
Showing posts with the label Religious

Reverend’s Reverse

Story from Roue 2 Ossie hummed as he walked briskly along in step with Matron, their footsteps squeaking in unison on the highly polished parquet floor of the long corridor. ‘You’re cheerful,’ said Matron, as if enquiring the reason why. ‘Am I?’ asked Ossie, and seemed to consider. ‘Oh, well perhaps I am.’ They squelched and squeaked to the angle of the hall and turned down another long corridor. A girl stepped deferentially to one side as they passed. Matron glowering at her and Ossie winking and making the girl smile in a rather confused way. At the far end of the second corridor Matron swung aside and wrenched noisily at the handle of a heavy, green-painted door. The door refused to open. Matron belatedly produced a key on a ring and rattled it in the lock. She smiled apologetically for her forgetfulness and pushed the door open for Ossie to precede her. The girl sitting on the hard wooden chair scampered to her feet