
Showing posts with the label Blushes

Gentleman’s American Relish

Story from the elusive Blushes 78 which I recently obtained a copy of. The voice over the phone had that very special British quality that can really do things for the American ear. The female American ear primarily. Indeed do things to other parts of the female anatomy as well. An unmistakably upper-class British male voice. A commanding drawl, redolent of rolling English acres and perhaps the odd castle or two. Gentlemen riding to hounds in red coats — though in their British way they called them pink. Oh yes, Louise Sorenson felt quite weak at the knees — and possibly just a little moist at another part of her anatomy. As she listened, doing her best to concentrate, to what this marvellous voice was saying. A gentleman’s companion… An  English  gentleman’s companion… This summer. Well, wasn’t it just  too marvellous . Not for herself of course. Although Louise, a well-preserved and handsome young matron in her late thirties (actually just turned 40), could easily picture her

Into the Fire 5 - Bath Night

The final instalment from Blushes 2 Charles slips up. ‘Wendy?’ Charles’ voice outside the door made Wendy start — his face appearing in the half-open doorway made her drop the soap into the water and stand with her hands across her body while he eyed her soap-streaked shape up and down. ‘Haven’t you finished yet?’ ‘Er — yes. I won’t be a minute.’ She plopped down into the bath and rinsed the water over her, not looking back over her shoulder but knowing that he was still there, watching. Suddenly he was there beside her, a towel in his hands. ‘Come on.’ He held out the towel towards her, not giving it to her — more inviting her to come and get it. Ashamed of her nakedness — she still hadn’t got used to being completely undressed in front of him — she had no option but to stand up in the bath. Water streamed down her breasts and belly, running down her legs and arms, naked and shiny in the overhead light. He withdrew the to

Into the Fire 4 - Tracey Does Her Best

The penultimate instalment from Blushes 2 Something borrowed, something crimson. ‘You’ve missed a bit — over there. Do you see?’ ‘Um — oh, yes.’ A spank landed squarely under one of Tracey’s buttocks, catching her on the bare bit which the shorts left for just such eventualities. ‘Ow!’ ‘You’ll have to do it before you go, my dear.’ Another spank, the hand lingering on the warmth of her skin. Pouting at the unfairness of all this lark, Tracey shoved the unwieldy old lawnmower across the grass to where a few spindly stems had defied the cranky mower’s best efforts. Glancing over her shoulder she realised that the old fool wasn’t watching for the moment — about the only time that whole afternoon that he hadn’t — and she swooped a hand down and wrenched the stalks from the ground and threw them into the grassbox. Dutifully she clattered the mower back to the paved area behind the house. ‘D’you think that’s alrig

Into the Fire 3 - The Room at the Top of the Stairs

Third in the series from Blushes 2 An experiment is conducted. A peep through the crack of the door told them nothing. Charles had been up in the junk room for about ten minutes, shifting things about, and now there were boxes and cartons scattered around in disorder, and still he was rummaging through cupboards and drawers. Whatever he was looking for, he hadn’t found it yet — whether that was good news or bad, the girls couldn’t be sure, because there was always the cane downstairs. Which might be used on their bums instead. A sudden grunt of satisfaction, followed by a mysterious swishing sound, must mean he’d uncovered the object of his search. The two girls retreated on tip-toe across the landing, a floorboard creaked, and in two swift strides Charles was in the junk room’s doorway looking at them with wicked humour evident in his bright eyes. ‘Aha!’ he said theatrically — he was very much given to dramatic gestu