The Prefect’s Lesson

Rounding out Lessons month, here is a short Janus video that was the first British spanking film to be made with sound. The third issue of New Derriere magazine was used to significantly cross-promote the launch of this video with the puff-piece review below and several stills from the film.

The latest film from the studios of Harrison-Marks provided two great opportunities for a film director in this field to exploit his subject; firstly it is about fifty per cent longer than most of its predecessors, and secondly it is in sound. These two factors have produced a tremendous overall improvement in the whole atmosphere of the film which has a tremendous build up to its climax, tension surrounding the ‘hero’s’ decision to give the ‘heroines’ an alternative and ‘make their own minds up about their punishment’ and secondly in the punishment sequence itself.

The film opens in a park outside the school, with the netball Captain and senior Prefect, Jane Taylor and one of her team mates, Lucy Fields, laying in wait for a third team member — Jackie. It is apparent from the dialogue when Jackie arrives on the scene and is pounced upon by the other two, that her performance on the netball court has left a great deal to be desired and that she is going to be taught a lesson. Jane and Lucy are just in the process of dispensing their rough justice by means of ‘fist and boot’ when their sports mistress, Miss Clagenpott, appears on the scene.

This academy is not one that tolerates bullying under any circumstances and these two girls have been caught before. ‘I’m taking you straight to see the Headmaster!’ explodes the sports mistress.

As Miss Clagenpott explains to her Headmaster, Mr Granger, about her three miscreants, the atmosphere outside the study is getting decidedly heated as the blame is shifted from Lucy to Jane to Jackie and back again.

‘Send Taylor and Fields into me,’ says the Head, and within seconds two rather reticent looking young schoolgirls are standing before their irate Headmaster, very unsure of their fate.

Granger draws a deep breath and explains forcefully to the girls about his views on the evils of bullying. ‘Really: he goes on to say, ‘you should be expelled.’ But on this occasion, in view of their impending examinations, he offers them the alternative of a punishment from himself. For Fields as the Junior a sound spanking, but for Taylor as Netball Captain and a Prefect the cane.

‘We dare not tell our parents,’ whispers Lucy.

‘No way!’ rejoins Jane, and they both very slowly and reluctantly agree to take their punishments.

A great deal of care has been taken in this film to provide a ritualistic and suspenseful build-up, with great effect; plenty of time is spent as Lucy rolls up her skirts to a height that satisfies Mr Granger, and he drops the final bombshell by telling her to lower her pants. The action now really starts to get exciting.

‘My pants as well!’ exclaims the embarrassed schoolgirl; as the Headmaster replies in the affirmative we are treated to the splendid sight of this highly attractive young lady lowering her blue gym knickers to knee level, revealing to Granger the finest pair of buttocks imaginable. These he proceeds to position across his waiting knees in readiness for their inevitable punishment, which Granger proceeds to administer with tremendous enthusiasm, reddening his charge’s bottom until it resembles in colour and brightness the sun at sunset.

The punishment sequence has been made far more erotic by the added facility of sound, in fact it was mentioned many times after the preview that this type of film requires sound as much if not more than ordinary straight sex films and it was felt that it was really high time that this milestone was passed.

Jane Taylor, who has been witnessing her friend’s punishment in fear and trepidation of the inevitability of her own session across the Head’s desk, is now beckoned by a perspiring Mr Granger who is now anxious to deal most severely with his next pupil — Netball Captain and senior Prefect indeed; he would teach her to bully younger pupils!!

The final scene in this film is unquestionably the best that I have ever seen on film because in addition to having a highly attractive young lady, smartly dressed in a classic school uniform, slowly bent into the time-honoured position over the Head’s solid looking mahogany desk, it takes the punishment much more slowly than we have seen before, leaving plenty of time to get the recipient into position; telling her to remove her blazer, lowering her gym knickers and then, having removed his own jacket and rolled up his sleeve, delivering the soundest of canings with plenty of time between each stroke for the audience to fully appreciate the effect, both on her pretty face and ever-reddening bottom. With this film Harrison-Marks has added the conquest of the art of suspense to his already bulging catalogue of achievements.

The Prefects’ Lesson will be released to coincide with the publication date of this magazine, so all those readers who require a copy immediately should drop a line, with their name, address and cheque to Gatisle Ltd, 47 Brunswick Place, London N1 SEE.

P.S. For the information of the non-technically minded this film, whilst produced with a sound track, will reproduce perfectly from a silent projector, projected at 24 frames per second. Please do keep the letters pouring in with all your ideas and criticisms, it’s only by hearing from you that films can be produced to fulfil the fantasies of the majority.

Review from

A female teacher interrupts a wrestling fight among three girls on the school grounds of Arnold House School. She marches the girls to Mr Granger, the headmaster. The girls are slightly silly in full schoolgirl garb, including boaters.

The girls are parked outside the Head’s office, two are taken inside. Each girl is given a conventional bare bottom OTK spanking. Jane gets the cane, but it is mild and faked.


  1. (SPOILER ALERT!) Ha! Ha! I very much enjoyed The Ride of the Valkyries being played during the caning!

  2. Hi, I love this video - it's been one of my favourites over the years. I dont know why- it is a bit ridiculous, and the CP is mild to fake. Perhaps it's the blonde's plummy voiceover? But the bit that really gets me is the blonde; I think a genuine moment of embasement when she has to lower her knicks. The reviewer clearly had not watched it. Incidentrally you can find the blonde in the vid "the cane and Mr Able"

  3. It's not a great show- honestly, whether white or navy, you dont expect black French knickers in a school spanking video. If you want to see more (and I mean frontal) of the blonde, try Emmanuel in Soho but be warned, it's about the worst soft porn you will ever have the cock numbing misfortune to see

  4. Yes, it may have been the first British spanking film to be made with sound but it probably remains the most lively and entertaining in terms of vocals, with that girl's plummy voiceover foregrounded over amusingly stilted dubbed dialogue.

    Rather than caning schoolgirls, this headmaster looks like the type of stocky beardy who'd be happier indulging in a spot of Gloucester cheese rolling or spending his weekends charging around in Wars of the Roses reconstructions.

    1. Yes and his muttering vocal contribution compounds that. No wonder on the front cover of the magazine he is hidden by the masthead while the girl’s face is rightly in front of the title

  5. As he (the headmaster) sits down at the end of the video, mopping his brow post his exertions with the cane and lighting up a fag, he seems more like the seedy bloke he probably is than a headmaster, especially with that thick, untidy tangle of hair he sports at the back of his head. Perhaps he would have been better suited to a caretaker role?

  6. Spanking Husband and Dad13 October 2024 at 16:49

    I used to buy spanking magazines in those days and look at the pictures and read the reviews; even though I was still at school myself. And remember this from then. I never thought I'd actually see the film though.


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