Prefect Punishment

Photo-story from Janus 137 and some appreciative letters from subsequent editions. Culver has questioned whether Lucy Naylor is, in fact, the model Karina under a different name. Lucy Naylor has just turned eighteen and attends a school which incorporates tertiary education. Soon enough she’ll be at college, but right now she’s a schoolgirl still, and wears the uniform to prove it. Lucy would be first to admit she’s not the greatest scholar. She hates Maths, Languages are a nightmare, Biology’s a bore. She’s quite good at English, though spelling isn’t her strong point. It’s games she excels at, being good at sprinting, long jump and netball. She works hard at her schoolwork though, making up in application what she lacks in flair, so when she entered sixth form at the beginning of term she was entrusted with the role of Prefect, of which she’s very proud. The fact that Lucy’s a Prefect doesn’...