
Letters from Blushes 23

Dear Sir, I refer to your excellent Issue 22, and in particular to a letter from one ‘J.S’, headed Congratulations , which has sparked off my interest enormously! What a splendid idea, that readers should ‘adopt’ a suitably youthful and attractive teenager of their acquaintance and then report to other readers on their plans for dealing with her in loco parentis , as it were! And what a fellow this J.S. is! I can just imagine him chatting amiably with his ‘sweet, sizably-bottomed’ Miranda, playing the kindly neighbour or whatever he is, and all the while picturing that pretty face distorted with crying and wet with tears, that bottom squirming across his lap and, ‘in respect of food and board,’ the delightful Miranda spreadeagled across her bed making the payments that J. S. said he would expect her to make, ‘when he felt like it.’ You can’t trust anyone, can you! The one omission from J.S.’s letter was a photograph of Miranda. What a pity he couldn’t have sneaked a snap of her,

The Piano Lesson

Rounding out Lessons month, let’s get musical… Review from F/f; year: 1986; time:  23 minutes Actress Priscilla Eastwood, with the skill of appearing barely legal, plays an early role for CalStar distribution, in the years when  Roué  and  Blushes  were making the under-the-counter ageplay spanking films. Priscilla took the sweet spanking in  Naughty Aupair , which remains in our top-10. She always seems so genuinely unhappy about the concept of someone spanking her bare bottom. Here she plays a lazy music student, caught reading steamy fiction while playing with herself when she should be studying and practicing. A harsh female teacher will straighten her out, probably fulfilling the fantasies of many a piano teacher with lazy nubile teenage students. Blond Miss Eastwood in pigtails and perfect school garb is sent to the bathroom to clean up; before reporting in 10 minutes to the teacher — the actress has experience on what we want to see here. The teache

The Red Belt of Saint Ethelburga

The second part, from Uniform Girls 14 The well-oiled lock of the oak door of St Martha’s Retreat opening smoothly to Father James’s key. Opening and then closing again behind the monk and his young postulant companion. The equally well-oiled bolt sliding into place. No interruptions were wanted while this beauteous young woman was at her devotions. Not half-an-hour ago Father James had been in here with the girl’s visitor, one of the infrequent visits the nuns were allowed. And by some quirk of chance her knickers, removed in an earlier devotion, had been carelessly left lying on the sofa. For the Reverend Father to snatch up quick-wittedly before they caught the visitor’s eye. That was the reason, or the excuse, that she was here again: that error — though it had not been her doing but that of the other monk, Brother Oswald. Not that knickers being taken off was in any way rare or unusual at the Priory of St Ethelberga. A new

The Exploits of Mitzi 3

From Fessée 6

The Order of Saint Ethelburga

First part of two, from Uniform Girls 14 The sound of crisp, clear voices soaring above the more sombre tones of the organ. Female voices chanting in joyful unison as they had no doubt done in these ancient stone walls over hundreds of years. Father James smiled at his visitor. ‘They will be at practice for another 30 minutes. The human voice is a truly marvellous instrument, is it not, Mr Whitford? And I always think especially the female voice. Yes: the sound of angels. When trained, of course, to bring it into its full flowering. Brother Oswald does an outstanding job with them. But it is a labour of love; he is a wonderfully dedicated man.’ The visitor, Anthony Whitford, murmured assent. The soaring voices were marvellous. How many would there be? A dozen was it he had been told, nuns and novitiates, in this small daughter house of the Order. One of their number his own niece, Alison, whom he had come to visit today.