Girls’ Training Scheme - Part 3

The concluding part, from Blushes 19

Julie gazed up at the ceiling, the jangling of the alarm jarring in her ears. 6.30, with early sunlight filtering through the curtains into the small, simply furnished room. Probably back when this house had been built it had been the maid’s room and now it was having a succession of maids again, considerately provided by the Government’s Girls’ Training Scheme. She gazed up at the ceiling as her thoughts got sorted out, as it all came back. She was here with Mr Milbank and she had had that one full day. And, yes, there were 41 to go. Forty-one days of torture.

At least there would be 41 if Kevin’s Uncle Albert couldn’t be persuaded to get her out. But Uncle Albert was coming today, there had been a phone call yesterday evening — which Mr Milbank had of course taken, girls on the Girls’ Training Scheme weren’t supposed to have phone calls. But anyway Uncle Albert had phoned to say he was planning to visit today and see how she was getting on.

How she was getting on! Mr Milbank was killing her, that was how she was getting on. Mr Milbank with yesterday plenty of help and fiendish advice from his friend Mr Kingway. That session up on Mr Milbank’s desk had been the most dreadful thing you could ever imagine. First the strap, and then Mr Milbank’s cane… And after that Mr Kingway had had more ideas. For instance that negligee idea with cords attached…

But Uncle Albert was coming this afternoon and surely when he heard all these awful things he would take her away, say that he hadn’t imagined any of that could possibly happen and take her off home in his car. Off home to Kevin.

First, though, Julie had to get up. There was first the morning to get through before Uncle Albert arrived. She had to get up and make some tea for dreadful Mr Milbank and take it in to him, that was what Julie’s alarm had gone for. So she had better get up right away. Otherwise… Groaning, Julie climbed out of bed. She had never been an early riser and 6.30 was impossible. On the other hand…

She was nude. Mr Milbank had supervised her going to bed. Coming in here with her and watching keenly as Julie got undressed. Then when she was down to the altogether making her get over his lap and giving her a final bum warming. Groaning she reached for her dressing gown. ‘Just the dressing gown first thing, Julie,’ Mr Milbank had said. He had supplied it. It was black silk and quite short with just a belt, no buttons.

Groaning still, she went along to the bathroom. Hoisting the skirts of the dressing gown she lowered herself gingerly onto the loo seat. Yes, a night’s rest had had some healing effect on her poor bum — but how soon would it be before she could bear to sit down again?

‘Good morning, young lady,’ Mr Milbank, when she knocked and entered with her tray, was awake but still lying in bed. Julie put the tray on his bedside table and then performed a curtsey. Had she done it all correctly?

Mr Milbank told her to go and draw back the curtain, then pour his tea. Then she was instructed to unfasten the belt of the dressing gown. And pull it wide open.

Standing next to the bed Julie displayed herself. The big nude tits, the full, womanly flanks with the reddish-brown bush, all equally nude. Mr Milbank, sipping his tea, gazed. ‘A ripe young body, Miss.’ He shook his head. ‘And sadly in need of discipline, I fear.’

Julie was told to sit on the side of the bed. ‘But I think we have made a good start, don’t you?’

She mumbled ‘Yes Mr Milbank.’ While praying that it might stop… today?’

His hand came out to her jutting boobs. Jiggling them, then tweaking the nipples. Her nipples came up, stiffening. Mr Milbank pursed his lips. ‘Sex, Julie, that’s all you young girls can think about, isn’t it? I suppose you’re really missing that young man, eh? I hope you haven’t been doing anything that you shouldn’t in bed.’

Flushing, she shook her head. There seemed to be no limit to how hateful Mr Milbank could be. The fingers were still tweaking. Her nipples were stiff and rigid. She gasped as he pinched hard. ‘Still, we’ve got the answer for any of that, haven’t we? Something to take your mind off that sort of thing. Over in the corner, Julie.’

She looked where he was pointing. It was a cane. ‘Go and get it, please.’

Mr Milbank, out of bed now and bulky in his pyjamas, took the cane from her. ‘Yes young lady, we’ve got the answer to randiness. And also you were late with my tea. If you had got up at 6.30 it wouldn’t have taken you all that time.’

He pulled up the loose dressing gown, bunching it above her waist with one hand. Julie screamed as the cane whipped in across her squirming nude nates. It wasn’t yet 7 o’clock and already that cane… it zipped devastatingly in again across her desperately dancing rear. A second frantic scream.

She was given six before Mr Milbank was prepared to put the cane down. ‘I hope that will teach you to get up sharply, Miss. Now go and have your bath and then get in the kitchen. Breakfast at 8 o’clock. Eight o’clock sharp.’ He accompanied his last words with a sharp slap to Julie’s bare bottom.

Holding her dressing gown together she stumbled out. Uncle Albert had to get her away. He simply had to. Today perhaps?

The morning was not a lot different to what had happened yesterday. After getting the breakfast more bloody housework, and then another test of standing with hands on head. Naturally Julie couldn’t reach the target set. Then a little while later another go at that nasty trick Henry Kingway had taught Mr Milbank.

Nothing on except that short black negligee — with its fiendish little extras. A cord round the waist to which was attached Mr Kingway’s leather strap. Another cord fastened to the hem at the back and coming up over her shoulder. When instructed to do so you pulled down on the cord that was over your shoulder. Which pulled up the negligee… ‘Higher!’… until it was right up round your waist. So that your bottom was quite bare. And then Mr Milbank, with that strap which you’d been obliged to drag around with you now in his hand…

Mr Milbank seemed to find this little trick of Mr Kingway’s highly entertaining. He kept Julie in the negligee with its humiliating bits and pieces for the rest of the morning as she cleaned and tidied his rotten house. And whenever he felt like it, which seemed to be all the time, he would come up to her and tell her to stop work. Stand up straight… and pull the cord…

As he whipped the strap across her bottom yet again Julie could only concentrate her thoughts on Uncle Albert. Who was coming after lunch.


He’s killing me. That bugger’s killing me!’

Julie’s sorry tale of woe came blurting forth as soon as she was out of the house with Uncle Albert. It was her first opportunity to be alone with him. He had arrived half an hour earlier, right after lunch but after greeting Julie had been closeted with Mr Milbank in his room. But now she was out of that dreadful house, alone with Uncle Albert. Only for a walk, of course, unless she could persuade him to take her away right away.

‘He’s just…’ Words failed her with the sheer enormity of what Mr Milbank had done. ‘Well, you should just see the state of my poor bottom.’

That did not seem like a bad idea at all to Albert Musgrove. He squeezed Julie’s arm. ‘You’re quite right, I should. Actually I’ve booked a hotel room so we can go there.’

Julie bit her lip. She hadn’t meant Uncle Albert should actually see her bottom, it was meant more metaphorically. She returned to her main theme. ‘You’ve got to get, me away right away, Uncle Albert. Can’t I leave now, without going back?’

The June afternoon was bright and sunny, the streets full of happy holiday-makers. It made it seem even more like a bad dream that she’d come from. In the midst of all this pleasant normality how could Mr Milbank and his Girls’ Training Scheme establishment be just round the corner? Julie of course wasn’t in that awful negligee now, she was back in her blouse and skirt. And it seemed like almost for the first time since getting here she had knickers on and pulled properly up. She had been like that, all nice and normal, for Uncle Albert’s arrival. Of course. But if Mr Milbank thought she wasn’t going to tell him…

‘What a lovely day,’ observed Albert Musgrove.

‘Uncle Albert, you’ve got to take me away.’ Julie’s voice was intense, shrill. Didn’t he understand?

Uncle Albert said. ‘Let’s go to the hotel.’

It wasn’t far, not far from Mr Milbank’s in fact. In the room Uncle Albert made a point of locking the door behind them. He took off his jacket. ‘Now then, Julie. So it’s been a little bit of a shock, has it?’

That had to be the understatement of the year. ‘He’s killing me,’ Julie wailed again. ‘He won’t stop. That cane and that strap and… and spanking.’

‘Let’s have a look, shall we?’ Albert Musgrove kept his voice as calm as possible in the circumstances, yes indeed: he’d have a look!

‘Uh…’ Julie was not at all sure whether to show herself to Kevin’s Uncle Albert. Was it proper? Although that awful Mr Milbank had certainly seen everything — and had his hands on everything too. Not to mention Mr Kingway.

But the decision was being taken out of Julie’s hands; because Uncle Albert’s hands were getting to work. At the waistband of her skirt… sliding it down. She hung onto him as he made her step out of it. And then her knickers… yanking them down too. Uncle Albert quite red in the face and clearly excited. Turning her round and then bending down to closely examine Julie’s well-punished globes.

Bright red in the face now, Uncle Albert was pushing her down to sit on the bed. Slipping off the high-heeled courts… and then sliding her knickers off over the stockinged feet. Julie tried to keep his mind concentrated. ‘Uncle Albert, please take me back today…

Albert Musgrove was pushing back the bedclothes. ‘Yes, well, let’s talk about it. But you’re clearly… in a bit of a state. Lie down and talk about it. We… we’ll both lie down…’

He was pushing her in the bed, and then getting in himself. It was just one more thing that seemed a lot more like a dream than reality.


Back at Mr Milbank’s that gentleman inquired brightly, ‘Had a nice walk?’ ‘Very pleasant; a lovely day,’ from Uncle Albert. No, he couldn’t stay for tea, he had his train to catch. He kissed Julie demurely on the cheek.

‘Perhaps the day after tomorrow then, dear?’ Then to Stanley Milbank. ‘If another visit is all right so soon?’ Stanley Milbank said ‘Yes, of course.’

The door closed on Uncle Albert. Mr Milbank smiled. ‘Well, what shall we have now? Hands on head? Or will it be our charming negligee?’

She wasn’t going back with Uncle Albert. What was it he had said? ‘We’ll have to see about that. It’s not easy of course. I mean once you’ve started on the course.’

It was all a bit hazy, though, because it was all tied up with that business in the hotel room. Like a dream. Perhaps she had dreamt it. Surely she must have dreamt it. Because Uncle Albert would never have…

What was not a dream certainly was the fact that she was now here in Mr Milbank’s house again. The Girls’ Training Scheme. Mr Milbank saying, ‘Tuck your skirt up nice and high, Julie, and let’s have the knickers down. Hands on head.’

Uncle Albert was coming again the day after tomorrow. To take her out for a walk, like today. And that hotel room…? No, she had dreamt the hotel room. She must have.

Mr Milbank’s sharp voice. ‘What’s our target? Thirty-five minutes?’ Julie knew there was no possibility that she could stand quite still for 35 minutes. And so did Stanley Milbank.

Julie tried not to think about that other figure. Forty-one. Forty after today.


  1. It's a bit of a shame the story didn't make more of the fact that, as we are clearly told in the first part, it is set in one of those 'future' times when the indiscipline and waywardness of modern day youth is finally being addressed. This would, therefore, have made Kevin's and Mrs Slater's acceptance of Uncle Albert's proposal somewhat more plausible. It is something I very much like about the 'future dystopia/utopia' genre - the context makes everything so much more plausible! Thus, I think they would both be more aware of the government backed 'Girls' Training Scheme' than they appear to be in the story. They might also be at least dimly aware that, in this new era, when certain kinds of gentlemen take an interest in a pretty young lady it is not a very wise idea to rebuff them (think of the hapless Graham for instance in 'Video Lessons'). Of course, the penalties for non cooperation could be very severe indeed. A spell in a Reform and Rehabilitation Centre perhaps?

    The 'Girls' Training Scheme' is a very good idea indeed, especially as a preliminary to a young lady's marriage, so as to get rid of any residual 'flightiness', as Uncle Albert calls it, and instil discipline, obedience and submissiveness in order to make her become the perfectly demure and dutiful little woman about the home. In my view, the gentleman trainer should stay on even after the wedding, in an advisory and sometimes 'hands on' capacity. It is imperative that every young husband understands it is his solemn, state ordained, duty to properly discipline his wife and that there should not be any squeamishness about the use of the cane and the frantic reactions its firm application can sometimes provoke. The intervention of a gentleman trainer should see to it that there's no slacking in that direction. Of course, as Julie finally found out with Uncle Albert, it is these gentlemen's prerogative not just to spank and cane the pretty young ladies in their charge but to enjoy them in other ways also. This too is something which may well continue beyond a young lady's wedding day. Not a state of affairs that every young husband will immediately take to but, as with Graham in 'Video Lessons', that kind of chippiness is something which sometimes has to be dealt with.

    1. You appear to have an incredible sense of humour treating these vintage articles as the fantasies they were in reality. Channeling the puerile ideas behind these articles takes real skill in balancing irony with pathos. You comments project an understanding of satire, almost completely lost in today's humour.

  2. Julie is vulnerable to exploitation and of course Albert takes full advantage of the silly fuss she makes about her training regime. When she whinges about how her bare bottom is being dealt with, naturally he will want to see it for himself and take it from there. She thinks her punished bottom will make Albert feel sorry for her. Instead her plight makes him get her in the hotel bed.

    1. She doesn't take her training nicely so she gets her comeuppance


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