OBB - Letter from Janus v5.11


I would like to recommend more candidates for the order of the burning bottom. As I prefer a plump bottom I think the following would be lovely to punish. Firstly, Mary Peters, the athlete. What a lovely bottom for a good paddling.

Mary Peters

Amongst TV personalities how about Anne Aston of Golden Shot fame; what a target her bottom would be to score a hit. Sally Thomsett of Man About the House; Barbara Windsor and Esther Rantzen; and lastly the lovely Dana.

Anne Aston

Sally Thomsett

Barbara Windsor

Esther Rantzen


I should like to give these ladies a very hard smacking on their bare bottoms, followed by 12 of the best with a tawse.



  1. Anne Aston is very appealing. "Bernie, the bolt..."? More like, "Bernie, the strap!" Apologies to anyone reading with no memory of 'The Golden Shot'. Carry-On Babs reminds me of a curvy blonde model who appeared now and again in early 'Blushes' and sitcom ditz Sally Thomsett looks, to me, a bit like spanking siren Amber Scott. Dana brings back memories but for an OBB today I'd nominate American singer Olivia Rodrigo.

  2. Mary Peters? I suppose there was no such thing as Specsavers in those days!

    I presume the Babs Windsor lookalike you're referring to is, amongst other things, the other girl in Sally First Lesson - the one already being dealt with by Alan Bell as Sally enters the building.

    Carry On Spanking is, for me, the great unmade and, in reality, unmakeable Carry On film. Sid James (of course) as the Headmaster of Thwackems Academy. Bernard Bresslaw as his Deputy. Kenneth Williams as the school inspector determined to impose the new 'no corporal punishment' regulations. Babs Windsor as Head Girl and Sid's favourite squeeze and regular spankee. Joan Sims as Sid's frumpish and interfering missus. Jim Dale as the callow 'young teacher' surrounded by a bevy of sexually voracious schoolgirls and struggling to impose discipline over them. Hattie Jacques as Matron (of course). Jack Douglas as that great Blushes archetype, the seedy and lascivious caretaker. Peter Butterworth and Kenneth Connor would also be contenders for the caretaker role but failing that they could be 'other teachers' as could Terry Scott. Then as the 'other schoolgirls' a roll call of the fabulous ladies who often supplied the supporting 'crumpet' roles in Carry Ons and other 1970s British comedies - Valerie Leon, Margaret Nolan, Imogen Hassall and Jacki Piper all spring to mind. I'd love to see it but, of course, I never will, not least because all those irreplaceable people are either dead or in old age (but for plenty of other reasons also!)

    1. Ah! Happy memories. One could always rely on Carry Ons for a bit of saucy enjoyment, perfect for spankers and/or female bottom connoisseurs with it's penchant for polically incorrect displays of bending over lovelies, accompanied by Sid James's wolf whistle or lascivious chuckling.

  3. That's a fully worked-out concept for the perfect Carry On film that we never got to see!.

    The Blushes Babs I was thinking of was the main cover girl of Blushes #1 whose photoset in that issue accompanied the story 'Approved School Report'. She was also, I think, one of the blondes wearing a delightfully snug lemon coloured outfit in the video 'What Bottoms Are For'. To my mind she was prettier, in a Babs kind of way, than the shorter girl of which you're thinking, whose impish appeal can also be enjoyed, I think, in the first scene of the video of 'Big Girls Do Cry' and in photosets such as 'Bleak House' in Blushes #6.

  4. Oh yes, I know who you mean now, Colin. She also appears in the photos for Fish and Chips and Hot Bottoms, one of my favourite stories, and one which has already appeared on this blog.

    On the Carry On front I'm actually thinking that Peter Butterworth could be moved to 'Chairman of the Board of Governors', a retired Colonel, sort of reprising his role as the lecherous 'Admiral' in Carry On Girls. In the Blushes universe, occupiers of this office are always eager to get in on the spanking and caning action of everyday school life.

    I suppose the following clip is the closest we'll ever get to what I'm talking about. I think Daddy Christmas would have been well within his rights to put naughty Babs over his knee and give her what for, with her knickers down, for her rather provocatively precocious behaviour:



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