Letters from Blushes Supplement 1
Dear Sirs,
Your issue No. 4 of Blushes is
breathtaking and I must congratulate you on it. It makes others seem inferior!
Quite the best single issue of a magazine on the subject I have ever seen.
Just one request however and other pictures of Sandra are stunning. She is great because she has such a provocative-looking face and
sultry look! Could we have some more pictures of her — preferably this time
with some better marks on her bottom?
I think she has got off too lightly so far. She is
obviously (comparing pictures) one of the young girls in your last video but I
would guess that she has escaped the full rigour of the cane and has not been
punished as she should have been. (If she was she probably can’t take it as
hard as Sally. Let me know and I will be tempted to buy the video.)
J.D. California
‘And when the days seem drear and long just think awhile
on Shirley Strong’ (with apologies to Patience)
Armed with his ‘whippiest cane’, Blushes reader Tom G. lit
quite an imaginative bonfire on the ‘lewdly stuck out, broad and solid backside’
of certain Blue Peter personality girl in No. 6. But then, having pleaded for a
distinction ‘between fact and fantasy’, he goes on to solicit ‘favourite
fantasies about female celebrities’ in a list headed by Shirley Strong, the new
Golden Girl of British athletics.
Tom, my lad, you’re sailing perilously close to the wind!
You and others can no doubt supply the fantasies in due course. Mark well,
meanwhile, the purely factual background.
A thin vestful of big firm bristols bouncing triumphantly
over the Olympic hurdles; the thinnest of tight running shorts, stuffed to
bursting point with the biggest and firmest arse in female athletics; to say
nothing of strapping young thighs, striding nakedly to victory in the Los
Angeles sunshine — these delectable visions on your TV screen have diverted
your attention from Fact No. 1 which emerged in various pre- and post-race
interviews with the media: Shirley, Cheshire born and bred, passed all her secondary
schooldays at Northwich Girls Grammar School in that county.
Fact No. 2, as freely owned by the silver medallist
herself, she was locally accounted a particularly naughty girl. A naughty girl
in Northwich might be a saint by Metropolitan standards, but all things are
relative — and some headmistresses still have old-fashioned ideas about naughty
girls. Shirley Strong’s headmistress obviously knew how to get right to the
bottom of the naughty girl problem, as witness the following excerpts from a
front-page article in the Northwich Guardian of 18 November
‘Headmistress Miss Janet Dines has been cleared of
assaulting and beating a 14-year-old Northwich Girls’ Grammar School pupil last
summer. A Northwich Magistrates’ Court case came to an abrupt end after…
prosecuting barrister Mr Peter Hughes said he would offer no further evidence
against Miss Dines and asked for the case to be dismissed. Miss Dines pleaded
not guilty to assaulting Lynne Symmonds after she was caught eating crisps
during a Maths lesson. Maths teacher Miss Hobbs had caught Lynne with the
crisps and sent her to Miss Dines. She was told to go back after lessons, but
it was 4.30pm before the Head could see her. Miss Dines told her she would have
to cane her, told her to pull her dress up, bend over and lean against the
bookcase, and gave her three strokes on her backside. Woman Police Sergeant
Valerie Lowry was due to give evidence that she could still see the marks 10
days later. A (doctor’s) letter said Lynne had three red weals across her
buttocks, two of them stretching around the hip region 14 inches long, and two
marks on her knuckles. Lynne said she got the marks on her knuckles while
holding her dress up, as Miss Dines had told her to. She had been wearing a
blue summer uniform dress, navy knickers and tights.’
Sister Cyril (of Jennifer Willis’s recollection in No. 6)
wasn’t the only school whipstress who knew how to raise fourteen-inch
bum-stripes under the seat of a naughty girl’s knickers, Tom! That Shirley’s
old Head was a particularly experienced whipstress can be gleaned from the
information, conveyed in the same Northwich Guardian article, that
‘when the police interviewed Miss Dines the day
afterwards, she produced an ordinary three foot cane, which she said was an ‘official’
cane she had brought from her previous school.’
When a columnist of the Sevenoaks Chronicle (1
December 1979) suggested that the cricket-field prowess of his own old public
school headmaster might have assisted his skill with the cane, he elicited the
following particularly graphic recollection of Miss Dines’s ‘previous school’ —
and ‘ordinary three foot cane’! — from a lady reader who had evidently
experienced both in statu pupillari! The Chronicle dubbed it,
when headlining her letter, ‘A school where girls got six of the best’ — but
six was by no means the limit:
‘In the early sixties I attended North Romford
Secondary — I believe it was the first comprehensive to be established in
Essex. In this mixed school, ‘female discipline’ was ably superintended by the
young deputy-head, Janet Dines, who may even have had an edge over Jimmy
Higgs-Walker of Sevenoaks School, the ex-Worcestershire fast bowler. In the
fifties our deputy head had turned out regularly for Essex Ladies as an all-rounder,
fast bowler and opening bat. I believe she also represented the county at squash!
The instrument of our retribution would have done justice to any boys’ public
school — three feet of really springy malacca, with correct crook handle.
Shortly before my 15th birthday a morning’s truancy compounded by an
unsuccessful attempt to justify same by a forged ‘absence note’ produced the
promise of a thoroughly-deserved ‘six of the best’. I was rash enough to
supplement, with a pair of strategically placed PT shorts, the rather minimal
protection normally permitted on such occasions. The ruse was uncovered (in the
most literal sense!) and I got two ‘penalty strokes’ for cheating — minus the
extra protection, of course. The soprano yelps of one bending girl, in the
upper register, made a lusty counterpoint to the smacking of one bendy cane
taking the bottom part. Plus much frantic hopping and rubbing while my name was
being inscribed in the school’s punishment book (‘truancy, lies and deceit: 8
strokes on the seat’).’
Nor was this lady the only Romford recipient of a ‘JD
Eighter’, as will be clear from another correspondent’s recollections published
some time later in the East London Advertiser, 3 April 1981:
Some 20 years ago I was a pupil at North Bamford
Secondary, School, where really naughty girls were generally dealt with by the
deputy head, who was of course a female teacher. This lady habitually used an
extremely thin and whippy cane with only light school knickers or tight gym
shorts for protection. From painful
personal experience I can vouch for the effectiveness of this method — it
really smarted, and was humiliating — and yet the marks were gone in a few
days. I had the stick twice at school for smoking. The first time, when I was
14, I received four strokes, and I found it just about bearable — indeed
somewhat less painful than my mother’s hairbrush. On the second occasion, when
was 15, I received ‘eight of the best’ with nothing but an extremely thin pair
of summer pants between my seat and the stick. That was the last time I touched
a cigarette. Nowadays, when I read the statistics for deaths from lung cancer,
I can only feel devoutly thankful for a schoolmistress who was ‘man enough’ to
make my bottom smart sufficiently to deter me from this pernicious habit once
and for all.’
The reality of a 15-year-old schoolgirl arse fatly straining the seat of ‘an extremely thin pair of summer pants’, and thus rudely proffered for the noisy attentions of ‘three feet of really springy malacca’, may well trigger speculation concerning the occasional fate of Miss D’s most famous Northwich pupil. Did any of those naughty teenagers at Romford, bending over in ‘tight gym shorts’ (as a permitted alternative to ‘light school knickers’), present the athletic young deputy headmistress with quite such flimsily-clad buttocks as Shirley flashed at the TV millions in the recent Olympics? Did the silver medallist herself, with legs right up to her bum in the Northwich study, ever produce ‘the soprano yelps of one bending girl, in the upper register’, as ‘a lusty counterpoint to the smacking of one bendy cane taking the bottom part’? Should a scarlet-faced Shirley, if truth were told, own to ‘much frantic hopping and rubbing while her name was being inscribed in the school’s punishment book’ in Miss Dines’ neat headmistressly hand?
History hasn’t yet recorded these details, so for the
nonce they must be left to the fertile imagination of Tom G. and others. But we
have already gathered that Shirley’s old headmistress, herself a noted athlete,
gave short shrift to the tight gym shorts of any schoolgirl caught smoking. And
we do also know — it was widely publicised following the Los Angeles triumph —
that Shirley herself has never managed to kick the habit which she first picked
up as a naughty schoolgirl, and remains a 20-a-day lass. Unlikely, you may
think. that her headmistress never tried to cure her in the wonted manner — ‘three
feet of really springy malacca, with correct crook handle’; and, of course, ‘only
light school knickers or light gym shorts for protection’.
Where one of the Bamford schoolgirls could ‘only feel devoutly thankful for a schoolmistress who was ‘man enough’ to make my bottom smart sufficiently to deter me from this pernicious habit once and for all’, Shirley Strong seems to have been ‘the one that got away’. Over to Tom G. and his fellow readers for suggestions — remembering that this is a bad case; and such strapping young buttocks vulgarly proclaiming, as they plump out the seat of ‘a blue summer uniform dress’, their healthy capacity to absorb rather more than even the juiciest and most flimsily-knickered ‘eight of the best’. The Cheshire justices are a commonsensical lot, and there’s nothing about school knickers or gym pants in the County regulations. There’s nothing about bare bottoms, either — whatever the culprit’s age and sex! More power to your elbow!
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Did Miss Dines really pass up this opportunity…? |
Dear Sir,
As a woman in my mid-thirties, I was extremely interested
in the lady correspondent’s letter (Gwynned), which you printed in Number 5 of
your magazine Blushes. My own particular point of view as regards
corporal punishment as an erotic stimulus coincides with hers in several
respects, but I must take issue with her in some areas.
First off, I must admit to finding Blushes an
exciting magazine. Like Gwynned I see them when my guy brings them over. I
gather, too, that there are many more magazines produced monthly which feature
girls and women being spanked and caned. I find this extraordinary. It must be
a very popular subject. I wonder how many other women get to see them, and what
they think of them?
Though to be honest I must confess to finding your
magazine a bit disturbing (By that I don’t mean the marks on the girl’s
backsides!) What I do mean is that all the girls in your magazine are younger
and more attractive than me. My guy tells me not to be stupid and that I am
just as pretty, but being a woman I just can’t help it! I wonder if Gwynned
shares these feelings? Let’s face it, Blushes is obviously
designed by men, for men! Not that I’m ‘knocking’ that.
Another point I’d love to take up with Gwynned is this.
Quite honestly I find her descriptions of frequent canings at school highly
unlikely. I honestly think if I’d been caned at school (which I wasn’t, sorry!)
it would have put me off CP for life! Either that, or I’d have become a lesbian
(no chance of that, I’m glad to say!). Seriously though, I do have doubts about
the truth of Gwynned’s canings. No woman I know was ever caned at school. I’ve
even discreetly asked around my girlfriends, and they were all adamant that it
never happened to them. And anyway isn’t there a law against caning girls?
Besides, I think it’s really not on to cane a girl who’d reached puberty. I
must admit I do fantasise now about being spanked etc while still at school (my
guy and I often play ‘games’ where he’s the teacher and I always end up being ‘punished’).
That’s OK and I love it, but I’m sure the reality of being really caned at
school would have been a terrible shock to my system!
As I told you already, my own experience regarding CP is
quite different. I was never punished as a girl by parents or teachers, in fact
I was a model pupil at school. It only started a few years ago when I met Steve
(not his real name!).
I realised quite early on in our relationship that he had
a ‘thing’ about my bottom because he was always slapping and pinching it, which
I must confess I quite enjoyed. Then one night after we’d been out drinking he
accused me of flirting with one of his friends in the pub. I felt really
aggrieved because I was completely innocent of the charge. He got really angry
with me (which I found exciting) and told me ‘he’d teach me a lesson which I’d
never ever forget’. I hadn’t a clue what he meant, he put me over his lap (no
mean feat because I’m quite a big lady, not fat, just nicely plump, Steve
insists!) and then he spanked me literally till my behind was blazing red, and
I was yelling and crying for all I was worth! Then he undressed me and made
love to me. It was the most beautiful, most exciting lovemaking I’d ever had! I
realised afterwards that it was the spanking that had made it so extra special.
It’s been like that ever since, always the same formula. I
dream about it constantly and it just seems to get better and better! We’re
sitting drinking coffee at home at the end of an evening. Then I
(deliberately!) provoke him by saying something bitchy etc. He hauls me
upstairs to the bedroom, makes me undress down to my knickers, he pulls my
knickers down himself (he enjoys that the pig!) then puts me across his knee
and wallops my poor bum for anything up to ten minutes. I always end up crying.
Sometimes, I’m ashamed to say, I actually ‘come’ while being spanked. (Is that
abnormal, I wonder?). Then he drags me to bed and has his wicked way with me.
In short, delicious!!
The magazines etc came later. Steve started buying them
and showing them to me because I was worried that I was a masochist. Steve says
that the magazines prove that I’m quite normal, since a lot of couples must
obviously be doing exactly the same as us. I’d like to know what Gwynned thinks
about this.
I’ve never been caned by Steve (do they still make them?)
but must admit I have fantasised about it, but would be terribly frightened in
case he really hurt me.
So there we are. Another convert to CP, although I repeat
I was never spanked as a girl. All I can think of is that my parents are
Polish, when I gather from what I’ve heard and read that girls there were often
physically punished. So perhaps it’s in my blood? All I know is, I like it,
even though it makes me break down and cry!
You have my (and Steve’s) full permission to print this
letter if you think it throws some light on this strange forbidden subject.
Yours sincerely,
Sonia, N.W.
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