Don’t Do It Mr Hodgson & Condemned to the Cane

A double-bill of school gym hall punishments.

Don’t Do It Mr Hodgson — Greta thinks it’s fun to vandalize school property as it’s just a bit of harmless pranks. However this time her harmless prank is about to put Greta’s posterior in harms way. Mr Hodgson will teach a hard and painful lesson. After a sound spanking a gym shoe drives the point home, followed by a cane.

Condemned to the Cane — Leslie has always hated gym class. Her reluctance to perform aerobic exercise has landed her detention hall once again, under the supervision of Mr Dawson. When she fails to perform to his satisfaction he administers a severe spanking and bare bottomed caning. Finally she is compelled to stand at attention, totally nude, for the remainder of the period.

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Mr Hodgson, in a white lab coat, is a gym teacher, setting up an indoor soccer goal. A brunette Valerie Bertinelli-type in full schoolgirl regalia, has been sent to him for punishment for having been caught doing graffiti. It seems universal that gym teachers and workshop instructors spank as a part of their duties, and it is always more erotic when they wear white lab coats. Hodgson is going to use ‘Victorian methods.’ But… but… ‘What do you mean?’

She is taken OTK and Hodgson spanks on her skirt using those glancing blows. The gymnasium always makes a good spanking setting and provides a resounding echo. ‘Don’t pull my skirt up.’ But the young lady is told: ‘I’m in charge here.’ When Hodgson bunches up her knickers to see the reddening progress, she knows what is going on. ‘I hope you are enjoying this.’ She tries to cover her bottom and keep the inevitable from befalling her panties. ‘Please, sir, not my bare bottom.’ Who ever tires of these little struggles of wills? This little lady’s undressing is central to this video.

Hodgson makes her stand and begin stripping off her clothes; off with a sweater and skirt, and then the knickers. Back OTK, Hodgson can’t resist fondling his prize. ‘You’re a pervert, Hodgson.’ An impolitic remark, given her vulnerable situation, bare bottom in the breeze, to be sure. Hodgson grabs a shoe off a kicking foot and spanks all the harder. She is red and spotchy bruised, and we’ve just begun.

Hodgson is happy to tell her: ‘You can’t just cane someone. You have to prepare them.’ She stands up to remove the rest of her clothes — blouse and necktie, with a peek at her fuzzy little ladyship. ‘You’ve seen my bottom, sir. I can’t show you my breasts.’ Silly girl. Well, she must, so she does and nervously stands nude for a long moment, to be contemplated front and back while Hodgson fetches the cane. If the concept of ‘nude female humiliation’ resonates with you as it does for us, you’ll earmark this scene.

Here comes the cane. Hands flat on a chair, she takes a full 25, echoing through the room; various camera angles, repeats not obvious. It is very erotic — she jumps and grabs her bottom. At the conclusion, she bundles her clothes and leaves naked with a mournful look over her bare shoulder worthy of Sophie Fennington’s red bare-bottom departures after she has been given the business.

Mr Doggington, another gym teacher who uses the gymnasium for his version of special exercises for selected young ladies, is seen arranging equipment. A pretty blonde in field hockey garb reports late for detention and complains she is hurt, but Doggington forces her to do step-ups and stride jumps. She coyly suggests she would take a spanking instead. ‘Everybody knows you like spanking.’ The twinkle in her eye suggests that for her the feeling is mutual. He starts her OTK, loud resounding smacks in this gymnasium. It is a long well-filmed spanking — plaited skirt up, white panties bunched, constant sexy struggle, views from the rear, over the shoulder, and oblique facials permitting us to see the fall of the palm and the wrinkly-faced reaction. The panties are finally rolled down, to gasping complaint. School for cameramen.

Don’t Do It Mr Hodgson:

Condemned to the Cane:
