Original Spanking Art — Cloth Cap (Culver)

Culver’s tribute to Coronation Street and specifically the Barlow family. More storylines like this would fix their flaccid ratings…

Tracy always had been a troublemaker. Now in her late teens, she really should have grown out of her audacious habit of snatching her stepfather’s uncle’s cloth cap and wearing it rakishly around the house as if it were a fashionable beret. Urged by uncle to take a firmer line with the saucy young minx, Tracy’s stepfather finally developed some backbone. It was time to do the necessary and put a stop to the girl’s silly nonsense. Indeed, ‘the necessary’ was long overdue.

Thus, one evening, a newly resolute head of the household emptied his refrigerator of all wet lettuce, binned his copy of the Guardian and set about teaching the startled Tracy what was what — while his uncle looked on unctuously from his favourite armchair. Ignoring the girl’s tremendous fuss, her inevitable squeals of protest, stepdad got quickly into the swing of things — to hell with what the rest of the street might think! — stripping the girl down to her outrageously provocative lingerie, baring her insolent bottom and giving her a thorough, well deserved tanning. He even passed the hairbrush to his uncle at one stage.

Flippin’ ‘eck, thought the distraught, snivelling teenager, writhing, now, over Uncle A_____’s lap: Who’d ever have imagined it?! This was so unfair!! Meanwhile her stepfather walked over to the drinks cabinet, smiling with grim satisfaction. He reflected that the old soldier was certainly going to need to sup on a glass or two of ale laced with rum after he’d finished taking his turn belabouring Tracy’s scorched, squirming bum like that! He might pour himself a whisky too. This could be a long night.


  1. Many thanks Culver. My knowledge of soaps is sadly sketchy, being largely confined to what I would catch when visiting my mother some decades ago. I do, however, remember a grey-uniformed Tracy - somewhat younger than imagined in your splendid collage - and thinking that there was a girl who needed a regular and hard tanning on her bare backside. The beret-wearing cover girl from Roué 45 has an appropriately cheeky look about her, and is that our friend Baldie from Blushes sitting in for Uncle A?

  2. Yes, I deliberately blurred the time lines in order to re-cast Tracy with the beret-wearing Roue model. She looked very 'Corrie' to me. And 'eee, by gum': it is indeed our old friend from the pages of Blushes who's donning Uncle A's cloth cap!

  3. Nice work, Colin. Great picture selection there. I'd certainly not have known where she came from without George's identification above. Actually, taken out of the context of the original photo spread, there's more power to the pictures as you present them, particularly the OTK one with her anguished face to camera. 'Tracy' seems to be having all that wickedness really whacked out of her - without such treatment she turned out to be a thoroughly bad lot as you might know. I'm not sure about her wearing Uncle Albert's cloth cap - I'd imagine that to be a rather grimy, smelly and hair oil infused item. Not the kind of thing a pretty young lady would want anywhere near her own head. Very good idea, however, to feature our familiar old friend in the role of Uncle Albert. I'm sure the curmudgeonly old original would have very much approved of the Blushes treatment for wayward young ladies.

    1. Thanks NMO. And of course it was your comment on Mr Evans' post of 29/12/23 that inspired me to put this together. The Roue 45 cover girl immediately came to mind.

    2. Thanks Colin. I'm always happy to be a provider of inspiration.


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