
Showing posts with the label Measuring

Sophie’s Special Fitting Session

Photo-story from Blushes 93 In Mr Kilmer’s back room a girl stands waiting, leaning against a small wooden table. Mr Kilmer of  Michael Kilmer — Bespoke Suits and Dresses , his not very glamorous-looking shop in one of the back streets off the town square. From what is shown in his single somewhat dusty display window he seems to deal in ladies’ garments Ladies and girls. And not too successfully one might imagine. Ah, but that drab window can give the wrong impression. Mr Kilmer does have a little coterie of special customers, for whom he provides an appreciated service. Because Michael Kilmer can run up just about whatever a person desires, He can translate the most exotic thought, even when only sketchily perceived, into a breathtaking creation. Is that why this girl is here this afternoon? She is quite tall, in a white-on-red polka-d

Blackwick’s — The Old School Tie

Story from Uniform Girls 13, a follow-up to  Blackwick’s — Tailors since 1897 Two gentlemen in a quiet corner of their club. ‘Blackwick, eh?’ ‘Yes, an absolutely first rate fellow. Make up anything you care to mention and no questions asked. And all in the strictest confidence. He’s made me up some quite splendid things for a couple of young ladies.’ ‘Ah. No questions eh?’ ‘None at all and he’ll do just anything. Keen to have his tailoring skills tested no doubt and also, I don’t doubt, keen to get his hands on a young person.’ A guffaw. ‘I mean when he’s got her up on his table or whatever to take her measurements I imagine those tailoring fingers can dip into all sorts of nooks and crannies. Eh?’ ‘Ah.’ ‘No harm done though. Except perhaps to young Miss’s dignity.’ A knowing smirk from his companion. ‘Just as long as it’s only his fingers, eh, what?’ They both laugh heartily. Then a pocket book is taken out and a