Original Story — The Belles of St Mark’s 2

The second part of this original story by Culver. Last week we read of Alice Redway’s suffering at the hands of Reverend Crowley and Mr Sedgewick. Now her friend Pippa East is in the firing line…

During his telling of the torrid tale of the tutoring of Alice, Sedgewick grew as animated as it’s possible for a chap to get over a quiet drink in the village pub. His fellow chorister and drinking partner, Thorndyke, listened intently to every detail, imagining events vividly. Yes, he reflected, it was good to know that Alice Redway, that sullen little vixen, had at last been getting what had been coming to her. Much as he was enthralled by Sedgewick’s narrative, Thorndyke was bursting with impatience to recount a recent experience of his own, the story of how he’d got his hands on ‘Miss Goody Two Shoes’ Pippa East. He gestured towards Sedgewick’s nearly empty glass. ‘It’s my round,’ he said, and headed to the bar.

The choirmaster at St Mark’s, Edwin Phipps, likes to treat himself to numerous little vacations. And fair enough. He owns a holiday cottage in Dorset, by the coast, and often stays there for long weekends, usually in the company of a young lady from the neighbouring town to whom he refers vaguely as his niece. Whenever Phipps is planning a weekend away, he asks Thorndyke to deputise for him as choirmaster. Thorndyke is the next longest serving member of the choir and can be trusted to keep things ticking over nicely. For his part, Thorndyke’s always happy to step up. Exercising a bit of extra clout on the occasional Sunday can lead to golden opportunities. Or a redheaded opportunity, on the last such occasion…

As the church bell rang for evensong, Colonel East knocked at the door of the choir vestry with his stepdaughter in tow, the eighteen-year-old Pippa. This in itself was unusual. Pippa normally turned up under her own steam. The Colonel himself wasn’t in the choir. And while the Colonel seemed full of breezy bluster, Pippa was conspicuously upset. Her pretty freckled face was blushing and tear-stained. Her hair was tangled and dishevelled. She avoided eye contact and continually snivelled into her handkerchief. Rather than wearing one of her best Sunday dresses, she was attired in a casual grey onesie and pumps. Not like her at all. Alice Redway asked Pippa what was up and took her to a corner of the vestry, whispering questions and making girlish expressions of concern and support. Meanwhile, the Colonel winked at Thorndyke and said he needed a private word outside the vestry.

In the clear evening air, the Colonel lit up his pipe and took Thorndyke into his confidence.

‘I heard you’re overseeing the choir this week, old chap! Good show, good show! That crafty old Phipps, what? Off to his Dorset cottage again, with that corker of a niece of his? Well, I hope he’s remembered to pack a tawse this time! Anyway, old boy, I wanted to tip you off about something. The thing is, young Pippa might not be on top form for this evening’s service. You’ve seen for yourself that she’s out of sorts. Fact is, I’ve had her over my lap for the best part of two hours, smacking her bare bottom. Give or take the odd comfort break and a spot of corner time. That’s the truth of it. What for? No particular reason. You know how it is. I suppose she might have dropped a fork or something when clearing up after lunch. Handspanking to start with. Followed by the slipper. A damn good walloping, even if I do say so myself. Oh, she didn’t like the slipper! Didn’t like it at all! That’s why she’s in a bit of a state.’

The Colonel eyed Thorndyke conspiratorially and puffed on his pipe.

‘Her mother’s away, you see. Visiting her sister in the Cotswolds for the weekend. Left me in charge. Normally, I only get to spank the girl for ten minutes a week. Of a Friday evening. Before her bedtime. Over her pyjama bottoms. An agreed routine. So-called maintenance spanking. Would you credit it? Rather namby-pamby, if you ask me. Patty-cake stuff. But when her mummy’s away, I have a sterling chance to raise the stakes a little. Like this afternoon. Bare bum. Bare everything. Taking my time. Does the girl a power of good. A proper dose of discipline in the noddy! And it damn well does me a power of good to let her have it!’

Thorndyke was both excited and fascinated. There was much to think about here. The Colonel had married a considerably younger woman, Pippa’s mother, and the rumour was that she’d taken to “visiting her sister in the Cotswolds” on an increasingly regular basis. One wondered whether there was more to it than met the eye. Perhaps the Colonel was unhappy about his marital situation and was taking out his frustrations on the girl. And from what Thorndyke could gather, Mrs East wasn’t the type of woman who’d be overly concerned if the Colonel sometimes went beyond agreed routines for disciplining her daughter, provided her own personal plans were unaffected.

The Colonel was getting to the crux of what he wanted to say to Thorndyke. He waved his pipe around to add emphasis to his words.

‘The long and the short of it is, old boy, that I’d like you to watch Pippa carefully during evensong. In your deputised capacity as choirmaster. Monitor her, so to speak. I’ve been very clear with her. I expect her to meet her usual exemplary standards this evening, sore bottom or no sore bottom! Yes, I’ve told her. She’d better compose herself. Better stop that silly snivelling. We need perfect deportment here. Perfect singing. Perfect reading. So if you don’t mind, old chap, I’d appreciate it very much if you’d report to me after the service on how well she’s fared. Because if I find out that she’s let the side down in any way, she’ll be getting spanked again tonight. And this time it’ll be the hairbrush!’

Thorndyke couldn’t resist a grin. Of course, he’d be happy to play ball. 

The Colonel continued his monologue.

‘You know me. I’d stay for the service myself if I could. But I’ve got a fair bit of tidying up to do. Pippa’s Sunday best is strewn all over the lounge, you see. Willy nilly. Gingham house dress, silk bow, cotton pants and socks. Bra, sandals and what not. Exactly where we left them when I stripped her naked for her spanking. Place looks like a bomb’s hit it! That’s why she’s only in her onesie and pumps. Anyway, old boy, that’s about the size of it. I’ll be back to pick her up in an hour or so. We’ll talk again then. I suppose you’ll want to return to the vestry now. Check she’s put her robes on smartly. Her and the other girls. All lined up, ship-shape for the procession, eh? Well, I’ll leave you to it, old man! Thanks again! Toodle pip!’

The Colonel patted Thorndyke on the shoulder and went on his way, leaving wispy curls of tobacco smoke in his wake.


Two hours later, Thorndyke was sitting in the middle of a five-seater sofa in the lounge of the East family home, where he was the Colonel’s guest. Pippa lay face down on the sofa at full stretch, naked, the pleasant weight of her tummy resting gamely on the hard lump in Thorndyke’s lap (which, of course, was trousered — but lacking the additional layer of underpants). The wooden back of the hairbrush which Thorndyke held in his hand hovered inches above the girl’s fulsome buttocks. Thorndyke contemplated those impressive twin globes and thanked his good fortune for the opportunity that had come his way that evening.

For Pippa’s evensong hadn’t gone well. To start with, there’d been an issue with her deportment when leading the choir’s procession from the vestry to the stalls. As crucifer, she’d been trained to keep both her hands on the staff of the processional cross at all times, holding it perfectly straight before her. But having been slippered by her stepfather not thirty minutes beforehand, Pippa hadn’t been able to resist taking her right hand from the staff for a few seconds to give her tender bottom a much-needed rub through her cassock (and the onesie beneath it). She’d kept her left hand in place but the heavy cross had swayed precariously during her rubbing spree, causing the choristers immediately behind her to flinch.

There had also been the matter of Pippa’s fidgeting during the Reverend Crowley’s sermon. Sitting in the choir stalls isn’t ideal when a girl has sore, smarting buttocks to contend with. But how can her elders and betters be expected to concentrate on the sage words of a sermon if she’s fidgeting incessantly and shifting her bum cheeks around on the creaking wood, drawing attention to herself? 

Pippa’s singing had gone noticeably awry. There’d been a distinct wobble in her voice during The Lord’s My Shepherd, specifically on the line about the rod and the staff. Not much ‘comfort’ there. Worse still, she’d sobbed during her reading of the lesson, embarrassing herself and the entire congregation. The Reverend Crowley has a special liking of Proverbs 13, a text he includes in the order of service on a regular basis, especially when choirgirls are on rota to read the lesson. When Pippa reached the celebrated verse 24, she’d suddenly lost control of her voice, squeaking in a pathetic sob. Her shoulders had heaved and her tears had welled up anew.

Thorndyke had given an unvarnished report to the Colonel after the service, listing Pippa’s shortcomings. The Colonel’s ruddy face had turned to thunder. Before marching Pippa home in disgrace, he had turned to Thorndyke to ask one last favour. He’d said his arm was aching from all that spanking and slippering earlier on. Would Thorndyke mind joining them for the rest of the evening? To punish the girl himself? To do the honours with the hairbrush?

It had been a beautiful sunset, the cloudless indigo sky tinged with orange. The last of the congregation had filed out of the church, some remarking openly on the uncharacteristically poor performance of the East girl that evening. Alice Redway had watched at the church gate as the Colonel, Pippa and Thorndyke had taken the short walk from St Mark’s to the Easts’ house on the other side of the village green. The Colonel had been tugging his stepdaughter along by the ear (using his good arm) and castigating her all the while.  ‘I warned you, young lady! Being spanked before a service is no excuse for dropping the ball during that service! Not at your age! You’re a big girl now! Senior choirgirl and all that! Role model to the others! Or so you’re supposed to be! As I said, it’s the hairbrush for you, missy! That wooden hairbrush your mother keeps on her dresser! How dare you spoil evensong for everyone?! And what about my poor arm?! No consideration!! I tell you what… you’d better show some gratitude to Mr Thorndyke, here, for agreeing to take the time and trouble to deal with you tonight in my stead!!’

Alice had felt sorry for Pippa but there hadn’t been anything she could do. Besides, she’d got stuff of her own to process. The Reverend Crowley had just invited her to the vicarage for a cup of tea and a post-Confirmation catch-up. Like, there and then! Alice had sighed and shrugged her shoulders. She’d sauntered towards the open door of the vicarage, reaching into her shoulder bag for her compact mirror and thick black lipstick.

On the Colonel’s sofa, Thorndyke examined further the plump teenage bottom to which he was about to apply the wooden hairbrush. Pippa had a pale, freckle-peppered complexion but the buttocks confronting him over his lap were still scarlet with the far-from-faded aftermath of her afternoon spanking, a mass of overlapping handprints mottled by slipper marks of a deeper hue. No wonder she’d struggled through evensong. Her stepfather had done an excellent job. As for the Colonel himself, his eyes were also trained on his handiwork. He peered forward from his seat in the armchair opposite, his view somewhat impeded by the cloud of smoke billowing from his pipe.

Thorndyke was fascinated by Pippa’s reaction to her current predicament. She seemed to have internalised her stepfather’s narrative, believing that her failings in church were indeed all her own fault. She kept mewing plaintively, ‘I’m sorry! I’m sorry!’ Not because she was trying to get out of her punishment, but because she felt genuinely ashamed. How sweet! Thorndyke would never say so but he knew, as the Colonel did, that she didn’t deserve any of this at all. Not really. Not Pippa. And that, of course, was what made it all so gratifying. Her bottom gave a sudden, inviting little wriggle. On purpose? Thorndyke raised his arm and slammed down the hairbrush against the underside of Pippa’s buttocks with considerable force.


Just before the Colonel hauled the weeping Pippa upstairs for bathtime, talc and bed — a private matter — he asked Thorndyke whether he’d like to while away half an hour or so watching Songs of Praise on DVR. Thorndyke thanked the Colonel but said he wouldn’t. He didn’t admit this to his host, but he was rather hoping that, with the TV off, he’d be able to overhear at least some of what was about to happen upstairs. And so it proved. The drawing of the bath. The Colonel’s mumblings. Splashing water. The odd slap. Pippa’s muffled squeals. Footsteps on the landing. A protracted, meaningful silence. The creaking of bed springs.

Thorndyke stared pensively at Mrs East’s hairbrush, now resting on the coffee table. How he’d exalted when using that implement, whacking Pippa’s buttocks vigorously and making her writhe over his lap like a demented eel! Bedsprings continued to creak upstairs. Thorndyke smiled wryly to himself. Mindful that the girl’s bottom was now blotched purple, he hoped that, for her sake, that tender part of her anatomy wasn’t being subjected to excessive friction at the moment.

Aglow and breathless, the Colonel finally descended the stairs and rejoined Thorndyke in the lounge. At first avoiding Thorndyke’s eye, he lit his pipe and said, in a croaking voice, ‘Would you believe it? It seems that young Pippa wants to thank you properly for that blistering hairbrush spanking you’ve given her. That’s something, I suppose. Why not go up and say goodnight to her? Her bedroom is the second on the left. You’ll find her waiting face down on the duvet, pillows tucked under her bottom. All the facilities you might need are up there, old boy! Take your time, eh?’ Thorndyke glanced back at the hairbrush once more. Then he climbed the stairs, crossed the landing and quietly clicked shut the bedroom door behind him.

On a side note, after reading Part 1, the character of Alice Redway reminded Darcy of a young Liz Hurley in her punk days and looking very much in need of some strict guidance.


  1. Many thanks, Mr Evans, for your forebearance in having accepted my tweaks to my drafts, including some (very) minor amendments to last week's Part 1 now. That Liz Hurley pic found by Darcy is
    probably better as a visualisation of Alice Redway than my own rough drawing of her in the ensemble pic at the top of this post, which also includes some reimaginings of figures in Alan Bell sketches.

  2. Terrific work, Colin, really first class over both instalments. It's nice to imagine there might still be some tucked away little, English rural idylls where the 'old ways' still hold sway and pretty young ladies have to mind their ps and qs around their gentleman elders and betters.

    Lovely drawing too. I think you've captured Alice perfectly and it was a wonderfully novel idea to have her in those horizontally striped thigh high socks so that some extra 'stripes' could be deservedly added. What a brazen young slut. She seems to be coming along well though, and what a charming mental image you summoned up for us of the freshly spanked and caned girl naked but for her chorister's ruff, white ankle socks and white sensible shoes. Lovely to read that she is kneeling in submissive acceptance also, as the vicar and Sedgewick prepare to administer the ultimate benediction.

    I cannot help but feel that the roots of Alice's malaise are to be found in the past dissolute behaviour of Samantha, her naughty mother, the apple never falling very far from the tree and all that, what with Alice, after all, having been born out of wedlock (no doubt to some spotty oik of a youth). As Samantha now seems to have renounced and repudiated her former ways, I feel certain that she too has been dealt with in a similar manner to her daughter and that, unbeknownst to Alice, she is likely to be still subject to the control of the 'disciplinary interests' which quietly prevail in the locale. I am quite sure also that when Samantha enrolled Alice into the Reverend Crowley's tutelage she was fully aware of what this would involve and that certain forces prevailed upon her to do so. And was Samantha really at the Women's Guild AGM that evening? I very much doubt it!

    I am intrigued slightly by the Reverend Crowley's name and the significance of Alice's inverted cross ear-ring which, along with the black lipstick he permits her to retain from her 'punk' garb. Are you suggesting here that the vicar has a different 'master' to He who he appears to venerate from the pulpit? I'm not quite sure I agree with that. I always like to feel our chaps are doing God's work. Well, that's what I like to feel anyway!

    P.S. I'm very much charmed by that photograph of the young Liz Hurley. Yes, looking very much in need of strict guidance but, by the rueful expression, she looks as though she might already have started to receive it!

  3. Thanks for your appreciation of the story and drawing, NMO. I'm interested by your speculation about Samantha Redway. I was wondering myself whether she might have had a secret dalliance with the curate about a couple of decades ago. Her personal history remains obscure, but I'm sure in any event that she has her ear to the ground, as well as some direct experience over time as a recepient of discipilinary practices in the village community - not to mention the benefit of extensive chats with her reminiscing Auntie Nicola, or the Colonel's sister, Wendy, both women of some notoriety. All things considered, there's little doubt that Samantha's decision to enrol Alice on her big birthday for the Reverend Crowley's course of tuition was a well informed one. I like to think of that Liz Hurley photo as representing Alice as she might have been feeling part way through her rite-of-passage course with the vicar. Rueful, as you say. As for the Reverend Crowley, whether he serves another master I couldn't possibly say. It's at least true that he's something of an old devil on the side, and a continual source of worry for the bishop. I'm glad you enjoyed Part 2 as well, NMO. When I made reference to how Colonel East has Pippa dress around the house during their Sundays alone together - before she's stripped naked, that is - it was very much with your own stated preferences on these matters in mind. When looking again at my drawing, I see an unintended ambiguity. Is it Pippa handing her knickers to Thorndyke, or the pipe-smoking chap in the background, now wearing a cassock? If the latter, this would serve only to illustrate further a generous spirit of camaraderie between men of good standing in the parish.

  4. Yes, Colin, I noticed and very much enjoyed the reference to Pippa's Gingham 'Sunday Best' house dress lying strewn around the environs of Colonel East's property, along with the rest of her clothing, after the Colonel had her stripped naked for her prolonged spanking. That certainly did conjure up a scene most charming to contemplate and I thank you for it, especially if I had something to do with the inspiration.

    I am certainly very much in favour of gingham as outdoor wear for young women, especially in the spring and summer months. I think it would have a quite beautiful symbolism about it, as a clear indication that the wearer had renounced the sinful ways of rambunctious youth and was now firmly 'under the rod', or the 'twin rods' if you take my meaning, of justice. What a wonderful statement to the world! Even more so if every young maiden one espied on one's local high street, for example, were so clad. That, of course, would be the case under the 'new moral order' and woe betide any young woman who erred! This is the kind of thing I envisage, although the socks and shoes are a trifle 'non approved':


    Of course, the gingham could still be worn indoors but this would very much be at a fellow's own discretion. He might well prefer her to be kept naked most of the time. Or in a maid's outfit. Or perhaps, in particular circumstances, clad only in a silky basque and stockings and suspenders and such like. Whatever takes a chap's fancy, basically.

    I do like to think that Alice will soon be fully 'ginghamised' and all trace of her former rebelliousness, including the black lipstick and the inverted cross ear-ring, be consigned to the dustbin. My point about the vicar's surname, together with the aforementioned item of jewellery, is really about whether it's a reference to 'the immortal Aleister', with all that might portend. You do say in your comments after the first part of your story that you effectively changed the vicar's surname from 'White' to 'Crowley', a name which had 'connotations of its own'. None of this is meant as criticism - each to their own, after all. I'm just quite intrigued by the possible subtexts.

  5. Thank you for your further thoughts, NMO. Each to their own indeed! The subtexts are possibilities, leaving it up to the reader to make of it what they will.

    For me there's a suggestion that the vicar is stimulated by vestiges of punk spirit in Alice even on completion of her course of tuition and subjugation to him. As much as Alice's black lipstick symbolises for her the unresolved daddy issues which ironically precipitate her ultimate submission, that same cosmetic symbolises for him the abiding appeal of transgressive values he'd never openly espouse from the pulpit or admit to the bishop: 'Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law' when it comes to the pastoral and disciplinary handling of choirgirls in their late teens.

    Your treatise on ginghamisation conjures for me an idyllic picture of a summer fair on the village green, with Pippa, Alice and several other girls attired as in the beguiling image for which you've provided a link, participating in 'wholesome' activities devised and supervised by the vicar, the Colonel, Sedgewick and Thorndyke while Samantha catches up at the bun stall with an elderly, retired curate - her secret paramour of a couple of decades ago or so - and grandee Aunties Nicola and Wendy look smilingly on, over a pot of tea with the Colonel's artful Mrs East.

  6. Many thanks Culver. I’ve read the whole story several times since you posted part two and thoroughly enjoyed it. I particularly appreciate a situation in which the mother of a girl, in furtherance of her own interests, turns a blind eye to the disciplinary whims and foibles of stepfather, uncle etc. With Pippa’s mother increasingly absent at weekends (the Cotswolds are indeed delightful…), it seems that Pippa will have to endure more frequent and prolonged punishment sessions in future, topped off with a post-bath dose of ‘the other’ (“All part of your punishment young lady”). I wonder if Pippa really does believe that she deserves all this, especially now that Thorndyke has been invited on board, as it were - no doubt eager for a repeat.

    Would Pippa’s gingham house dress be something like that blue dress so beloved of Alan Bell? I recall that dress featured in the Roué video ‘Dorset Cottage’. Perhaps Phipps’ excursions to his coastal cottage with his ‘niece’ alluded to that video?

    As to Reverend Crowley and Alice, my suspicion is that he gets a thrill out of having her submit to his ministrations while she retains the black lipstick and earrings. Kind of ‘You may think you’re still a rebel but I know how to handle you’.

    Finally, if the bishop has any sense, he should be thankful that Reverend Crowley insists on a girl turning 18 before confirmation. Were the bishop to get his way, one can imagine that the scope for scandal might be greatly increased.

  7. Thanks for your appreciation, George. In my reference to Pippa's gingham house dress, I also was thinking of the garment in the video 'Dorset Cottage', and indeed there's a nod to that title in detail about the choirmaster's holidays. I think you're exactly right about the Reverend Crowley and Alice. You've suggested a twist in the bishop's motivations which hints at new dimensions.

  8. re: 'the Colonel's artful Mrs East'

    These naughty, libidinous mums have been getting away with it a bit too easily, and for too long, in spanking fiction. They should be caned naked alongside their errant daughters. Only my opinion, of course, old stickler for justice and law and order that I am. It may just be my interpretation of things but, in my view, Samantha Redway is still being dealt with for her crimes. Why then does Mrs East get such a free pass? I understand the quid pro quo between her and the Colonel and its part of a long standing and, in some ways, enjoyable trope (think back, for instance, to Janet's mother in R.T. Mason's excellent Evacuee story and there's many other variations on the theme including this one). A relatively convincing one also (given the often fanciful pretexts of the genre). And yet, and yet...

    1. All I can say is that gossip spreads easily in village communities. If the frequency of Mrs East's 'visits to her sister in the Cotswolds' becomes a matter of local speculation, and if the Colonel can be persuaded over a glass of sherry to agree to an informal investigation, then I'm sure that the Parochial Church Council will take matters in hand, look into it carefully and effect a moral 'intervention' if appropriate.

    2. I'd very much say 'Amen' to that eventuality, Colin.


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