Original Spanking Art — Visiting Hours at the Nursing Home (Culver)

Another Darcy companion piece from Culver, taking inspiration from Visiting Grandpa.


  1. New Moral Order6 May 2023 at 08:26

    Fantastic work, Culver. If I may say so, I think this is your greatest piece so far, certainly from the ones I have seen. I am so happy that you took my suggestion about 'Grandpa' from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which was itself inspired by Darcy's excellent original picture) and ran with it. The shot selection is terrific, fully capturing the trauma of a girl's session with dear old 'Grandpa' (or any spanking and caning Grandpa for that matter). But 'Grandpa' is so old (124 years!) and hideous looking that any time spent over his knee, or arranged in such a way that he can repeatedly whack a girl's bare bum with one of his trusty old canes, is especially terrifying. And it is not just spanking and caning that he is interested in, although there's certain parts of his anatomy that even the presence of naked young women is incapable of reviving from permanent slumber!

    So how does he get away with it? How is he allowed to be supplied with an endless stream of naked young women to physically chastise and molest? Including his own great (or even great great) granddaughters? Why is he permitted to terrorise the pretty, young, nylon clad care assistants who have to come to his room each day to wash him and perform other intimate duties such as changing his colostomy bag? It is simply this: Grandpa can only continue to live if he is constantly supplied with an endless stream of pretty young women to 'deal with' in his own inimitable fashion. For him such activity has been found to be a powerfully rejuvenating elixir of life. Why should he be left to die without it? Surely that would be rather cruel given that his quality of life is still so good so long as he has access to that which keeps him going? The doctors, therefore, have ruled that he must not be denied his special pleasures! Indeed, it would seem to me to be a small price to pay to preserve a happy human life.

    Dear old Grandpa. It is, of course, interesting to think that if he is 124 years now he would have retired from his teaching career in 1966. That would have been long before the rot properly set in (although by that point the societal changes that would eventually bring about the present day calamities were already very much under way). What a happy professional life he must have enjoyed, inhabiting as he did a now lost world of knickers down spanking, strapping and caning punishment. The thought, however, that he has been able to continue with these interests long, long, long into retirement certainly brings my heart great cheer.

    Maybe there is a lesson here for all ageing gentlemen?

  2. Thank you, New Moral Order. I was interested in your post for Darcy's piece. It's entertaining to read here your elaboration on your thoughts about a Grandpa Solomon character in a spanking context. For my piece, inspired by your post, I did indeed use for reference an image of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Grandpa. If he represents a 124 year old Blushes roue, I like to imagine this would be an aged incarnation of the chap whose regular appearances across the Blushes stable of magazines included, for example, 'The Order Of St Ethelburga' in 'Uniform Girls' (#14?). I'm not sure that we've seen any of his sets in this blog yet. Anyway, there's a certain likeness, I think. The images of the girl, from 'Blushes' #5, seemed to fit the horror connection as they're quite dark and she's certainly a screamer.

    What interested me about this discussion is the overlap between aspects of 'Blushes' material and subgenres of horror. In a different sphere this has come up before, when acclaimed horror writer Ramsey Campbell turned his attention to British spanking videos. I'd recommend his essay on these, 'Pulsating Posteriors And Submissive Misses Or, Strapped For Cash', published in his 'Ramsey Campbell, Probably'. Mr Campbell once even checked in, with a message, to 'bpc' ('blushing paddled cuties'), a long defunct yahoo group devoted to 'Blushes' material, a sort of forebear of this blog, when I'd pointed out the connection on there.

  3. You're right, the chap from St Ethelburga hasn't featured much yet. I think there are some in the pipeline. I did find one story in which he appears - https://room2dspanking.blogspot.com/2022/12/mr-cuthberts-christmas-present.html

  4. Ah, yes. That's the chap. Thanks, Mr Evans. Now 124 years old and going strong!

  5. New Moral Order6 May 2023 at 19:46

    If he was Grandpa in Texas Chainsaw Massacre and still alive he'd actually be 173 years old by now (born in 1850)! But let's stick with 124. How old was the chap we're talking about in those pictures? About 60? This would be about 1985? (I'm a bit sketchy about when those mags were published). So he'd be around 100 now (the passahe of time, hey, that's quite shocking in itself)? Must admit I was thinking more in terms of the two old geezers I most readily associate with Blushes photo sets - the two bald headed old chaps. I'm sure you know of who I speak!

    I do enjoy horror films though I wouldn't call myself a real afficionado. But when the Grandpa from Texas Chainsaw Massacre thing came to me I must admit I did start to think there is something a bit vampiric about the archetypal Blushes theme I enjoy so much - the older gentleman authority figure preying on the pretty young female in the ostensible name of old fashioned morality and order vs the lawlessness and immorality projected on to youth. The old and decaying sucking the lifeblood out of the young, in simple terms. Think of Countess Elizabeth Bathory perhaps (of Countess Dracula and Daughters of Darkness movie fame) bathing in the blood of the pretty young virgins she has murdered in a doomed effort to preserve her own youth.

    I have heard of Ramsey Campbell, though I've never read any of his books. I'm quite intrigued to read that essay you mention, so thank you for that. I may well purchase the book.


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