Into the Fire 3 - The Room at the Top of the Stairs

Third in the series from Blushes 2

An experiment is conducted.

A peep through the crack of the door told them nothing. Charles had been up in the junk room for about ten minutes, shifting things about, and now there were boxes and cartons scattered around in disorder, and still he was rummaging through cupboards and drawers. Whatever he was looking for, he hadn’t found it yet — whether that was good news or bad, the girls couldn’t be sure, because there was always the cane downstairs. Which might be used on their bums instead.

A sudden grunt of satisfaction, followed by a mysterious swishing sound, must mean he’d uncovered the object of his search. The two girls retreated on tip-toe across the landing, a floorboard creaked, and in two swift strides Charles was in the junk room’s doorway looking at them with wicked humour evident in his bright eyes.

‘Aha!’ he said theatrically — he was very much given to dramatic gestures and exclamations. ‘Come into my parlour, Miss Nosy Parker!’ He crooked a finger, at Wendy, who went very pink, and followed the beckoning digit into the junk room while Tracey withdrew nervously to the door of their bedroom.

Wendy was made to kneel on a stool and her nightie was hoisted up to her waist. The swishy, stingy-looking instrument of correction swooshed down and round her bared bottom. Her anguished squeal of surprise left no doubt that whatever the thing was that Charles was using on her bottom was every bit as painful as the dreaded cane in the cupboard downstairs.

Wendy’s punishment was almost complete — she was wriggling so much that it seemed she was likely to fall off the stool at any moment. Charles looked up at Tracey’s pale face peeping at the spectacle from across the landing and brandished the whatever-it-was at her. ‘Your turn next!’ He said enthusiastically. ‘Better get that bottom of yours in here, my girl!’

I will post the rest of the series next week.
