Letters from Blushes 12

Dear Sir,

Congratulations on your excellent magazine. It’s great to see attractive young women with good, firm womanly bottoms — and getting them up well. You know that bottom presentation is fundamental to success. You also know the only true context: the bum doesn’t belong to them, but to the man — and there’s never an hour or moment when it shouldn’t be bared and tanned.

I would be very interested to know whether most men agree with me that the small blonde in What Bottoms Are For is the best spankee and canee that I have ever seen. Please use her for your next video. As much as I liked the concept, I just wanted to see her firstly, spanked harder, slippered as hard as at school and caned in the toes-touching position. I have no idea how much these women are paid — it is obviously not my business — yet as a buyer, may I say that I would pay £100 to see that particular young lady punished for the whole hour. You had an excellent letter recently which you published to your great credit that what we men want to see is simply one servile young woman, already perfectly-trained, taken through a synthesis of bottom beating and submissiveness. I was just longing to see the small blonde caned, really caned; with this concept there is just one master who radiates domination with real contempt for the woman, who is precise and whose tone leaves her without a scrap of will-power. The whole hour is just bottom beating a delectable, pathetic, wide-eyed, petite, blonde, naive and above-all thoroughly-undeserving-of-sympathy big girl, that small one in What Bottoms Are For being the epitome. She looked beautiful over his lap; do most agree with me that the man should be three times bigger than the girl? He had her over his lap like a silly little undergrown adolescent; yet the obedience is sadly missing, such as in Sally’s First Lesson. I would dearly like to see a Second Lesson with that man (who was superb, unsurpassable) and the little blonde miss with nothing going for her but her attractive, simple face, blonde hair and a lovely firm, round bottom that should never be white for long.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I have spanked my wife much harder than your girls are in the videos and she has never cried at all. She has a better bum than them but that is not the reason. Can’t you ask that little blonde to take a long, real, sound spanking, then caning in a good atmosphere (as in Sally’s First Lesson) for more money than she has ever earned? She would be superb touching her toes in a schoolgirl uniform by Sally’s master. Do you remember that brilliant scene in The Best House in Town? I have never seen any video with such a beautifully warm, secluded, decorated room. There are a whole range of canes and paddles and slippers that are just made for the bottom of the blonde twit in What Bottoms Are For.

The only disagreement that I have with your so-informed letter-writer is that a thorough internal examination fits in delightfully with bum-walloping, in my opinion. All women are very vulnerable to infection because of the delicate balance in their vaginas of micro-organisms, yeast and bacteria — and especially little tarts like our blonde miss. There are four basic positions: heels to buttocks; hands around knees; knees of either side of face; and bottom up on the couch for a meticulous examination. Failure to clean (positions are assumed like clockwork for fear of twelve of the best) results in touching her toes for two dozen. (They can be spaced out if she is still adjusting to real punishment of her bottom).

Best wishes and please, please keep training that little blonde. Bend it over.

A. Saxon, Surrey.

Dear Sir,

I recently bought Blushes No. 10 which confirmed my opinion that at present you are publishing better pictures than anyone else. Your fiction isn’t always quite so good. Please find some more writers who can provide fiction as realistic and satisfying as your photographs.

Speaking of which, I particularly liked the final picture, the luscious brunette in the skin-tight shorts, over the trestle. It really gives the impression of having been taken part way through a thrashing, one feels that marvellous bottom is already roasting after the first few strokes and she isn’t at all looking forward to the remainder!

Although I’ve a fair length of CP experience behind me, I’ve never whipped a girl wearing punishment shorts, but I do know a girl who’s well aware what it feels like to have her bottom burning inside something very similar. Well, perhaps ‘girl’ is none too accurate — Molly is a lushly-curved married lady of thirty. I met her and her husband Paul a couple of years ago, through a mutual friend who knew about our common interest in CP. They’re a great couple and we’ve become very good friends. Molly gets walloped frequently and thoroughly, though not, alas, by me to any great extent. If I’d met them while I was still married we might have set up a disciplinary foursome, except that CP never had the slightest appeal for my wife. As it is, my divorce was five years back, and I can hardly see myself tracing down dear Ruth to her lair in Hemel Hempstead and inviting her to meet my friends so that she can have her bottom tanned. The suggestion wouldn’t go down too well. So Molly’s real punishments are left to Paul, though I am sometimes allowed to invent an excuse to put Molly across my knee and give her an ostensibly playful spanking on the seat of her skirt. Molly, bless her good-natured heart, puts on a fine dramatic performance for me on these occasions, wriggling, kicking, squealing, begging me to stop, pretending to be deeply shocked at the indignity. Of course I know it’s mostly play-acting but I enjoy it very much, as I enjoy the feeling of her plump bottom quivering under my hand, even through two or three layers of fabric.

At any time, Molly is happy to talk to me with great frankness and detail about the hidings she gets from Paul. Partly, I suppose, because it’s a subject she can’t very well discuss with her other friends. She also, rather mischievously, likes to tease me and make me envious by describing punishments which I can only share vicariously. She knows very well what effect it has on me when she says something like, ‘Christ, I can hardly bear to sit down today! Paul gave me hell last night — I was crying my eyes out!’ One of the punishments she receives quite often is a ‘double six’, that is, six strokes of the cane and six with the tawse, laid on alternately so that each cane stroke lands across a broad red stripe already stinging ferociously from the impact of the leather. The twelve strokes are spaced out over a period of about five minutes, and Molly says ruefully that five minutes can seem a very long time indeed when she’s squirming and sobbing over the end of the bed with her blazing bottom receiving a thrashing guaranteed to make a naughty lady repent of any sins she’s ever committed.

Sometimes she gets it on the bare bottom, sometimes, by way of variety, she has to wear her punishment pants. These are a pair of thin, well-worn white cotton jeans which have shrunk with time and washing so that it takes a fair amount of tugging and wriggling before her delectable buttocks are snugly covered. Part of the legs are cut off, so they finish at mid-length. Molly once put them on to show me, and they really are drum-tight, even before she bends over. Molly assures me that the cane and strap sting at least as painfully on the seat of her pants as on the bare bottom and that the after-effects are even more uncomfortable than when she is uncovered. She is made to keep the pants on for at least an hour after punishment, and of course her bottom is swollen and the throbbing weals are pressed tightly against the taut cotton. Molly confesses that she pleads abjectly to be allowed to take the pants off before the hour is up but she’s never allowed to, and all she can do is lie face down on the bed with the furnace in her lovely rump making the tears pour down her face. I’ve told her about a magazine letter I once read — fact or fantasy, I’ve no way of knowing — from an American lady describing her experiences as a hairdresser’s assistant when she was younger. Apparently the manageress of the salon disciplined her young employees with the back of a hairbrush, and she insisted that the girls should always wear a girdle. This was rolled down for a very thorough spanking and afterwards the girl had to replace it to compress her scorching seat. Pretty much the same idea, really.

I liked the letter from the reader who classified girls as ‘spankable’ or ‘whippable’. A man after my own heart! I’ve spent many a happy hour just watching the girls go by and privately deciding what type of punishment would be most effective for each shapely seat. On the whole I agree with his conclusions, though I’m not sure that the morality of the girls should come into it. Spankings for virgins and canings for tarts seems an unnecessary limitation. I think each individual case has to be decided on its own merits, taking into account physique, demeanour, behaviour, dress, and any other criteria which may occur.

The subject of celebrity punishments has cropped up in your columns once or twice. It might make an amusing contest if readers were invited to suggest appropriate punishments for half-a-dozen well known young ladies. Off the top of my head, I suggest Bonnie Langford, Anneka Rice, Wincey Willis. (There’s an evocative name!) Catherine Bach from the Dukes of Hazzard, the new breakfast girl, Debbie Greenwood, and Floella Benjamin.

D Ericson

Catherine Bach as Daisy Duke


A second piece from the lady writer of A Splitting Moment [Readers will remember the photo of her as a girl] which we published with the letter elicited from her by John Hotten our R.S.V.P. researcher.

You may remember me telling you about some of my experiences at Beechcroft Boarding School for Girls and how one of the girls got the cane so hard across her knickers that her knickers split right across the middle… Well this was quite an eyeful especially in front of the whole class and it was the topic for conversation for quite some while as you can imagine. It was certainly a sign for all of us to wear substantial winter-type knickers especially when attending Miss Hart’s lessons, needless to say I can tell you that it didn’t take much to get Margaret Parsons to agree to this idea after having her bare bum displayed to all the class and also actually getting the cane stroke across her bare bum-cheeks!! Obviously we were careful not to play around much during lessons for history… Not with Miss Hart in charge!!

However, a few weeks later I had the most awful shock when I got to her class, as one of the questions that we had been given to do at night for ‘homework’ I had completely forgotten to do, and we had to hand our book in at the end of the lesson! As I had only put the question down in pencil, I hit on the idea of rubbing it out, I thought that I could tell her that I didn’t know about it! It seemed a good idea at the time so during the lesson I took the opportunity to erase the beastly question, at least it gave me a few days grace to think up some good excuse for not putting it down in the first place…

Anyway I didn’t really think too much about it again as you know how things are… Out of sight out of mind! On the following Monday we were in her class again and I suddenly remembered about it when she got the prep books out to go through (there were about twenty in our class). She would normally spend a couple of minutes explaining the answers that were not right and girls had to do them out again, I thought she would never get to mine (I wanted to get it over with). In fact she went through every other book first and I really thought she had missed me out altogether… But alas NO!!… ’Now we come to Paula Staples,’ she said and there was quite a long pause. ‘The difficult question about the Roman Empire, Miss Staples would have us believe that no such question was given!!’ she said in a sarcastic tone. ‘However I believe differently as I have discovered that this naughty lazy girl has actually rubbed out the question from her book… But not well enough I fear as I am not a complete idiot!!’

‘STAND UP GIRL,’ she shouted… I rose reluctantly to my feet. ‘Do you think that I am so old as to not to notice the impression in your book? On the contrary with my long experience the older I get the more I know what to look for!’ ‘Please Miss it was a genuine mistake,’ I prattled. ‘Genuine I doubt, but mistake it most certainly was!!’ she said ‘As will be proved inside the next few minutes during which I shall be warming your bottom… GET OUT HERE you lazy little time-waster!’ she pointed to the ground where I guess I was supposed to stand… I remember thinking… crikey, good job I put my thick navy-blues on!… As I was quite short she made me stand on the platform in front of her desk so that the rest of the class would be able to get a good view, this was of course all part of the humiliation. She put several books on the front of the desk and ordered me to bend over the desk with the books under my body in order to raise my bum in the air, my bottom was sticking right up and my feet were hardly touching the ground, she shuffled around and I could see her selecting a suitable instrument though I didn’t see what it was.

‘Now we had a little accident last time didn’t we girls?’ she said to the class… ‘Yes Miss,’ they all chanted. ‘Now we don’t want that to happen again do we?’… ‘No Miss,’ they chorused… oh thank goodness I thought, she must be using the slipper or the paddle at the worst and with my thick knickers on it shouldn’t be too bad… Miss Hart rambled on ‘And although Miss Staples appears to be wearing quite a substantial pair of regulation knickers, I fear that I shouldn’t take the risk of damaging them too much and I intend to use the thin stinging whippy cane… she paused a moment to allow that to sink in, my heart sank, I couldn’t understand what she was getting at because that cane would be the worst for ripping knickers apart!

‘SO Paula I shall have to tell you to take your knickers down!!!’ Wow what a terrible shock I got, I stood up and pleaded to her ‘OH Madam PLEASE NO, I would rather have twenty with my knickers on… I… I don’t mind paying for them if they split.’ She laughed at me. ‘You girl have caused a lot of trouble in the past and it is high time that you were thoroughly disciplined for not only this misdemeanour but to make up for other times when I have been too lenient with you… KNICKERS DOWN TO YOUR KNEES PLEASE!!!’

Well I certainly couldn’t recall any times that she had let me off but she certainly was not going to let me off lightly this time! I looked at her sideways as I put my hands up my skirt and took hold of the elastic top of my navy knickers, I was hoping that she was just trying to frighten me but all she said was ‘COME ON!! COME ON. Hurry child let’s get on with it!!!’ I had my knickers just clear of my bottom and I moved back to the desk again… ‘TO YOUR KNEES GIRL!’ she bellowed and she thrashed the cane across my bare thighs. Wow how it stung and I quickly got them down as requested and I got over the desk again. I had a fairly good length skirt so my bottom was still covered but for how long?

Miss Hart was doing her fly catching act again swishing the cane about — the thin cane made a terrifying whine as it swished. I felt her fumbling with my skirt and the cool air on my buttocks as my bum was uncovered and presented completely bare for all the class to see. I could hear a shuffling of chairs and I knew that all their eyes were on my bottom, some of the little bitches were probably standing up to get a better view!… Why did she have to swish that damn cane, you could never tell whether or not if it was going to land on your bum… SUDDENLY the penetrating sting bit hard into my bare flesh, I screamed out in pain and my whole body vibrated, it cut me full in the centre of my bum with a noisy SPANK!! which sounded distant to me for my mind was occupied in coping with the pain!… SWISH STING!!

The second devastating stroke followed almost immediately and before I had any time to recover or compose myself, it landed almost in the same place and I felt the end of the cane whip around my backside and flip deep into my right bum-cheek… OOWWW OOOWWW OW! I screamed. I gripped on to the desk hard expecting another thrash as I heard the whistle of the cane through the air but this was Miss Hart’s sadistic ruse, she was keeping me in suspense again. I could still feel the painful sting of those strokes and a burning sensation from what must have been two sizeable weals across my bottom. The swishing went on and my buttocks tensed for each swish to prepare for that biting sting anticipated.

I could hear a murmur around the class and tutting and low whistles… ‘Quiet girls please,’ shouted the Mistress, ‘and pay close attention to this naughty girl’s bottom and learn a lesson from what you see!!!’ There was almost total silence now and I just waited helplessly as the wicked old bitch taunted me trying to catch me unawares, my buttocks were permanently clenched tightly together I could feel my whole body tremble with fear. Suddenly a loud whining swish broke the silence… The cane made sharp contact with the lower part of my bum with a piercing crack! I squealed and cried out for mercy. Another really hard stroke landed whipping deep into my buttocks before I had a chance to tense myself; the intense pain shot through my behind like an electric shock causing me to lose complete control, my feet left the ground and I can remember kicking them about and rubbing my bottom cheeks to reduce the pain…

Miss Hart took the opportunity to place yet another follow-up stroke thrashing the cruel cane hard down across my bum and catching me on the back of my hand… ‘HANDS OUT OF THE WAY!!!’ she screamed ‘You’ll get an extra one for that!’ My eyes were glazed with tears and though I usually tried to put on a brave show in front of the other girls, I couldn’t hold back a few sobs. ‘Stop snivelling girl you have another two to go yet’, she ran her hand over my bare bum, ‘HA, you’ll remember this won’t you child?’ she took a handful of my left bum-cheek and squeezed it tight in her strong hand and brought the cane down hard THWACK!!! on my right buttock thus spreading my fiery globes which must have been very revealing to the onlookers though I was almost past caring about that…

‘Well that’s six and now you’re going to get that extra one for putting your hand over your bottom… I think we’ll have you right up on the desk for this one,’ she said. ‘Take your knickers right off and move the books and kneel on top of my desk!!’ I took off my knickers, still sobbing. I glanced at the class of open-mouthed wide eyed girls, some of the little bitches were obviously enjoying it immensely. I tried to leap on to the desk but slipped and sprawled on to the floor. I began to cry out loud. ‘Silence girl,’ snapped Miss Hart as she cut the cane across the back of my legs, some of the girls even laughed (I wish I knew who they were). I scrambled up quickly on to the top of the desk, moving the books to one side I kneeled ready for the last stroke… Miss Hart approached the desk and moved my knees well apart and then told me to stick my bottom well up in the air, I tried to do this as discreetly as possible as it was so embarrassing for me exposed to all my classmates but Miss Hart had no compassion and kept insisting ‘Protrude your bottom more Staples!!’ she ordered. I had no choice and I was well past caring anyway, I wanted so dearly to get it over with that I would do anything just to get back to my room and soothe my sore buttocks with cold cream, so I thought ‘to blazes with those bitchy girls’ and I did as I was ordered and I stuck out my bare bum as far as I could, it didn’t bother me any more what they could see…

‘That’s better,’ said the Mistress, ‘What do you think girls?’ the nasty little swines giggled, I glanced over my shoulder now and could see some of the girls and also saw Miss Hart swishing the cane and saw her stand back to take her powerful swing at my naked bum, my buttocks were well protruded and consequently quite firm. The cane spanked across them with a stinging stroke SPANK!! I felt the end of it double round and flick across my right thigh AAGHHH!! OOOWWW OOWWW! It really hurt but somehow I don’t think it was quite as bad as some of the other thrashes from the cane I’d had earlier, maybe because my buttocks were much firmer in this position or maybe it was the last stroke or maybe I’d even got a bit used to it. But I’ll tell you this, I had a very sore bum but you couldn’t see my backside for dust when she told me I could go!!!

Dear Sir,

I would be interested in sharing some of my ideas and experiences on corporal punishment for your publication. I would not like my name published for obvious reasons but I think it is a shame that the strict punishment that we were brought up with seems to be dying out.

I am retired now but as a teacher in the 50’s, I am pleased to say many unruly teenagers felt my strap. Even then there were rules about corporal punishment, for instance how many strokes, and the presence of another teacher if a girl was to be punished, but as a parent of two girls (now grown up of course), I was not frightened to spank their bottoms when they were younger, and then strap or cane them until well into their teens, and they thanked me for it.


J T Kent

Dear Sir,

I believe the presentation of a bottom prior to a caning is of great importance — a partially covered one enhances the beauty of the buttocks.

The girl to be caned must have a wardrobe of clothes to choose from. We can observe her from behind a mirror as she sifts through her bottom drawer looking for the right pair of panties. Low angle-poise mirrors are situated around the room so as her bottom is seen from every angle. She selects different panties and tries them on pulling them up as tight as possible as she knows this is how she is to be presented. She inspects herself in the mirrors and settles for a black pair, she pulls them on and reaches down for a pair of high heels. Bending over she slips them on. She is nearly ready for a caning, she rings a bell which advises the man watching from behind a mirror that she is prepared. She sits facing a chair back with her bottom over the edge. She grips her panties wrenching them upwards seeing herself reflected in the mirrors. There is also a mirror on the floor beneath her bottom. A man appears with a cane, she looks around helplessly over her shoulder. After a couple of whacks he is not satisfied with the tension in her panties, the material must clear the buttocks completely. He tosses her a pair of clip-on braces and tells her to put them on behind her knickers, pulls the straps hard over her shoulders and arching her back to allow more slack in the braces she clips them onto the front of the knickers. Her buttocks now totally exposed are split down the middle by a thin strip of panties. She is ordered to adopt a number of poses before the mirrors as she receives her caning, a different pose for each stroke. She touches her toes, kneels on all fours and lies on her back with her knees up around her ears and then stands on the end of the bed bending over holding on to the bars, her bottom almost level with the man’s shoulders. Some close up photos will be necessary for this sequence as detail is very important.

Would it be possible to see photographs of models in leotards adorned with ribbons above her bottom; perhaps a wide belt around the waist of a body stocking/leotard and also a tutu, a short transparent skirt as worn in ballet. I enclose some sketches, just ideas not necessarily guidelines for your photographers.

I have had some interesting spanking experiences. I recall one occasion out of many. For comfort I placed two cushions on the floor, and the girl knelt face in to the bed her bottom thrust well out in tight panties. I took a tie and passed it beneath the back of her panties pulling them up as hard as they would go into her crotch. I then tied her hands with the same tie behind her back. So if she moved them she would only make things more uncomfortable by increasing the tension in the elastic. I then proceeded to whip her out-thrust buttocks lightly but firmly with a riding crop. After about fifteen minutes she was actually moaning with pleasure and she was visibly wet between the lips of her pussy, her bottom-cheeks a pretty pattern of red stripes. I applied some Vaseline to her bottom to enhance the rough sheen and applied some to myself. Then I knelt behind her hot buttocks wrenching the panties out of her crotch and pushed into her with my other hand gripping her neck so as to ensure I could pull her back onto me each time I thrust into her.

I have had more spanking experiences etc and other ideas for photo sequences. I hope you like this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

J. Ranft, London

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you as a Blushes reader on a subject that seems to receive little attention these days but which must be of great importance to many marriages. The subject in question is marital spanking. Whilst Blushes deals admirably with the fantasy side of C.P., depicting young girls usually schoolgirls receiving their ‘just deserts’, the popularity of the magazine probably reflects a general lack of satisfaction amongst married men, myself included, at being unable to personally administer a good spanking to their partners. For my part, I believe that C.P. if delivered in moderation and without spite can be a source of mutual satisfaction but unfortunately my wife, Nicole, does not agree. She is an attractive, sophisticated and career-minded woman of 29 who feels it would be unacceptably degrading and humiliating for her to allow me to spank her bottom. My discussions with her on the subject have resulted in a hardening of her attitude, made all the more frustrating for me by two main factors.

Firstly, she keeps herself in excellent shape — her buttocks are well-proportioned and firm — ideal spanking material and she happily wears clothes which I consider particularly provocative. Tightly fitting leather trousers and skirts, sexy underwear (especially the currently fashionable seamed stockings) and very high-heeled shoes and boots are all part of my wife’s ‘sophisticated yet sexy’ look. It seems also that she deliberately tries to provoke my urge to spank her by ‘exhibitionist’ or flirtatious behaviour. While (hopefully!) completely faithful to our marriage, Nicole is certainly not averse to having her bottom fondled by other men at parties or to displaying a stocking-top to an admirer in the pub.

The second ‘factor’ is that, due to my wife’s concern for fitness, namely her horse-riding, self-defence and aerobics classes, she is a woman of considerable strength and is easily capable of rebuffing any attempt I might make to forcibly remove her panties or put her across my knee. My last attempt resulted in her turning the tables on me completely and it was I who ended up where she should have been! In fact, my lady wife is positively keen to engage in the ‘Fem/Dom’ activities which usually result from my attempts to make love to her. I suppose it is hypocritical of me to complain that I find it humiliating to have to lick my wife’s favourite ‘bedroom-boots’ or to be made to wear a collar and lead in order to gain access to my wife’s carefully shaved pubis, but it’s really no joke. I do, of course, have a choice as my wife frequently reminds me. Either I toe the line or some rather embarrassing polaroids which I was once foolish enough to let my wife take of me might find their way to my boss’s desk. However, I digress.

A point which may shed some light on the matter is the fact that my wife spent her years between the ages of 12 and 18 at a private girls school where C.P. was commonplace. My eagerness to elicit from her the details of any C.P. she might have received at school resulted in my ‘weakness’ being ruthlessly used against me. In order to draw from ‘Madam Nicole’ an account of her own C.P. experiences at school, I had to clean and polish her riding-boots and tack, hand-wash three pairs of jodhpurs and innumerable pairs of panties. I finished up tied to an uncomfortable chair in the bedroom while my wife recounted her story pausing only to take further polaroids of me and undress for bed. Unfortunately for me at this point my wife decided to add some realism to her story and I was obliged, after I had been untied, to adopt a kneeling position in the chair doubled over the back with palms flat on the floor. Nicole, receiving sufficient elevation from her six-inch-stiletto-heeled thigh-boots put my head between her thighs, carefully treading on my fingers in the process and finished the story adding a stroke or six of realism with her riding-crop.

The crop and whipping chair have now become permanent features of the price I pay to retain favour with my wife so Blushes offers welcome relief to my own stinging bottom and the inaccessibility of my wife’s expensive silk panties, or rather, their contents.

Clearly, this state of affairs is less than satisfactory to me and I would be grateful to receive any advice that you or any readers may have to offer on the matter.

My wife’s account of her schooldays can be the subject of another letter if you should so request and I would be glad to discuss, by post, any suggestions for improvement or observations you may care to make on the foregoing. Meanwhile, I shall endure my predicament and at great personal sacrifice try to collect more C.P. stories for the contents of a future letter.

K. J. Howard, Middlesex.

[Poor Mr Howard — it would take a heart of stone not to laugh at his predicament.]
