
Showing posts with the label Majorette

Red Hat and Magic Knickers

Taking inspiration from Culver , I am launching a week of majorette stories. First up, here is the story from Uniform Girls 39 that Culver directly referenced in his piece.  Mr Pender reminds me of the actor Mark Williams (Arthur Weasley, Father Brown, the Fast Show, etc). It was a rainy, rather dismal afternoon and Susan and Bob were in Bob’s room toasting crumpets. June had been mostly wet and dreary, not a very nice end to the college year. Was the rest of the summer going to be the same? Bob had got a vacation job in Blackpool. And Susan? Bob asked her again if she had any idea yet what she was doing. Susan said she still didn’t know, but her mother would have something fixed up. ‘She wants me at home for the holidays. I told you that. Boring old Southavon, but she and my father are paying my grant. She seems to have various possibilities jobs. There’s Model Modes ; that’s Mr Mossdale. And Mr Allgrove who’s got a shop that s

Original Spanking Art — Baton (Culver)

Culver has turned his eye on majorettes…