tight skirt and blouse,
relatively high-heeled shoes and sticking her full and fleshy teenage-bottom
towards her parents, with her back extremely arched, knees bent slightly and
supporting herself with her arms on her upper thighs. Her face is extremely
anxious and miserable.
2. Scene: It’s Time now!
Mum and Dad are still as
before, still discussing and sipping their sherry. Susanne had to remove her
skirt and is sticking out her buttocks encased in extremely tight see-through
nylon briefs, again right into her parents’ faces.
3. Scene: You know why you are
again for it!
Susanne is bent over the edge
of the living room table, her upper body resting on her elbows; forearms and
hands are absolute parallel and straight in front of her, palms flat on the
table, her face also looking straight ahead — but now even more miserable and
with tears rolling down over both pretty cheeks. Her hips are pressed very
uncomfortably against the sharp edge of the table and her panties are rolled
down meticulously below her stocking-tops; her legs are perfectly straight and
parallel stretched out behind with pointed toes and shoes.
Her mum and dad are standing
right and left and alternatingly interrogate their daughter on her ‘crime’.
She’d been out quite late last Saturday, coming home only at two in the morning
with alcohol on her breath, cigarettes in her handbag, her make-up smeared and
her panties in her handbag too.
4. Scene: Here we are!
Dad uses his cane very
thoroughly and very slowly and methodically on his erring daughter, caning her
from the top of her fat teenage bum well into the tops of her stockings until
he reaches her rolled down panties well down in her upper thighs. Mum takes a
close and very interested, but not all too pitiful look at her daughters face,
raising it at her chin. Many tears are trickling down the girl’s cheeks and
burst on her still perfectly outstretched hands, while her lips are twisted and
wide open to howl out her pain which had just been caused by another stroke of
the terrible cane.
5. Scene: Contemplation!
Mum and dad are again at the
coffee-table, talking. Susanne is still over the edge of the table, still
crying and still very, very miserable, but also still perfectly positioned with
her horribly striped and welted bum and thighs. Cane and strap rest on her
6. Scene: Particularly for the
girls — Open it up!
Mum is sitting right behind her
daughter looking straight into her caned bottom, strap in hand and waiting. Dad
is standing next to the girl’s bum, while Susanne reaches back with both hands
to ‘open-up’ her bum-cheeks herself. The poor girl’s eyes are full of tears and
fears, knowing what is waiting for her.
7. Scene: Strap her good and
Mum straps the girl’s inner
buttock-cheeks, i.e. the sides of her bottom crack and the inner side of the
girl’s thighs and also what is situated at the bottom of that long and deep
valley of those big round teenage buttocks — a procedure most shameful and
painful for the poor girl.
8. Scene: Afterthoughts!
Mum and dad are once more at
the coffee-table. Susanne is standing in front of them, bottom naked and welted
and strapped, thrust out at her parents and ‘opened’. She can feel the cane
weals herself and opening her buttocks wide does by no means help her to calm
down her pains — she still cries and looks more miserable than ever.
Well, I hope that you can
illustrate those scenes some time with some of those fantastic photographs of
yours. If you do, I would recommend to use a model with a nice big bum and a
really long and deep bottom crack and a big, pouting pussy.
Thank you once again for all
your fantastic work.
Sincerely yours,
Hedy and Alwin
Sarah’s problem in picture 8 (showing the weighing scales) could well be written up that her problem is she’s getting fat. Too many cakes and chocolate bars. As part of her punishment she has the embarrassing ordeal of being made to get on the scales in full view. Whatever she’s doing to keep her weight down isn’t working and she’s putting on the pounds. She has to read it out and her corporal punishment reflects how far she is weighing in at compared to what she should be. It’s all very humiliating for Sarah.