Letters from Blushes 29

Dear Editor, At times your magazine is really fantastic. Some of the photography is wonderful and your writers do have a sexy edge still (not that we like a lot of articles, we prefer photos). Six of us, in Cardiff, have joined together to buy all your productions; it’s the way we can afford them all. You are still producing a classic in and out, but I’m sure you have noticed how your rivals are copying and even now at times outdoing you. We only buy a different mag occasionally to see if their standard is worth it. We’ve enclosed one of your rivals’ pictures. We’re sure you’ll have seen the set. It’s not the best but that’s because they do what you do; print the best back to back. It’s very frustrating for cutting out. We keep a scrap book, you see, of the best set from each magazine you put out. Look — in the accompanying photo the girls are perfectly posed, vulnerable, available; it’s easy to add the restraints. Please Blushes , you are still the best but don’t be overtake...