Letters from Whispers 7

Dear Editor,

What a marvellous magazine you produce. It is refreshing to see and read about so many precocious young ladies getting the correct treatment. So long as a girl is still at school, she should be treated as a schoolgirl, and punished when she steps out of line.

A number of your articles deal with sexually over-active girls being punished with a good thrashing on that part of their anatomy which the Almighty provided for the purpose. It is my experience however, that such activity often begins at a much earlier age than most of the cases which you quote, and it is most important to nip such activity in the bud.

I have personal experience of two such cases. Firstly, some years ago, we had charge of my wife’s niece, when her parents were abroad. One afternoon, I discovered her reading Lady Chatterley’s Lover. The rest of the family were out. I took her up to her bedroom, and after tears and promises of good behaviour, I unzipped her jeans and pulled them down, followed by her white aertex briefs, and put her over my knee. She got a spanking to remember. I cannot deny that it was pleasant to administer justice. Her bottom was tight and firm, and her struggles showed me more of her than I have seen before or since.

The second case was that of our sixteen-year-old Mother’s Help, when I was working abroad. My wife was summoned home suddenly on account of her mother’s illness, and the girl was left to look after me. In our earlier discussions I had learnt that she had been to an Army co-educational boarding school where the chastisement of girls was not officially allowed, but that it had gone on all the same. Her pert little posterior had been subjected to this excellent treatment. When we then had a number of incidents of coming in late and I had threatened the sack and a letter to her parents, she begged me in tears to punish her and say no more. She was duly bent over the sitting room sofa, her skirt tucked out of the way, and her knickers pulled tightly into her crotch, so that most of her bum was exposed, but her modesty was preserved. I gave her six with a garden cane, and two more for putting her hand in the way. She was the first girl that I had caned, although, as a school prefect, I had been allowed to chastise the junior boys.

Later that evening, she came to me and apologised for her behaviour and said that her bum was so sore! She dropped her pyjama trousers and showed me the eight red weals.

Keep up the good work!


Tom B.


Dear Sirs,

On a recent visit to England I discovered your magazines and I was fascinated. The quality of the photography, the attractive models, and the alluring poses have convinced me that Blushes and the Supplements are some of the best sex magazines on the market. Incidentally, is there any shop that stocks all the issues that are available? I ask because there are almost certain to be copies that I haven’t seen and that I’d like to possess.

May I be permitted to make two small criticisms? Firstly, sometimes our view of the model is obstructed by various objects such as chairs. Please don’t spoil the beauty of the pictures in this way. Secondly, the photos are taken from all angles, but not very often are we treated to a view of the model’s private parts from behind. To my way of thinking, there’s nothing more beautiful than a photo of a girl lying on her stomach with her legs wide open — a photo that has been taken from a position between her legs. Please publish pictures of all your models in this position.


The two models that have attracted my attention most are Emma [Rules] and the blonde on pages 25-27 [Mr Murgatroyd’s Ladies], both of whom can be seen in Supplement No. 9. I would like to see more photos published of these two beauties. Some of the pictures in the issue just mentioned would have been better if there had been nothing to obstruct our view. Do you by any chance have the photos on pages 11 and 16 without the obstructions? if so, please publish them. The pose adopted by the blonde on pages 25-27 would be even more exciting if her legs were wide open and the camera was positioned between them. Both models are so attractive that I’d like to see them in the pose mentioned in the last sentence and in the position which I mentioned in the last paragraph. Please don’t disappoint me.

The blonde


Now I want to make a few suggestions for my two favourite models. Please punish both while they are leaning over a wooden fence (preferably in the country with spectators looking on) and over the punishment frame that can be seen in various magazines. The bottom should be as high as possible and there should be a close-up photo as described in paragraph two. For ‘Emma’ I suggest the following scenario. She should be dressed as in Supplement No. 9 and have the same hairstyle — she looks perfect in those photos. Emma is forgetful and annoys her teacher by leaving her homework at home. He has no time to give her extra work during the lesson, but later that day (during the dinner break) he’s walking past the gym when he hears a noise. It’s Emma, who has left her P.E. kit there, and her young-looking boyfriend. He reprimands them and then suddenly notices that Emma is wearing ordinary shoes whereas she should be wearing gym-shoes. He decides to punish her there and then.

He removes his belt and orders her to take off her skirt (please take a photo of her in her navy knickers) and then her knickers (next photo is of Emma revealing her nude pussy.) The boy stands there admiring the scene. The teacher then hits upon the idea of making use of the gym. Emma is told to hang from the wall-bars showing her bottom and he spanks her in that position. Next she has to lie on her stomach on a bench with her legs on either side (please take a photo of her private parts). The next pose is Emma lying lengthways over the vaulting-horse (with her legs apart, of course). Hanging upside down from the rings could be another position, and the session could be concluded with various positions on the mat, for example a back-bend, the pose shown on pages 25-27 of Supplement No 9, and the position taken up when one is about to do a somersault. At the end of the scene Emma should be made to stand in the corner with her back to the teacher and the boy. A photo such as on page 16 of Supplement No 9 would be the crowning touch. What do you think of my scenario? Could you do it with Emma or, if not, with the blonde? I hope so.

I will now close. Many thanks for all the pleasure you’ve given me, and I hope you can grant my wishes before my next visit to England at Whitsun.

All the best for 1986.




Dear Sir,

I have a strange tale to tell which I am sure will interest your readers.

Some fifteen years ago I was living in a small village in Cornwall. My neighbour was a man in his late fifties who lived with his daughter, his wife had left him some years back. Janet his daughter was at the time sixteen years old, I quite often heard her crying and yelling ‘No dad please it hurts,’ so I realised young Janet was probably subjected to some sort of physical punishment. I found this exciting and decided to find out more. To cut a long story short I met him in the local one night slightly the worse for wear. It seemed he had bad financial troubles and was in desperate need of funds. I lent him thirty pounds and by this means got into his confidence.

It appeared Janet suffered spankings and canings on a fairly regular basis. By the time the night was over he proved to be a thoroughly disreputable character. It was agreed I would witness one of these sessions, I would be secreted behind one of her bedroom walls in a loft area. The appointed night arrived and I was staring through a discreetly bored hole into Janet’s bedroom. Janet and her father arrived in the room. The girl was sobbing and protesting that she had done nothing to deserve this. Regardless her father sat on the bed and pulled her across his knees. The spanking Janet received was fairly severe, given however on the seat of her pants.

The whole process took about a quarter of an hour and left me wanting more. The girl went to bed and I crept down into the living room. My neighbour appeared somewhat red-faced from his exertions. Well, he enquired, what did you think. I cleared my throat, ‘Could we come to some sort of arrangement about this,’ I asked.

‘I don’t see why not’, he replied. ‘It would cost you, mind.’

‘Fair enough; when do you think we could arrange another session,’ I urged.

‘How much are you prepared to pay,’ he asked.

‘Well,’ I replied, ‘bare bottom and very hard, fifty pounds.’ This was a considerable sum of money at the time and I saw his eyes light up. ‘How about tomorrow night.’ I reasoned that after tonight’s tanning her bottom would still be a bit tender. ‘Let’s leave it until Saturday — give her a chance to get over that little walloping tonight.’ It was agreed and the three days I had to wait built up the excitement in me to virtually bursting point.

On Saturday as arranged we met once again the pub. In talking to him I suspected he was going to get as much fun out of this as I was. I gave him the fifty pounds and put another tenner on the counter. If I’m pleased with the performance you get that as a bonus I informed him. He nodded enthusiastically. After a pleasant drinking session I was once more hidden behind the wall.

The light clicked on and Janet came into the room. She was crying and obviously very distressed. Her father followed her and my heart gave a jump. In his hand he carried a cane. ‘Now, I want no nonsense, my girl,’ he growled and pulled her into the middle of the room. She had her back to me so when he ordered her to touch her toes I was treated to the sight of a lovely pair of thighs as her skirt rode up. Pulling her skirt clear of the target area he slung it up onto her back. Next he pulled her pants up tight, very tight, the blue nylon disappeared into the crease of her bottom. Standing to one side he lined the cane up tapping gently to gain an aim.

His arm went up and the cane slashed down across the centre of her lovely cheeks. From my vantage point I saw a vivid weal spring up almost immediately. With what must have amounted to super human effort Janet managed to stay in position, indeed she remained in position for two more vicious cuts. Then leaping up with her hands clutched to her bottom she sobbed for it to end.

Father was not swayed however, I’m glad to report.

‘Right you little bitch’, he almost croaked. ‘You know what the punishment for that is, get your pants down.’

My heart almost stopped. She begged and pleaded however her pants finished up on the floor and she was touching her toes again. She received six more strokes during which time her legs drifted apart giving me exquisite little glances at her girlish secrets.

At the end of this he ordered the sobbing girl to stand in the corner and he left the room. I crept from my hiding place and once again met him in his sitting room.

He had poured two drinks and was already drinking his. I picked mine up and took a long gulp. During this performance I had reached the heights but not the pinnacle of ecstasy. My neighbour was quick to notice this and even quicker to profit by it. ‘She’s been a very naughty girl and could possibly deserve a bit more,’ he rasped. I had a mental battle with myself. My conscience told me the poor girl had suffered enough for one night. One look at my neighbour’s face however, told me Janet was standing in the corner awaiting her father’s return.

Janet was obviously going to get another visit. So salving my guilty conscience I agreed to increase his bonus if she was given three more strokes of the cane followed by a no nonsense spanking.

Once more comfortably settled in my hiding place I spied Janet still facing the corner opposite. On her father’s instructions she had tucked her skirt into the waistband leaving her bottom quite bare. The criss-cross welts stood out an angry reddish blue. Her father entered the room swishing the cane. The dialogue that took place between the two of them is as crystal clear now as it was then, such was its impact on me.

‘Three more my girl.’

‘Oh, no dad please!’

‘Bend over or it will be six!’

‘Oh, you can’t dad! I couldn’t take it! Please, I’ve got to go to the toilet!’

The last request seemed to be a means of putting off the inevitable.

‘You can go to the toilet when I have finished with you, young lady!’

‘But dad, I’ll wet myself!’

‘If you do, you’ll get the cane so hard you won’t sit down for a week!’

To my eternal shame I found myself hoping she would indeed disgrace herself. However, she accepted her fate and touched her toes. Those final three cuts must have been agony. The minute he had finished he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the bed. Plopping down he pulled her across his knees. She screamed for mercy but received absolutely none.

Most of the spanking was across the backs of her legs. He smacked from the tops just under the fold of her bottom to almost her knees. She squealed and wriggled delightfully. Finally he gripped her in a tighter hold and began on her cane-striped bottom. She yelled, ‘No dad! I’m going to wet myself!’ This was met by a renewed fury of spanks. Whether she did wet herself I don’t know, but when her father finally dumped her on the floor she was nearly hysterical.

This was the start of a beautiful friendship between me many hours of pleasure and Janet many hours of sore bottoms and legs.

A one-time contented neighbour.

P.R. Somerset
