Letters from Blushes 14

Dear Sir,

My wife, Nicole, attended a private girls school somewhere in the home counties for seven years, boarding for most of the time. Her description of the uniform is somewhat plain, comprising of navy-blue pleated skirt, worn on the knee, white blouse, school tie and blazer. White knee-length socks were worn during Winter as was a navy cardigan, but ankle socks were permitted in Summer.

Regulation knickers were navy or white, elasticated at the waist and gusseted in the crotch. Sixth form girls were, as a privilege, allowed to wear stockings, but not tights as these were considered unhygienic for pubescent young ladies. Stockings were regulation black, seamed or unseamed and were supported by white suspenders consisting of four straps attached to an elasticated belt, ending with four chromium-plated clips. Flat-heeled, black lace-up shoes were worn by all girls and regular inspection were held to ensure all regulation items were being worn.

Punishment by caning or strapping was firmly believed in, the Headmistress dealing with junior girls by cane, whereas the Headmaster, who favoured the strap, dealt with senior girls. My wife received the cane on many occasions as a junior which were delivered as follows: the girl reported to the Head-study on Friday afternoon as summoned by announcement in assembly that morning and would explain her offence to the Headmistress. The offender would then be told her punishment and the number of strokes. The girl would stand on a footstool behind a designated chair and bend double over the chair-back, placing palms flat on its seat. The Headmistress would then either unfasten the waistband of the skirt and allow it to drop or raise the back of the skirt and tuck it into the waistband. To avoid attempts at protective padding, the seat of the knickers was peeled back to expose the girl’s buttocks. A card on which a standard form of apology was written would be placed on the chair seat and the girl would recite the apology while receiving her punishment. When sufficient strokes had been delivered and knickers and skirt replaced, the girl would stand down from the stool, thank the Headmistress for the punishment, curtsey and leave the study.

In the case of sixth-formers, the Headmaster administered the punishment, using a leather strap which was approximately 1½ inches wide and two feet long. Having reported, after school, to the Head-study, the girl would stand in front of the Headmaster, who would be seated in the middle of the room and explain her offence. She would be told her punishment and take a step nearer the Head, who remained seated. The Head then would unfasten each suspender-clip in turn. He would carefully roll down each stocking then instruct the girl to adopt one of a variety of suitable positions. One position consisted of the girl kneeling on the footstool then leaning forwards to place her hands on the floor while the Headmaster stood astride her and strapped her buttocks from above. Another favoured position was for the girl to lie on the chaise-longue on her back, arms held straight at the sides, while the Head, using a strap fastened around the girl’s ankles, lifted the legs to the vertical thus exposing the buttocks. My wife says she was subjected to this form of punishment on numerous occasions and hated it.

I was interested to learn from Nicole that, as a result of her pleading with the Head not to apply the strap to her behind, she was given the option of a spanking across his lap, which he obviously enjoyed giving her.

I am inclined to doubt that my wife’s behaviour at school improved as a result of canings because the essence of such punishment is humiliation to generate respect for authority and in her case it generated resentment, from which my predicament seems to result. In general, of course, C.P., if delivered without causing injury (except to the recipient’s pride), is the best way of maintaining discipline amongst women of all ages and should be used for this purpose, not least in the marital bedroom where male authority is of paramount importance.

Yours sincerely,

K. J. H., Middx.

Dear Sirs,

My companion and I are interested in disciplinary matters, particularly in connection with shapely bottoms. When we meet people in need of firm handling, there is no difficulty about the administration of what is needed and they are left in no doubt about the efficacy of treatment. They are able to have a distinct impression made on them.

Janet is my pupil, so naturally she has less experience of disciplining others than I have. But being a pupil she is of course obedient, and if she is told to use a cane or a whip she does so. Her acquaintance with the subject is more as a passive than as an active agent. She relishes a sound thrashing, even though it reduces her to tears. I use a cane (thick or thin according to choice), a thin whip (two leather thongs), a plastic belt, a thick piece of rubber and a whip made of about half a dozen short leather thongs. Each of these has a different effect and produces a different result. The whips, of course, are useful for curving round mounds and diving into valleys. Last time we visited another couple, Janet certainly lashed into the man’s bottom but I think she got more excitement from seeing me attend to the lady, whose experience of the whip was very limited. She felt it in places she had not realised were eligible to take it!

We both enjoy reading Blushes and looking at the reddened bottoms. If you publish this letter, we will write again soon.

Best Wishes,

Dennis and Janet, Surrey

Name and Address supplied

Dear Editor,

There is an old proverb that it is the first step that counts. This, as I expect many readers know, is particularly true when it comes to discipline. One has to choose the right moment to administer the first smack that results in open-mouthed amazement; if the reaction is a furious protest then the moment was wrong. One has to choose the right moment to give the order to raise the skirt (No, higher than that!) or unbutton that blouse, the results in slow and embarrassed. compliance with the order; but once obedience has been obtained, it is merely necessary to keep up the pressure. Failure to carry out instructions immediately they are given is looked upon as something extraordinary; the subject should be made to feel that she is behaving outrageously should she try to reassert her independence of action (and later, of thought).

I had a real problem with a girl. I was fortunate in that she worked in my office, and she was trained to remove her knickers before she entered my room. She would then stand by my desk — within reach — until I signed to her to lift her skirt. This she would do, then part her legs so that I could handle her if I wanted to; sometimes she would wait in vain. When there was no-one in earshot she would bend over the desk for a dozen or so on the bottom with a ruler. But there was one great problem. She had (still has, for that matter) very soft flesh that marked easily, and it was not long before she begged me not to hit too hard. Her husband had noticed the marks, and she had had quite a job explaining them away. Fortunately he was used to her bruising at the slightest knock, and her explanation was accepted. But what were we to do? For one thing, it is never good to stop discipline once it has been instituted; although the reason may be good it is impossible for the girl not to feel that much less submissive and the master to feel that some of his mastery has been removed.

The answer was simple, although the girl was aghast when it was explained to her. There is one spot on the female body that tends not to give evidence of its having been chastised, mainly because it is so seldom revealed to the gaze of onlookers. So the evening came when, all other staff having gone home, my young lady knickerless and minus tights, lay on her back on the office floor in fear and trembling. ‘Please, not too hard!’ she pleaded as she spread her bent knees and looked with dread at the upraised cane. She shrieked as the cane landed in the cleft, and her legs instinctively shut tight. A sharp ‘open!’ reminded her of her duty, and slowly the target came into view again. Six times the cane rose and fell that evening, and she felt very sore and sorry for herself by the time the last cut landed. But she admitted that as she kissed the cane and thanked me for teaching her to be a good girl she felt a thrill of achievement that at last she had been able to be disciplined as I had told her she would be and as we had been afraid would be impossible. When she arrived at work next morning, she told me that she had been thinking of the caning all the previous evening and longing to have it again. I told her that I had caned her very gently for the first time (which was untrue, but I thought it as well to prepare her for harsher measures) and she merely shook her head and said that did not matter — she needed the discipline and that it was her duty to accept it.

From then on there were no problems. Her disciplining was carried out (usually with a cane) on that one spot. Sometimes she would come to me and confess that she had had thoughts that a girl ought not to have, and ask to be punished. Occasionally I risked using a strap or a whip on other parts of her body, and although she was afraid of having the marks seen at her home she sometimes begged me to continue. I had to think hard for a solution, but I found it in the end.

Yours Truly,

F.T., Merton


Replies to our Researcher, John Hotten:

Dear John,

Thank you for your kind letter.

My wife does not enjoy being spanked at all, except only in so far as it pleases me. It is only from love. I could write accounts of a woman who is totally new to spanking being gradually acquainted into its rituals. The point of mentioning my wife was to further the central issue that one would like very much to see (and hear) your models spanked much more soundly, as appropriate to a more soundly as appropriate to a punishment. I, for one, would deeply wish to see the petite blonde in What Bottoms Are For spanked and paddled for an hour by the brilliant master of Sally. I would prefer this in the headmaster’s study with her in a short school skirt, totally as a sustained punishment. You obviously know your rates; I realise that hers would have to suit the occasion.

I am an academic historian and, as you will know, history is replete with, full of, woman-beating, itself being only a pale reflection of the sadistic cruelty which has always been commonplace. Gratuitous killing, prolonged suffering in popular executions, dungeons, stocks, whipping posts, hanging in public (until 1868, then made private, causing riots) caning far, far beyond reason; a spanking in private was bliss against such a background. Women have only been able to vote since 1918. Any women who previously called for rights were ducked, a horrible torture. Her ladyship was surely delighted in 1678 when the Duke of York (soon to be James II) sent her to be caned instead of being tied to the back of the cart and whipped around London, the normal punishment, so much enjoyed as entertainment by Londoners. There was not any limit to the number of strokes until the eighteenth century; three dozen was a great step forward and ‘six of the best’ was an unbelievable kindness. There was an Act of Parliament in 1655 to stop wife-beating after nine o’clock because it kept neighbours awake and another in 1850 to stipulate the width of the cane that husbands put across the bare bums of wives.

I also possess clinical knowledge and both history and medical examination of women show total domination of women through their bodies. This may be why women so value romance, yet why so many develop cunning. I have my own library from which to write true accounts of domination, through buying slave women, to girls going to husbands chosen for the girl partly because he will spank her whenever she displays temper — to buying girls (until Mr W Stead came along) from very grateful working-class parents and taking the girl back to luxurious things such as a bedroom, a bath and a wardrobe and even make-up, before being undressed, given a bath and a thorough internal examination.

Let me know whether you would like to print a series on: ‘Women Through The Ages.’ I do congratulate you on your new ‘Costumes’ series; perhaps I can help you there in authenticity; I am sure that I can. You are the leaders in the field of the most exciting activity on Earth: possessing a woman’s bottom, draping it over the masculine knee or lap; ordering it to undress or undressing it yourself; watching it obediently reach down to its toes whilst you take up your position with all the time in the world — and all as natural as the dawn. I believe that you will improve and improve.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

A Saxon, [M. D.]
