Avril’s Ordeal II — Gym in the Loft

Concluding the story from New Blushes Uniform Girls 2.20

And now the girl and the man are in a loft. A bare-boarded floor and large roof timbers angling up overhead. The girl is now in a sort of gym outfit: tight navy knickers and a sleeveless white top; white knee socks and white shoes. She looks distressed and exhausted as she stands against a wooden trestle in the centre of the board floor. And the man? He again has the cane in his hand. He is gesticulating with it. There are cane marks on the backs of the girl’s thighs. And no doubt on her bottom too, under the tight navy knickers…


Avril, with Mr Baldock on the garden terrace, steps over to the cane. Is the maid watching from the house? She picks it up. It feels as if it is charged with electricity, all tingly. Her shaky hand passes it to Mr Baldock. This is all an awful shock. A cane! Mr Malting, her headmaster, said nothing about a cane. Just spanking. Mr Baldock was going to want to spank her. And then if she agreed to this, submitted to it, he would be able to get her into university. Get her a place which her exam grades had failed to do. And she had steeled herself for that. Letting Mr Baldock spank her. On her bare bottom probably! It was an awful prospect but she had told herself she could go through with it, because she was so desperate to get that university place.

Yes spanking. But now this cane!

Mr Baldock, still seated in his canvas garden chair, took the cane and made a little whipping motion with it through the air. He eyed her, his eyes glinting behind those thick glasses, then leant the cane against his chair.

‘Play croquet, do you, young lady?’

She shook her head. The croquet things were there against the low parapet next to his chair. The cane had been with them.

‘No sir. I mean I’ve n…never played.’

His broad fingers tapped on the arm of his chair. ‘You sound nervous, Avril. Are you nervous?’

She made a face. She could feel she was flushing. She shifted her feet, squirming. Uh… A bit, sir.’

‘And why is that? Is my cane the reason perhaps?’

‘Y…Yes sir.’ It was a relief almost to say it.

‘And you don’t think you would enjoy being caned?’

‘No sir.’

‘I see. I haven’t said yet that I plan to cane you, have I? You’re just assuming that. But it’s true, as no doubt Mr Malting has told you, that I do regard discipline as very important. For girls of your age in particular. And nowadays most girls don’t get it, do they? No doubt if you had had more discipline, young lady, then you wouldn’t be so involved with that youth at your school whom your headmaster has told me about. And then you would probably have got your grades, eh? And you wouldn’t be coming to me.’

Avril wanted to protest, but she didn’t. She found Mr Baldock too daunting for one thing. And what had Mr Malting told him regarding Stuart. She could feel herself hotly flushing.

Mr Baldock was toying with his cane again. ‘And you say you don’t play croquet, Avril?’

‘No sir.’

‘Well perhaps you could have a little introduction. And maybe to the cane too. Go back to the house and bring Sandra out here.’

‘The… The maid, sir?’

‘Yes. Of course.’

Sandra, the pretty blonde in the demure little black maid’s dress. She would be about Avril’s age. She gave Avril a smirk when she was told she was wanted, and followed Avril out to Mr Baldock.

‘Ah good. Croquet, Sandra. You play a bit, don’t you.’

She made a face. ‘You know I’m not very good, sir.’

‘No. I do always win when we play, Avril. And each time Sandra gets her bottom caned. As an incentive to improvement. Unfortunately she doesn’t improve and so she always gets it caned. Isn’t that right, Sandra?’

‘Yes sir.’

‘Tell Avril, Sandra. Does it hurt, the cane?’

Sandra squirmed. ‘Yes sir. It does.’

‘Hmm. Because Avril here says she has never had the cane. What do you think of that? Anyway let’s get back to croquet. We’re going to have a contest. Sandra who is not very good at all versus Avril who says she has never played: but who looks very fit and athletic and so may be very good. Anyway we shall see. And of course the loser gets her bottom caned. Which if it is Avril will be her first time so that will be interesting. Alright?’

Sandra gave a smirk. Avril shook her head, protesting that it wasn’t fair. Mr Baldock cut her short.

‘Be quiet, Avril! Try and show some discipline and self-control. It is a perfectly reasonable contest. Sandra isn’t very good. Correct, Sandra.’

‘No Mr Baldock. I’m not.’ But she didn’t look too displeased at the prospect. No doubt she was confident of beating someone who had never played.

‘Good. Well, you can both take your knickers off. Then we’ll have the loser ready for the cane, won’t we?’

Avril, red-faced, began to protest. Mr Baldock gave her a threatening look. ‘I’ve warned you, Avril. I expect to be obeyed. Maybe I should go ahead and just give you a caning anyway, to hopefully teach you a lesson.’

Avril glanced at Sandra. The other girl was obediently sliding down a pair of sexy black knickers from under her brief dress. She didn’t look at all discountenanced.

Mr Baldock added, ‘I could get Sandra to hold you down if necessary. Maybe let her give you a few strokes too. Would you like that?’

Avril hesitated for just a moment. She couldn’t argue with Mr Baldock, she could see that. Could she just leave? No, not without forgetting all about university. And so she had no choice. Tight-lipped, she reached up under the skirt of her white dress. Gripping her knickers and sliding them down. Mr Baldock was holding out his hand for them. Looking away she handed the flimsy garment over. Mr Baldock grunted and got to his feet, stuffing the knickers in his pocket. Sandra had put hers on the parapet. Mr Baldock led the way out onto the lawn.

It was no contest. Sandra might not be able to beat Mr Baldock but she wasn’t that bad. A lot too good for Avril. Avril’s play in fact got worse as the game progressed, with the thought of the likely outcome making her increasingly frantic and agitated. Having her knickers off undoubtedly made it worse. It was impossible to ignore that draughty feeling round her bottom and pussy. And the thought of that cane on her bare bottom. Finally the game was over; Sandra had won by a street.

‘Very good!’ Mr Baldock said. ‘Sandra you did very well. And Avril I am sure did her best. Maybe better next time? Anyway now we come to the forfeits, eh?’

‘L…Look, please…’ Avril stammered as Mr Baldock led the way off the lawn. ‘I mean M…Mr Malting didn’t say anything about a c…cane.’

Mr Baldock turned to give her a threatening glare. ‘You’re here with me, Miss, not Mr Malting. He isn’t going to get you that university place.’ His face came close to hers. ‘Is he?’


‘No he’s not. So I want you to be try and be sensible. You will do what I say. Obedience. Avril.’ He marched briskly on. At the stone parapet he stopped and turned to face her again.

‘Alright? You will show obedience. For a start you can lift your skirt up. Round your waist. Let’s have a look at you.’

Avril felt sick. Sandra, at the side, had a simpering expression. Her presence made things even worse if that was possible.

But there was nothing Avril could do, and at another barked command she complied. Sliding up the skirt of her white cotton dress. It was a warm day and she had nothing on underneath now her knickers had been removed. Her slim bare thighs were exposed. That wasn’t going to suffice of course. Her skirt had to be right up, round her waist. Mr Baldock wanted her to show everything. Avril made herself do it. Show everything. The front view first: the quite thick black bush of her pussy. And then she had to turn, to display to him the nude quivering cheeks of her ripe bottom which were to be the immediate object of attention.

‘Very nice,’ Mr Baldock observed. ‘What do you think, Sandra, a good bottom for the cane, would you say?’ Sandra gave an excited giggle.

‘Yes. We shall do it then, Avril. Your first taste of the cane you say, so a memorable experience for you. Keep your skirt up, and get up on the chair. Kneeling on the seat and facing the back.’

Avril felt her head spinning. She couldn’t believe this. She was about to be caned. On her bare bottom. It had to be some kind of awful dream. But she knew it wasn’t. It was happening. She was getting up on the chair. Mr Baldock told Sandra to hold her.

‘I don’t want her jerking about. If she’s not still, Sandra, I shall give you a dose as well.’

Avril protested, but Sandra got a firm grip of her shoulders, and forced her head down over the back of the seat. She felt Mr Baldock’s hand grope her thrust-out buttocks. Then in between her thighs to her cunt… She gave a choking gasp. The hand left her.

Mr Baldock’s voice said, ‘Right…’

Then the cane cracked in. The hot pain taking Avril’s breath away. She heard herself yell.

The second cut in. On top of the first it was like a knife slicing into her flesh. Her hips and bottom were jerking in anguish but Sandra had her upper body held firm and Mr Baldock’s cane had no trouble finding its target.

The cane sliced in again. And again…

Mr Baldock gave her six. Then his voice saying it was finished. His hand casually groped her burning bottom as he told Sandra to let go of her. ‘You can stand now, Miss.’

But Avril didn’t think she could stand. She was shaking and whimpering. Her bottom was red hot and throbbing, it felt as if she had been cut in two.

Mr Baldock grabbed her arm and pulled her upright. She stumbled against him. And then his other hand was there, under her bunched skirt at her nude cunt. Groping it. She tried to struggle away but he kept hold of her.

‘You can go now, in a few moments, Avril. But I want to see you back here tomorrow afternoon. When I shall continue your instruction.’

He had a final grope at her now wet cunt and then let go of her. Avril stumbled away, almost falling over. Mr Baldock held her knickers out to her, and she weakly took them.


Mr Malting phoned Avril that evening, asking if the first meeting with Mr Baldock had gone well.

‘He… He… caned me!’ she expostulated. ‘You didn’t t…tell me he w…would want that.’ She was suddenly almost crying.

‘Oh well. A spanking or the cane. It’s more or less the same, Avril. Don’t get excited. Think of that university place.’

It wasn’t the same though. Not at all. The caning had left her really devastated. And no doubt Mr Baldock would want to do it again!

‘It was awful. Just…’

‘Don’t take on,’ Mr Malting urged. ‘A bit of a sting in your bottom, and then it’s over. When does he want to see you again?’

‘I d…don’t think…’

‘Now don’t be silly.’ His voice was sharper. ‘You’re committed to it now. You don’t want me speaking to your mother, do you? About that other business, Stuart Rowlins. Look, Avril, if you’re feeling down in the dumps why not come on round here and see me? Now. We can talk about it.’

But Avril didn’t want that. No thanks. Mr Malting said okay and rang off.


The next day, Sunday, it was rainy. At least that presumably would mean there couldn’t be another awful croquet game with Sandra, which no doubt Avril would lose again. That was Sandra’s comment too when at the appointed time, two o’clock, Avril unhappily presented herself. ‘Too wet for croquet at least.’ She grinned, then took Avril’s raincoat and led her through to Mr Baldock’s study.

Sandra went out, closing the door. So for the moment anyway she wouldn’t be there to hold Avril down while Mr Baldock caned her. But maybe being alone with him was even worse, more scary…

Sitting at his desk he gave her that searching, unblinking gaze. She was wearing her blue dress and it seemed his eyes were going right through it. To her boobs and pussy. But in any case he had seen her, seen it all, hadn’t he? At last he spoke.

‘Good. On time again. And how are we today, young lady?’

‘O…Okay sir.’

He gave a harsh laugh. ‘Bottom not sore now?’

‘N…No sir.’ She squirmed.

The laugh again. ‘Maybe we had better do something about that then. And what about that boy Mr Malting tells me you are seeing. Did you see him last night? For a session of sexual intercourse? Mr Malting says you do it all the time.’

Avril felt herself flushing bright red. She shook her head. ‘N…No sir.’

‘Not feeling up to it, eh? Not this once. The cane must have had a good effect. We’ll have to continue the treatment. Yes?’

She shook her head. ‘P…Please sir…’

He got to his feet. ‘Well we won’t go outside and get all wet. This English weather. No, we will stay in, and in fact are going up in the loft. Doesn’t that sound exciting?’

Avril had no answer. No doubt anything he had planned would be unpleasant. More of the cane!

‘Yes my dear. A gym session. We are going to see how fit you are.’

Mr Baldock stepped in close and his two hands came up and took hold of her tits. Avril gave a little squeal.

‘Mmm. The university, I know, likes students to be fit. Do you take any exercise, my dear. I mean apart from all that fucking.’

‘Ooohh please…’ His hands were squeezing, and hurting. ‘I… ah… ride my bike. And pl…play tennis. And really I don’t d…do… that all the time.’

‘Well Mr Malting says you do.’ One hand left her tits. It slid down and this time cupped her pussy. Avril yelped. ‘This, miss. Getting a lot of exercise.’

She gasped, as the hands continued to play with her, one at her tits and the other at her cunt. At last Mr Baldock let go.

‘Anyway a session of gym up in the loft. We’ll put you through your paces.’

As Avril struggled to regain her composure, Mr Baldock went over to a cabinet. He came back holding some clothing. He held the items out to her: a white sleeveless top, navy gym knickers, and a pair of white knee socks.

‘You can change into these. And then we’ll go up.’

Avril gave him a dazed look. Her senses were all whipped up from his awful groping and she found it difficult to think. She was going to have to change into these things… Here? In Mr Baldock’s study…?

Yes that was what he meant. ‘Come on, jump to it. Or do you want another caning right away?’

No! Not that! Her head was clearing now. She was going to have to change there, in front of Mr Baldock, if she didn’t want the cane. So there was no real choice. She began unbuttoning her dress. Trying to ignore Mr Baldock’s beady eyes intently watching her every move. Just tell yourself it is better than having the cane. His eyes on her intimate flesh. Just be as quick as possible…

But Mr Baldock didn’t want that. He wanted her nude. All her clothes off, and then standing still for him. ‘Just a few moments, let me have a look at you.’

It wasn’t just looking of course. It was his hands too. Sliding over her smooth curves. Her inevitably stiffened nipples. And the crisp curls of her pussy.


The loft is just a bare, undecorated roof space, with heavy roof timbers angling up on either side and a bare boarded floor. The whole place is brightly lit with bulkhead lights. Yes this is Mr Baldock’s ‘gym’, where he likes to exercise girls in private, though there is not much in the way of gym equipment: just a couple of thick ropes hanging heavily from the top roof truss, and a carpenter’s trestle. But there is also Mr Baldock’s cane; we must not forget that. It is after all an essential item in Mr Baldock’s work-outs.

Avril and Henry Baldock are here now of course. Avril is in that outfit she had to put on in his study: the sleeveless top and gym knickers and white knee socks. She also has on a pair of soft white shoes, and there is a red chiffon scarf tying her hair. The latter is needed to keep Avril’s thick curling hair in control as she exerts herself. Running on the spot; bending and stretching; plus work on the ropes and that trestle.

Avril has been undergoing this strenuous drill for some minutes now and is sweating, and looking a bit desperate.

Yes she has been doing a strenuous work-out, but the sweating and look of desperation are due not so much to this as to something else. The something else is of course Mr Baldock’s cane. Those red marks on the backs of her thighs. And if her knickers were lowered we would see them on the ripe cheeks of her bottom too. Cane marks of course. Mr Baldock’s cane. Yes he has been keeping her going with the cane. Keeping her going at break-neck speed.

Now in fact Avril is allowed a little rest. Leaning against the trestle. But it is only for a moment. University girls have to be super-fit, don’t they? Well according to Henry Baldock they do. And he is doing his very best with Avril.

‘Alright? Ready for more?’ Mr Baldock seems to be sweating a little himself. It is quite warm up here, and Henry Baldock still has his jacket on. But those little beads of perspiration could also be due to excitement. Well, this does have to be exciting, doesn’t it? Having a lovely girl like Avril Symonds at your disposal. Having her here in your own private sanctum. Disciplining her. Exercising her. Oh yes, it must be exciting.

And the thought too that she is yours for all those coming weeks. Two or three times a week. Up here or out in the garden. And there will be other things too. It won’t only be croquet and gym. The cane, yes. But Henry does as it happens have other desires too. Other needs. He also has one or two close friends who are sure to want to take an interest in lovely Avril. So all in all there is a lot to give a man a feeling of excitement.

Avril doesn’t reply to Mr Baldock’s query, just a despairing look.

‘Yes Okay. We’ll press on. And I think now we’ll have your knickers down, Avril. It is time for that.’


Time goes by. The weeks pass. It is a long time of course between when Avril first came to Mr Baldock and resitting the exams just before Christmas. It is now late autumn, about halfway. A long time still to go. Some of it is the same, routine. He likes croquet when the weather permits. Mr Baldock is very good at it of course, and Avril always loses. And consequently always gets her bottom caned. She has improved a bit though. Sometimes she can beat Sandra. Not that that necessarily avoids a caning; he sometimes just laughs and canes them both.

So yes there is croquet, and gym up in the loft of course. But also Mr Baldock likes to bring in new developments. New demands. Avril feels pretty desperate at times.

One new requirement quite early on, after just a couple of weeks, was sex. Yes, Mr Baldock did want that, he wasn’t only interested in the cane. Sexual intercourse. Well, she was doing it with that boy, wasn’t she? he argued. And when she got to the university would probably be doing it a lot more. So it was only reasonable that she should oblige her mentor as well. And Avril couldn’t refuse, could she? So now there is that a couple of times a week as well.

And now there is something else. Mr Baldock’s friends. Some of his friends know about Avril, this very lovely girl who comes to him several times a week. And there are those who would like to get in on the act too. Avril wants to draw the line at any of that. Mr Baldock is one thing, and quite bad enough, but his friends too would just be too much.

Mr Baldock, though, says why not?

That is the problem today, on this pleasant afternoon, late autumn but still mild and quite warm so that Avril doesn’t need a coat and is still in her white summer dress as she goes to meet Mr Baldock in the garden. He is where he likes to sit, on the terrace, with the croquet things. And his cane!

She hesitates. She knows what he is going to want. His friend Mr Vernon wants to see her. Avril really doesn’t want to go. She has been persuaded to see another friend, Mr Hanley, last week, and it seems is going to have to go to him again. But she really doesn’t want Mr Vernon too.

She bites her lip. Mr Baldock will do his best to persuade her of course. With his cane.


  1. Somehow I get the feeling Avril will not be going to university. As it says early on in the first part of this story, she's not really clever enough anyway. She is, after all, receiving a much more important education with Mr Baldock and his friends. I don't really agree with sending girls to university anyway, and certainly not the good looking ones. What's the point up of cluttering up their pretty heads with all manner of complicated ideas and giving them thoughts above their station? A grounding in 'the 3 Rs' is all that is needed, followed by finishing school for girls from better off families and the National Domestic Service programme for those from the lower orders.


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