Original Spanking Art — Ultimatum 2 (Culver)

Culver’s second New Year gift


  1. “I’m counting girl, twenty-nine, the longer you refuse to move, thirty, the more strokes of my cane, thirty-one, you’re going to get across your bare bottom, thirty-two . . “

  2. Of course, what she doesn't realise is that she'll get the same number of strokes whether she moves quickly or slowly, that being the number of strokes that provides suitable pleasure for the schoolmaster!
    Nice one, Culver. A lovely scene, the schoolmaster comfortably seated with a half-undressed fearful schoolgirl, on the verge of tears, at his mercy.

    1. Thank you. Like my 'Ultimatum' piece of last week, this collage pits an Alan Bell / Mr X sketched gentleman against a real-life Blushes model. This time there was a good match between the two sources with which to work.

  3. Lovely, thanks Culver. I wonder if he is summoning her over his knees for a preliminary hand spanking, knickers down to her knees of course. If so, I feel sure he will be sliding his hand inside her vest to enjoy a good feel of her firm young breasts as he delivers the spanking.


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