
Showing posts from March, 2025

Don’t Do It Mr Hodgson & Condemned to the Cane

A double-bill of school gym hall punishments. Don’t Do It Mr Hodgson — Greta thinks it’s fun to vandalize school property as it’s just a bit of harmless pranks. However this time her harmless prank is about to put Greta’s posterior in harm ’ s way. Mr Hodgson will teach a hard and painful lesson. After a sound spanking a gym shoe drives the point home, followed by a cane. Condemned to the Cane — Leslie has always hated gym class. Her reluctance to perform aerobic exercise has landed her detention hall once again, under the supervision of Mr Dawson. When she fails to perform to his satisfaction he administers a severe spanking and bare bottomed caning. Finally she is compelled to stand at attention, totally nude, for the remainder of the period. Review from : Mr Hodgson, in a white lab coat, is a gym teacher, setting up an indoor soccer goal. A brunette Valerie Bertinelli-type in full schoolgirl regalia, has bee...

Social Climber

From Blushes 8. One of the three source stories for the Blushes video Detention Room , as referenced (and quoted from) in the promotional magazine pieces for that excellent film. The pictures don't really match the text, and the focus of the story shifts rather abruptly towards the end, but nevertheless an excellent piece. On this warm spring evening, Mr Eversley’s detention-taking has reached that point where any pretence of regularity about the proceedings has worn rather thin; regularity in the sense of how an ordinary detention after school might be expected to be conducted, that is, which is not to say that Mr Eversley hasn’t regularly been doing things in his own special way ever since he was appointed Deputy to the Headmaster several years ago. Mr Eversley’s detentions are his own personal enterprises and have nothing whatsoever in common with those detention sessions which form a normal part of the school’s ordinary di...

Orphaned Alan Bell Artwork 5

A couple of delightful drawings from Justice 39 (and possible elsewhere) this week, featuring a blushing girl guide submitting to an inspection from the founder/leader of the troop.