Letters from Uniform Girls 14
Dear Sirs, I have noticed a tendency in your magazines, in particular Uniform Girls , to single out nurses as potential victims of corporal punishment. I think this is morally deplorable. Nurses in this country are shamefully exploited and overworked as a result of spending cuts in the Health Service. Their pay is little more than pitiful and can hardly be said to reflect any appreciation of the dedication expected of them — yet they work on with remarkable goodwill. It hardly seems right that their unselfish efforts to relieve the pain and suffering of others should be rewarded by articles and photographs that invite us to delight in the infliction of pain and suffering on nurses. However, they make very effective wanking fodder, so, morally deplorable as it is, I hope you will continue to exploit them and encourage us to use nurses as targets for our fantasies. Can I make a submission to your By Request feature? Can we have a nurse in blue-striped uniform and cap, all the acce