Original Spanking Art — Saturday Night (Culver)

Culver declares war on Modern Miss…


  1. This was inspired by the discussion which follows August 27's post on 'Caned For Truancy', culminating in a clarion call for Gentlemen of the Citizens' Patrols to take up the rod. Comments were made about the need for the two chaps in the video to smarten up for the job. In my collage they're at it again, twitching curtains and expressing their exasperation at the licentiousness of the Modern Miss. The source of the image is the companion video posted on September 8, 'Prostitute Spanking'. The lone roue strategising in his armchair is from another video called, I believe, 'All The Colonel's Men'. The blurred female figures are generic, representing the heady types of hussy which the Tweed Army needs to set straight, be they stumbling through the streets of Manchester on a Saturday night or any other town or city centre up and down the country.

  2. I thank you very much for this, Culver. I'm so glad my thoughts, and the related video links I have supplied, on the scourge of provocatively, and sometimes scantily, clad young Jezebels running amok in our town and city centres of a weekend night time, have evidently been such an inspiration to you.

    Yes, the cane-wielding gentlemen of the Citizens' Patrol or 'tweed army', and the 9pm curfew for young women (Classes 3 & 4), will see to it that lawfulness and decency are restored to our streets. Not to mention the ultimate dreaded sanction – commitment to a 'reform and rehabilitation' facility.

    Of course, in the time to come no young woman would dare publicly flaunt herself in the scandalous manner which is commonplace today. I do not think that staggering around in high heels and other slutty garb whilst in a probable state of alcoholic inebriation (or worse) with all of the attendant moral dangers is acceptable recreation for young ladies. I always feel that young women's leisure time should be spent in more health promoting and athletic pursuits.

    Aside from arduous exercise regimes and cross country running and the like I am very taken with the idea of majoretting as being a wonderful activity for young women in the 18-25 age range, something which combines athleticism with artistic expression. There are many marvellous videos of these baton twirling troupes on youtube (it seems to be a very popular activity in Eastern Europe) and they provide a very pleasing contrast to the scenes in those night time videos. The uniforms are fabulous and it is so lovely to watch those short skirted and white booted young limbs pumping away in unison.

    The great thing is that this is an activity that gentleman disciplinarians can be very much involved in as trainers and troupe managers. A nice little hobby and pastime for retired Class 1 and 2 gents alongside their other disciplinary interests. Friendly competition between rival troupes, especially when the odd flutter is involved, will incentivise the quest for perfection as regards routines and their execution. Of course, as we all know, there is no greater means of obtaining maximum effort and focus from pretty young ladies than the threat of the cane being sharply wielded across their bared bottoms. The cane could also be employed in competition as punishment for any faults in performance – a dropped baton being the most obvious instance. This does tend to happen quite a bit actually in my observation. 6 strokes for that! There's at least two here who are going to be left with sore bottoms from amongst this little lot:


  3. Thanks, NMO. Those further comments and link are also an inspiration.

    1. I very much look forward to the results of that, Culver. In the meantime, here's some further inspiration. What a marvellous antidote to those squalid night time scenes of young female degeneracy featured elsewhere. You may, however, observe that a baton is dropped at 01:20. Oh dear!



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