Original Spanking Art — Detention Hall (Culver)

A lovely adaptation of one of my favourite Alan Bell illustrations.


  1. Excellent detail kept in Culver - notably the girls’ desks being fitted ready with hooks for skirt and knickers so the fifth formers keep a sense of tidiness while their bare bottoms and legs are hit. Schoolgirls are constantly in trouble as this classroom confirms: either for trying to exceed the roles of obedience and subservience traditionally allotted to females; or for just being naturally dim and failing to answer the simplest questions on school subjects - this latter especially applies to the ones who think they are pretty and try to use their looks to get what they want by manipulation rather than dedication to hard work and homework.

  2. Thanks Marco. With this one I tried another fusion of found artwork and photo image, bringing one of my favourite Blushes chaps close and personal against a memorable Alan Bell-sketched sylph. I'm not sure that my version of the schoolmaster is quite in proportion compared with Bell's original. It's just that I wanted to turn his head so that he's pressing his pudgy, weathered face against the smoothness of the girl's neck and cheek and more intimately savouring her anguish while prodding and poking below. I've left alone the way in which the folds of his trousers seem to rise against her squirming, athletic legs. Hopefully my dark shading hides some of the irregularities in proportion. Also, I cloned the master a couple of times for some action in the background as the detention hall is packed with bare-bum girls and there's a lot of caning to be got through. The photo image of the blonde being hit corresponds with the pose of an artwork sweetheart below, bent over her desk. Is the 'Twitch!' In her bare bum or in his trousers? Or in both? There's a bonus cameo for Tracy Wilkes, too, suffering the searing pain of a well-aimed stroke.


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