Reggie abounds with enthusiasm. Story from Blushes 1 Leaving the hall after morning assembly, Reggie’s mood of optimistic anticipation is given even more of a lift by the sight of Elizabeth Brown, in company with her friend, Chalmers, hurrying along the corridor in the direction of his study to keep their assignations with him, the representatives of the Board of Governors, and the business-end of a cane, in that order. Two short skirts, each plumped out by full hips and — as he knows from experience gained on other occasions — decidedly caneable bottoms, flick to and fro across the backs of bare thighs, beckoning him to follow. He resists the urge to hurry along behind and instead walks sedately towards his study relishing the prospect of beginning the day with two howling prefects to get him off to a good start. The likely presence of Miss Wilkinson, a member of the Board, at the forthcoming meeting, dismays Reggie not at all....