Letters from Blushes 17

Dear Sirs,

I am not much of a letter writer but I am absolutely passionate about corporal punishment for girls and all aspects of the domination of young females by men. I would therefore like to address a few words to you as the leading magazine in the field, and hope that you will pay heed to my comments which are deeply felt even if not expressed as elegantly as some of your writers.

Your stories are very good and sometimes terrific when they take an unexpectedly spiteful turn from time to time. No doubt there are plenty of people who would be offended and upset by the casual way in which you make a virtue out of the exploitation of young girls, but these are the people least likely to be reading the magazine. What gives them distress is meat and drink to us.

Some of your photos are very good as well, but I think that you often fall short of rival magazines at their best. For example, I have in front of me a copy of another magazine, certainly an inferior product, but it has hit the jackpot with some of its schoolgirl pictures. The copy I have to hand scores points as follows:

1. Of the two schoolgirls featured, one is black. In many areas of the country one is likely to see a variety of ethnic types about in school uniform, and black and Asian girls are just as gorgeous and caneable as whites.

2. The skirts are of realistic length, just above the knee. Most of your schoolgirls have skirts much too short (e.g. Sally in the video) — it would be nice if girls did wear minis to school, but they don’t. Please keep close to reality, after all, the point is that a shy girl has her modesty outraged by the exposure of flesh not normally displayed. Incidentally, on my way to work this week a schoolgirl in uniform cycled past me and though her skirt was of conventional length I could see her white pants. Indeed, I made a point of staring up her skirt and was rewarded with an unhappy scowl and a vain attempt to tug her hem down, producing much wobbling on the bike.

3. The accessories are right. Grey knee-socks, Clark’s sandals and a navy cardigan. The hair pulled back and clipped in a juvenile style clearly imposed by authority. For a magazine that prides itself on attention to uniform it is surprising how often you get these things wrong.

Although I like your models I think that you keep the same girls for too long. You are bound to get affectionate towards them and this will lead to excessive leniency. Far better to engage them the once, flog them hard for the camera and send them packing. They won’t want to do it again, though it may have seemed worth the money beforehand. With so many girls unable to get a job on leaving school at present the situation is tailor-made for you to practice what you preach and exploit them.

Contrary to the fantasies of some writers, very few girls wear suspenders now, and those that do are sophisticated temptresses, not the ‘blushful’ type we like.

Please don’t ever let your magazine go soft like the others. We don’t need columns written by Linda or any other women. Blushes is for men, by men, and uses women for its own unscrupulous purposes.



Hadn’t realised we were ‘unscrupulous’, J.J., and neither had the 50% of our staff who are women.

Dear Sir,

As a recent convert to Blushes, may I offer my congratulations on your rapidly improving journal.

The recent issues, especially No. 10 and No. 11, have been superb. Obviously, the strength of your magazine is the imaginative photography which portrays ample female bottoms being submissively proffered in ideal punishment postures.

Your creativity in this field is unmatched, and as a result, I have strongly recommended Blushes to American spanking enthusiasts via a nationwide U.S. spanking newsletter. Also, the young ladies who pose for such corrections are often stunning in appearance.

One favourite was Linda Parkins in issue 10’s Top Secret who was nicely stretched across a table for punishment. Her well-hollowed lower back helped emphasise exceedingly suitable buttocks for caning. Another delight was the pictorial in Supplement 5 of the girl suitably ‘jack-knifed’ over the country fence as a result of a reader’s request. Perhaps I have missed it, but if not, would you do a photo series on a girl properly bent over a tall and sturdy four-legged stool. A traditional kitchen or bar stool, some 3 feet high and without a back of course, provides an ideal structure to expose feminine bottom-cheeks for the rattan or other preferred instrument.

The exceedingly suitable buttocks of Linda “Pussy” Parkins

However, photos alone do not make a quality publication and your recent efforts in other areas strongly contribute. The work of John Hotten on ‘Research Topic’ should be strongly encouraged — especially interviews such as he had with the former Scottish schoolmistress.

Many other areas of CP in practise today are worthy of investigative reporting, and it is hoped Mr Hotten continues his good efforts.

Having offered the praise above, may I also put forth the following suggestions:-

1. Please, please feature many more women disciplinarians in both photos and stories. Certainly there are many mature ladies who can vividly portray governesses, aunts, headmistresses and stepmothers for your cameras. Also a substantial portion of your patrons actually prefer a woman administering correction. It is often said women make the best disciplinarians. This is largely true because women use physical correction to properly train girls in obedience and respect and because physical lusts do not interfere. Also a woman truly knows best how to inflict both pain and humiliation in ways that are most effective since she herself has had such experiences.

2. More use should be made of the Victorian era as a setting for formal corrections. Certainly the atmosphere of parental authority, personal modesty, respect for one’s betters and proper deportment all contribute to a setting that remains underdeveloped in CP analysis and description.

3. Finally, an intimate medical examination in a doctor’s office would make a fine story with photos. A guardian brings his well-developed teenage ward to the Doctor. for her medical. Both the Doctor and nurse are very thorough in examining the girl’s most intimate regions. The guardian inquires as to the girl’s capacity to withstand a proper caning, and the medical pair submit the young lady to intense probing of her buttocks as well as ‘tests’ with suitable instruments.

I hope these comments are useful and please continue your fine efforts.

T.B., Connecticut U.S.A.

Humiliation Recommended

Dear Blushes,

Doubting Thomas’s on the subject of corporal punishment should have been educated in South Africa in the 60’s. The cane was used as the main form of punishment and often for only petty offences.

It was quite normal to be caned in front of the class and hardly a week went by without someone being summoned to the front of the class, and given six of the best.

There was never a delay and the teachers believed swift application of punishment was for the best. It did not seem to matter that the class was mixed and girls and boys were treated alike. It was certainly irrelevant that girls were required to take up an unladylike position in front of the whole class including the boys.

Usually punishment was given over the unfortunate individual’s pants or knickers. During my time I received the cane on several occasions. Each time the routine was the same. I was summoned to the front of the class and instructed to remove my skirt. During this the teacher would tell the rest of the class the reason for my punishment. I would then be told to touch my toes with my bottom facing the class. The teacher would then go to the cupboard to fetch the cane. The strokes themselves were always hard and given in fairly quick succession. If you stood up you would always be awarded an extra stroke.

Despite the fairly frequent caning, I never got used to it. Removing my school skirt and bending over in front of the class was both humiliating and embarrassing. Also the sheer pain of getting the cane was awful.

The worst trouble I ever got into, earned me by far the most severe beating I ever received. I was among a small party caught smoking. There were three boys and three girls including myself and we were all reported to the headmaster. Instead of summoning us to his study he came into the first lesson of the day carrying his cane. He asked all six of us to come to the front and stand in a line. He then told the whole class what he thought of smoking and added that he was going to punish all six of us in front of the class as an example to everyone. He also said that he had chosen his most severe cane and that we were all to get nine strokes. I had never before had more than six and the thought of nine put the fear of God into me. However worse was to come. He asked who had been responsible for obtaining the cigarettes. After a considerable while I had to own up that I had taken them from my father. The head then told me that as I had obviously been the ringleader I would be caned last and that the cane would be given across my bare bottom.

There was a gasp throughout the class as this had never happened before. I could not believe it. The realisation that I was to be caned in front of all my friends on my bare bottom was terrible.

He then told the other five to remove their trousers or skirts and me to remove my skirt and knickers. He was even going to make me stand half nude whilst everyone else was punished.

I undid the buttons on my skirt and slowly stepped out of it. The others all did the same and then all eyes seemed to be on me. Everyone knew what was next and facing the class I put my thumbs into the waistband of my knickers and slowly peeled them off. We were told to stay in a line and I put my hand over my pubic hair. However the Head snapped that we were all to put our hands by our sides. I felt myself going red and also felt the eyes of all the class, particularly the boys, looking at my pubic bush.

The others were then caned. Each one was called to a spot on the other side of the room and told to touch their toes with their bottoms facing the class.

Five of them, nine strokes each, 45 in all and I had to watch each one knowing it would soon be my turn.

When the fateful moment arrived I walked slowly across the room feeling totally humiliated. I was told to bend over and touch my toes with my bottom facing the class so that everyone got a good view. I turned to face the front wall and reached down to touch my toes. Everyone must have focused on my bare bottom and I tried to keep my legs together.

The first stroke took my breath away. The pain was much greater than anything I had previously experienced. I was desperate not to cry out and to keep my legs together but after three strokes this was impossible. I had to part my legs slightly and felt ashamed at the thought of everyone in the class as well as the headmaster seeing almost everything. The strokes were spaced out but inevitably some fell on top of others. I kept telling myself to remain bent over as I certainly did not want to get extra strokes for standing up.

After six strokes the Head paused and said to the class that if he caught anyone else smoking they would get the same treatment. He must have left me waiting for the last three strokes for about two minutes whilst I was still bent over double with my scorching bottom on display. Each of the last three strokes had me gasping for air and after the ninth he told me to count to 60 before standing. I then had to face the class with my hands by my side whilst he said he hoped I had learnt a lesson but if he ever caught me smoking again I would have my bare bottom caned in front of the whole school.

I then cautiously dressed and returned to my seat. I kept the marks for weeks and the news soon spread round the school. Other pupils wanted to see the marks including a bunch of boys who held me down whilst my skirt was pulled up and pants pulled down.

I was seventeen when I received that caning. I was never again caned across my bare bottom although I did receive one or two more normal canings right up until I left school at eighteen.

I believe corporal punishment is right and many of today’s problems would not exist if more school pupils felt the cane occasionally.

For me I enjoy looking back. The embarrassment and humiliation I went through gives me some sexual satisfaction. I will always remember bending over in front of the whole class with my bare bottom on display. My husband is a spanking fan although we never get beyond the playful stage into real pain.

Jan Harrison

P.S. Both my husband and I think Blushes is excellent and also hope you feature a photo session as per Trevor W’s of Sussex suggestion in Blushes 12. I also believe legs should always be straight.
