
Showing posts with the label Blushes

Into the Fire 2 - Navy Blue

Second in the series from Blushes 2 Do not boil, hand wash, girls aged 16 to 18. There’s something about a pair of navy knickers that makes a girl’s bottom just that bit more spankable; the feel of the material itself has the same attributes of femininity as the girl inside them — warm to the touch, soft and strokeable — and they do something to the girl too. With navy knickers on, and a smacked bottom in the offing, a girl’s grown-up image of herself is pretty difficult to maintain. No wonder that tears seem to flow more easily on occasions like this. Feeling less than grown up — the navy knickers and the schoolgirl vest don’t help — Wendy’s protests as she is hauled across the uncomfortable knees are no more than half-hearted. With her knickers taken down and Charles’ strong hands in the middle of her back, there really isn’t much that Wendy can do but wriggle. Wendy struggles with both Charles and herself; she knows that th

Into the Fire 1

First of a five-part series from Blushes 2 Charles gives his guests a warm welcome. Each time the strap landed across Jenny’s bum the sound of its landing persisted for a little, like the continuing resonance of a bell; a sort of sharp, ringing whisper in the bare room, coming back off the painted walls and tiled floor; and every time Jenny’s cries cut across the echo so that you couldn’t be sure how long the ringing might have gone on before it faded below the level at which it was still audible. With every stroke Jenny’s legs jerked out straight behind her, her toes pushing convulsively against the floor and making the legs of the punishment bench scrape nerve-searchingly across the shiny tiles; the violence of her jolting sent a tremor along the six foot plank which supported both Jenny at one end and a second girl at the other. Wendy felt the tremors as they communicated themselves to her own bare belly, uncomfortab

Fish and Chips and Hot Bottoms

From Blushes 62 ‘I’ve got something rather nice coming. You might be interested, Harold.’ The speaker’s name is Arthur Grigham. He and his companion, Harold Benkins, are sitting in a quiet corner of the bar of the Sea View Hotel which is a substantial and rather stylish Edwardian building on the front in the centre of town. They are both fiftyish, in quiet but well-cut country suits. Solid middle-class citizens — the owner of a well-established men’s outfitters and an accountant respectively — in this pleasant south coast holiday town. Harold Benkins smiles. ‘I’m always interested in nice things.’ Mr Grigham glances around the room in a relaxed manner. It is a quiet Wednesday evening with the season not yet started and the bar is largely empty. There is no need to lower his voice beyond the normal. ‘A pair of college girls. Rather nice ones. Two rather stunning blondes in fact. You might be interested?’ Harold Benkins rais